Gods And Monsters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gods-and-monsters" Showing 1-18 of 18
Lana Del Rey
“In the land of Gods and Monsters
I was an Angel
Living in the garden of evil
Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed
Shining like a fiery beacon

You got that medicine I need
Fame, Liquor, Love give it to me slowly
Put your hands on my waist, do it softly
Me and God, we don't get along so now I sing

No one's gonna take my soul away
I'm living like Jim Morrison
Headed towards a fucked up holiday
Motel sprees sprees and I'm singing
'Fuck yeah give it to me this is heaven, what I truly
It's innocence lost
Innocence lost

In the land of Gods and Monsters
I was an Angel
Looking to get fucked hard
Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer
Life imitates art

You got that medicine I need
Dope, shoot it up, straight to the heart please
I don't really wanna know what's good for me
God's dead, I said 'baby that's alright with me'

No one's gonna take my soul away
I'm living like Jim Morrison
Headed towards a fucked up holiday
Motel sprees sprees and I'm singing
'Fuck yeah give it to me this is heaven, what I truly
It's innocence lost
Innocence lost

When you talk it's like a movie and you're making me
Crazy -
Cause life imitates art
If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?
You tell me, "life isn't that hard"

No one's gonna take my soul away
I'm living like Jim Morrison
Headed towards a fucked up holiday
Motel sprees sprees and I'm singing
'Fuck yeah give it to me this is heaven, what I truly
It's innocence lost
Innocence lost”
Lana Del Rey

Laini Taylor
“It’s all I want, to be beside you, helping you. If it takes forever, all the better, if it’s forever with you.”
Laini Taylor, Dreams of Gods & Monsters

“It’s just how it is. Not everybody was born to be inherently ‘good’. The world is going to be filled with different characters, different flavours, different levels of respectability and whatnot, and Louis just so happens to be on the lower ranks. He’s not good, he’s not brave, and he’s not out to save anyone except himself. Even fairytales have their villains — it’s a part of life. And it’s always been that way. Louis’ always been a bit harsher around the edges. He certainly isn’t going to be winning any “Humanitarian of the Year” awards, that’s for sure. And he doesn’t mind it so much, being thoroughly unaffected by anything and everything and totally removed from his peers and their very trivial lives. Because he’s not like the rest of them. That’s the thing. They’re all the fucking same. With their money and their uppity attitudes and twattiness and their preconceived notions and recycled sentences that disappear as quickly as they come. The same.”

Christopher Bram
“He swings the knocker against the door. The entire building booms like a drum. It continues booming after he lets go, banging like a clock striking the hour, rattling like a great tin drum.”
Christopher Bram

Drew Hayden Taylor
“The thunderbirds, like dinosaurs, were now creatures of the past: lost long ago, with the coming of disease and famine brought by hairy strangers. Except, in today’s world dinosaurs were celebrated by palaeontologists and thunderbirds by cultural anthropologists. But John still remembered them, those magnificent creatures. (...) They, like the man on the motorcycle, had been born in an age when gods, monsters, humans and animals ate at the same table. Now man ate alone, while animals begged for scraps. The others were unable to survive in the new times and had disappeared into the folds of time. Who knew gods and monsters could and did fall victim to evolution?”
Drew Hayden Taylor

Eda J. Vor
“But this is the power of storytelling, isn’t it? To make sense of the things we can’t figure out ourselves. We make up gods and monsters and origin stories and archetypes and tell each other it’s all explainable so we don’t have to feel the weight of the unknown. That’s the theory anyway. The practice is that we’re all so much better at seeing the faults of others, at watching them make their mistakes and judging from afar, our social telescopes so much more powerful than the microscopes we forget to use on ourselves.”
Eda J. Vor, Fully Functioning: a postpartum descent into obsessive fangirling

“He is order. She is chaos. One cannot exist without the other, and if she were to lose that, war would be the least of our problems.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“The most powerful being in the entire realm is not the World Ender, but the one who protects the World Ender. The one who brought him back from the dead.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“Do you know what it feels like to have your soul cleaved in two? To have it ripped from you? That's what it felt like when you died in my arms. Pure, blinding, pain that I don't think this world or the next has a word for. So don't stand there scolding me like a fucking child. You are not my father. I killed him to get to you, and I still wasn't in time. I would burn the world for you, Samkiel, and I would happily hand over my soul so that you may live. I would do it all again if it meant you existed.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“You destroyed a world for me?"
She did not fully understand the lengths I would go for her. Destroying a world was not even a fraction of it. She thought me a hero, but a hero would defy others for the greater good. She was mine, and for her, I'd do the unthinkable. My strong, fierce, beautiful girl who thought she could take the world on all by herself. Only she had me now, and gods above and below help anyone who thought they could hurt or take her from me.
"I'd destroy several worlds if it meant keeping you safe. You have no idea the limits I'd go for you.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“Я чту Слово Божие, потому что люблю его поэтическую силу. Я испытываю к нему отвращение, потому что ненавижу его жестокость.”
Паскаль Мерсье, Night Train to Lisbon

Vamsidhar Chaturvedula
“Gods and monsters: they are just the different names people give to justify their clinging to something higher, to hide their inherent weakness-driven pathetic behaviors. They will form cults after you. They will blindly follow you. You think you are liberating them, but all you are doing is binding them stronger.”
Vamsidhar Chaturvedula, Fight Story : Life Will Always Be a Fight Between Destiny and Will

The way the oracle had laughed echoed in my head.
"Do you think you can touch death, girl, and it not take something from you?”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“By the old gods and new, I was no longer the scared girl who held back but a queen born of darkness, flame, and anger.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“Oblivion," Isaiah whispered. "How did you get that from Mera?"
My lips curled in disgust. "I did not get it. I am it. Oblivion is not something anyone can take from me.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“He was my missing piece, and he was finally where he belonged, utterly and completely with me. I finally understood why mates went insane, why they raged, and why they broke when they lost it. If it felt like this, then absence was beyond pain, beyond agony. I thought I was a rage-filled, damned beast before, but if someone took this from me, I'd make the leader of evil look like a saint.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“Samkiel lightly grabbed my arms.
"How could I not be completely and utterly in love with you?"
"You love me?" My heart melted.
"With everything I am and everything I will be."
My world stopped. It was fractured and remade with those words. They weren't just words but a promise, a declaration from two people who had been burned by the world. We had lost everything and never wished to share with another so deeply. He had offered me his heart, and in return, I'd given him the broken pieces of mine. It was more than love for us, and I knew now it always had been.”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

“It was not sharp or piercing but an agony that melted your bones, scorched your flesh, and carved a hole so deep into you that you'd pray for a quick death to be with them. So no, it was not love. It was more necessary, like air in my lungs, blood in my veins. It wasn't just a nebulous emotion that came and went on a whim. This bond was a near physical thing, tangible and constant”
Amber V. Nicole, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen