Going Bovine Quotes

Quotes tagged as "going-bovine" Showing 1-10 of 10
Libba Bray
“I'm just saying it's not all sand castles and ninjas.”
Libba Bray, Going Bovine

Libba Bray
“Maybe there’s a heaven, like they say, a place where everything we’ve ever done is noted and recorded, weighed on big karma scales. Maybe not. Maybe this whole thing is just a giant experiment run by aliens who find out human hijinks amusing. Or maybe we’re an abandoned project started by a deity who checked out a long time ago, but we’re still hard-wired to believe, to try to make meaning out of the seemingly random. Maybe we’re all part of the same unconscious stew, dreaming the same dreams, hoping the same hopes, needing the same connection, trying to find it, missing, trying again—each of us playing our parts in the other’s plotlines, just one big ball of human yarn tangled up together. Maybe this is it.”
Libba Bray

Libba Bray
“Wow, you're awesome and The universe loves a winner, so the universe must really love you!”
Libba Bray

Libba Bray
“I've never done acid, finding it hard to go willingly to a place that could be frightening, hellish, and totally beyond my control. A place much like high school.”
Libba Bray

Libba Bray
“We all walk in a land of dreams. For what are we but atoms and hope, a handful of stardust and sinew? We are weary travelers trying to find our way home on a road that never ends. Am I a part of your dream? or are you but a part of mine?”
Libba Bray

Libba Bray
“Free the snow globes!”
Libba Bray, Going Bovine

Libba Bray
“I've been poked and prodded in places I'd always prided myself on keeping untouched for that one special doctor who gives me a ring and a promise someday.”
Libba Bray

Libba Bray
“How now Mad Cow?”
Libba Bray

Libba Bray
“I thought I was having an existential crisis, but it was nothing.
Please don't tailgate: body in trunk.”
Libba Bray

Libba Bray
Eu considerei a sua cara e sabia a felicidad," Balder murmurs from the backseat, his eyes still closed. "I looked upon your face and knew happiness."
Without further warning, the sky opens up and cries.”
Libba Bray, Going Bovine