Galactic Empire Quotes

Quotes tagged as "galactic-empire" Showing 1-30 of 74
Claudia Gray
“He’d spent his entire childhood suffering under the cruelty of one hypocrite; he refused to inflict suffering on behalf of another, even if that person was the Emperor.”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

John Jackson Miller
“Accept no favors, and you’ll never owe any.”
John Jackson Miller, Bottleneck

Paul S. Kemp
“He’d wanted to be the spark that started a fire across the galaxy.”
Paul S. Kemp, Lords of the Sith

Claudia Gray
“That was how evil magnified itself: it took root in the young and grew along with them. Each generation provided the next level of abuse. We’re teaching children to approve of slavery. We’re teaching them cruelty is a virtue.
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Ken Liu
“Uniforms can be deceiving—both to the wearers and to those looking at them.”
Ken Liu, Star Wars: The Legends of Luke Skywalker

Claudia Gray
She wants to either bring back the Empire or take me to bed, Ransolm thought. Possibly both.
Claudia Gray, Bloodline

“They’re out there, Drake. They’ll come back to Coruscant, restore the order and make things the way they were. We must stay true to the Force… to take back what’s been taken.”
Paul Ens, Star Wars: Evasive Action - Recruitment

“Yoda was wrong. It’s credits that bind the galaxy together.”
Paul Ens, Star Wars: Evasive Action - Recruitment

Claudia Gray
“All Imperial officers should be prepared to sacrifice their lives to do their duty.”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

“Everything turns in cycles. That is the way of life.”
Tessa Gratton, Stories of Jedi and Sith

“It’s not what one is able to do… It’s what one is willing to do that gives him power, Padawan.”
Paul Ens, Star Wars: Evasive Action - Recruitment

“The traitorous acts of the Jedi Council don’t have to destroy the kind of future we were meant to lead, brother. Traveling to far away planets, fighting the enemy. Protecting the galaxy. Same mission, just new uniforms. You could once again carry your lightsaber in public… with pride.”
Paul Ens, Star Wars: Evasive Action - Recruitment

“The Emperor works in ways a glorified trinket merchant like you could never understand.”
Paul Ens, Star Wars: Evasive Action - End Game

Claudia Gray
“His cynical nature told him nobody was too pure or noble to be corrupted—but it also told him people who benefited from the status quo rarely tried to change it.”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Alexander Freed
“This is how the Emperor has always operated, back to the time of the Republic — the gun is less threatening than the lie.”
Alexander Freed, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Claudia Gray
“Ciena needed a superior officer she could respect. Someone who would take charge, someone in whom she could put her trust.”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Claudia Gray
“Those who were brutalized sometimes became brutal in return.”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Claudia Gray
“That wasn’t loyalty to the Empire. That was…fanaticism.”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Sam Maggs
“The Fifth Brother’s knees hurt; he was pleased about that. He liked the reminder that he was real, and the pain was part of it.”
Sam Maggs, Jedi: Battle Scars

Alexander Freed
“At the age of fifteen, during the winter when she’d discovered smashball, romance, and her parents’ profound imperfections, Mon Mothma had decided to devote her life to studying history; decided to turn her back on her family’s political dynasty and to spend her days in a cramped study reading thousand-year-old diaries and letters and cargo manifests until her eyes burned. She would be detective, coroner, and philosopher all at once, examining means and motive and cause of death for entire civilizations.
She hadn’t become a historian, of course. By the next summer, Mon’s moment of rebellion had been forgotten. Inertia and family pressures and a genuine love of governance had returned her to the road to politics. She’d gone on to become a senator (far too young, she thought now) and scrabbled for votes and smiled and kept her head above water until she’d learned how to play the game for real.”
Alexander Freed, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

E.K. Johnston
“She learned that the main weapon of the Empire, after fear, was hunger. She had seen this strategy at work on Raada and also during the Clone Wars, but to see it applied on such a large scale made her very uncomfortable. The Empire was still new, still establishing itself in the outer reaches of the galaxy, and yet it was already incredibly powerful. And she realized that she had helped build it. The mechanisms put in place during the Clone Wars had been twisted for the Empire’s use, and every day the Emperor’s hold grew tighter. She almost admired Palpatine for his ability to pull off a long-term plan—except for his being evil and all.”
E.K. Johnston, Ahsoka

Claudia Gray
“Things fall apart, Ciena. Our parents saw the Republic self-destruct. The Empire might last another year or another decade, but eventually there’s going to be a brand-new order and brand-new law. Who will you serve then?”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Alexander Freed
“This was not the fate Krennic had envisioned for Jedha. The Death Star was designed to obliterate worlds, not maim them. Yet he wondered if the moon would ever recover from such an attack, or whether the cascading effects of a burning atmosphere and broken crust would result in a tortuous death played out across millennia. He felt in his bones that his weapon had exposed something profound—about the nature of worlds, about their lifeblood and their death throes—though he could not have put it into words. Maybe, he thought, that’s what poets are for.
Alexander Freed, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Claudia Gray
“If the good people leave, doesn’t that make everything worse?”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Claudia Gray
Bear witness, she thought. That’s all you can do for them now, so do it.
Claudia Gray, Leia, Princess of Alderaan

“You no longer have names. You are only numbers.
Robbie Thompson, Star Wars: Han Solo - Imperial Cadet

Claudia Gray
“So you gave up your dream to do your duty.”
Claudia Gray, Bloodline

Claudia Gray
“If you’re only trying to be the opposite of a thing, you’re still letting that thing define you.”
Claudia Gray, Leia, Princess of Alderaan

Charles Soule
“I am an extension of the Emperor’s will. My actions here simply execute his directives. The Emperor is the mind. I am his tool. Is a tool responsible if it is used to kill someone?”
Charles Soule, Star Wars: Lando

It’s that special day again—May the 4th be with you! Let's channel our inner Jedi and harness the force of positivity, adventure, and a touch of cosmic wit. Embrace the spirit of the galaxy far, far away, where droids beep, lightsabers hum, and epic adventures await. So, whether you're battling the dark side of procrastination or navigating the asteroid field of daily challenges, remember: with the force on your side, anything is possible. May the 4th be with you, always!”
Life is Positive

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