Good Luck Quotes

Quotes tagged as "good-luck" Showing 1-30 of 43
Roman Payne
“I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries wide. And everywhere I went, the world was on my side.”
Roman Payne, Rooftop Soliloquy

Erik Pevernagie
“When a soothing wind blows gently love through the thistledown of expectations, hope may inveigle the future for timeless care and tenderness to be anchored in a bay of good luck. ("Happiness blowing in the wind" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Cath Crowley
“Shitness, my sister says, has a momentum that good luck just doesn't have.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue

“People who believe they have bad luck create bad luck. Those who believe they are very fortunate, that the world is a generous place filled with trustworthy people, live in exactly that kind of world.”
Chris Prentiss, The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure: A Holistic Approach to Total Recovery

أنيس منصور
“لحسن حظ الكاتب فإنه لا يسمع ما يقوله الفارئ ، إنما يتخيله.
ولحسن حظ الكاتب أيضا أن عنقه بعيد عن يدي القارئ وعن كل الأسلحة الحادة التي في بيته”
أنيس منصور, في السياسة الجزء الثاني

Amit Kalantri
“Write your bane in a sand, your blessing in a stone.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some lives were saved by accident; some, by an accident.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Shon Mehta
“You can spoil your good luck with your stupidity, but even with all the smartness in the world, you can never outrun your bad luck.”
Shon Mehta, Stories Of Jivavarta

Charles Dickens
“The blessing was from a young child’s lips, but it was the first that Oliver had ever heard invoked upon his head; and through the struggles and sufferings, and troubles and changes, of his after life, he never once forgot it.”
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

Stewart Stafford
“People say they don’t believe in luck: luck is the reason the dinosaurs got wiped out and why human beings became the new dominant species on this planet.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“The Lucky Looking Glass by Stewart Stafford

Woken from a nightmare,
He walked to his bathroom,
Treading on a hand mirror,
Breaking it, to his horror.

Payback of a reflection dodged,
With a lifespan of scars healed,
Dark energies bilaterally wiped,
A poisonous duo counterbalanced.

From then on, Plutus's grin shone,
A Midas touch with an off switch,
Winning streaks of a Texan width,
Cracked mirror coffin for the next life.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“The Seer's Map by Stewart Stafford

Howling dog, thou cursèd hound,
Plaguest thy master with baleful sound,
The cur's yelps taint the air around;
A dirge for all that hear thy wound.

The rooftop magpie foretells:
Herald of guests to visit soon,
A noisy speech announceth,
Companions of the afternoon.

Lucky horseshoe and iron key,
Bringeth good fortune to the finder,
But spilling salt provokes fate,
And draws the evil eye's reminder.

A shoe upon the table laid,
Tempts the dead to live anon,
For this ungracious gesture waketh,
Flesh and blood from skeleton.

Who crosses the path of hare or priest,
A perilous milestone on thy road,
Their very presence signifies
That gathering trouble doth forebode.

A toad on thy merry travels,
Brings sweet smiles and kindest charms,
Keep one about thy person warm,
To shelter safe from danger's harms.

Red sky at night delights the eye,
Of shepherd that beholds thy light,
Thy colour doth betoken dawn
Of weather fair and clear and bright.

Red sky at morn troubles the heart,
Of shepherd that surveys thy shade,
Thy hue doth presage day
Of stormy blast and tempest made.

December's thunder balm,
Speaks of harvest's tranquil mind,
January's thunder, fierce!
Warns of war and gales unkind.

An itchy palm hints at gold
To come into thy hand ere long,
But if thou scratch it, thou dost lose
The fair wind that blows so strong.

A Sunday Christmas forewarns:
Three signs of what the year shall hold;
A winter mild, a Lenten wind,
And summer dry, to then unfold.

Good luck charm on New Year's Day
Maketh fortune bloom all year,
But to lose it or give it away,
Thou dost invite ill-omened fear.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Christina Engela
“These mods made significant improvements to the cars – enough so that I changed my mind (another procedure altogether) every time I thought of selling the damn thing and buying a Toyota. I hope you benefit from this and preserve your ailing finances!
Good luck!”
Christina Engela, Bugspray

Stacey Ballis
“I look at the spread on the counter. I took Jacob's advice and went all out on the classic Southern good luck New Year's foods. In addition to my medium-rare porterhouse, there is hoppin' John over buttered Carolina gold rice, slow-cooked collard greens, corn pudding. The black-eyed peas are good luck in the Southern tradition but also in the Jewish, albeit not usually cooked with bacon the way these are. The greens are supposed to represent money, the corn represents gold. We're closing on the house this week, and I'll take whatever good luck I can find to start the New Year, hoping for a career resurrection and some personal clarity. There is a pan of three-layer slutty brownies sitting on the counter, chocolate chip cookie on the bottom, a layer of Oreos in the middle, brownie batter on top with swirls of cream cheese.”
Stacey Ballis, Recipe for Disaster

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Our survival is a result, not of caution or wisdom, but of pure luck.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“We passed a building ad with a Japanese businessman who had a huge white cat's face poking out from behind his head, and a slogan written in Japanese that looked very happy based on the pink-and-red coloring of the letters.
Hold up. Excuse me?
"What's that ad for?" I asked.
Uncle Masa said, "It's a political ad. That man is running for parliament."
"Why the cat?" I approved, obviously, but it made no sense.
Emiko said, "Cats are revered in Japan. You will see many shops with cat figurines on display. They're called maneki-neko, or 'beckoning cats.' They're considered good luck."
I didn't like all their rules, but a country that revered cats had potential.”
Rachel Cohn, My Almost Flawless Tokyo Dream Life

Anas Hamshari
“I always assumed that I was born with bad luck. The truth is, luck only played 10% of the cards while the remaining 90% had to be played in mine.”
Anas Hamshari, Businessman With An Affliction

Anthon St. Maarten
“Transforming your life does not require extraordinary luck, magic or miracles. You can b begin to change your life at any moment by simply changing your attitude.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Ari Gunzburg
“Most people don’t realize that people who seem to have good luck often create it for themselves. They create it by focusing on the positive. Good luck comes from being in tune with what you desire, in tune with your destiny.”
Ari Gunzburg, The Little Book of Greatness: A Parable About Unlocking Your Destiny

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Because of ignorance, we often attribute to good genes—and therefore good luck—fruits of things such as exercise, reading, meditation, and fasting.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Kristian Ventura
“Even “Good luck!” is scary. Mr. Pryer said that today. He ended the class and he was like, ‘Good luck in life guys!’ and we all said thank you, but I was like: “Good luck in life? Seriously?" That's fucking terrifying. it seemed that life after someone says, ‘Good luck’ means we’re about to be eaten by wolves or something.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

James Clear
“Most lucky events in life are opportunities, not outcomes.
The value of an opportunity changes depending on how it is treated. Without effort, good luck becomes a missed opportunity. With effort, good luck can become a life-changing event.
You need luck and hard work. It's not either/or. It's both/and. The result will not walk through the door on its own.”
James Clear

“Darling listen - I want you to wake up now...
Oh, no.. you took me otherwise. I am not asking you to wake up early today & do the same thing you did yesterday, I want you to wake up in life...

To wake up in life means to become more of yourself, to express yourself, to show the world how you're unique & the best, everyday.

To wake up in life means shifting your mindset from “Things happen to me” to “I make things happen”… It also means to remain happy with what you have while working hard for what you want.

To wake up in life means putting a full stop to “watering the WEEDS” & begin “watering the SEEDS”… It also means to stop over-dreaming & under-acting.

To wake up in life means shifting your mindset from “what is missing” to “what you’re grateful for”… & giving your best shot to everything & achieving every single thing you possibly CAN!

Good luck & Tons of Good Wishes!”
Rajesh Goyal

Shea Ernshaw
“He starts to turn away, then stops, scratching at his beard, considering something, before bending low in the grass and plucking something from the soil. He holds it out in his palm. "Good luck, giant," he says, nodding.
In his palm rests a tiny green leaf.
"It's a four-leaf clover," he explains with a wink. "And one that's been plucked from inside St. Patrick Town is particularly lucky."
I take the green clover from his palm and hold it up to the clouded sky, marveling at its four perfectly rounded leaves. It smells of soil and rain, resting delicately between my fingertips. And it looks just like the clover on the doorway into this realm.
"Thank you," I say to him, but when I glance up, he's already vanished into the thick green spruce trees and falling raindrops.”
Shea Ernshaw, Long Live the Pumpkin Queen: Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas

Steven Magee
“Good luck with finding a mental health care provider in the pandemic!”
Steven Magee

Andrew Pacholyk
“May winds of change meander through
your heart and home and bring a few…
of extra special good luck charms
and bless and keep you from all harm.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Pearls of Light: passion, poetry & positive affirmations

“Ah, the Lunar New Year —a time of vibrant traditions, sumptuous feasts, and ancient wisdom. Amidst the festive dragon dances and glittering lanterns, it whispers profound life lessons. Like the patient blooming of cherry blossoms, it teaches resilience in adversity. The red envelopes, symbols of generosity, remind us of the joy of giving. And in the gathering of loved ones, it celebrates the power of community and connection”
Life is Positive

“Happy Lunar New Year! It's time to channel your inner dragon and breathe fire into your goals. Let's kick off this year with a fire of confidence, fierce determination, and unstoppable energy. Here's to embracing change, chasing dreams, and devouring all the delicious dumplings along the way. Wishing you a year filled with laughter, prosperity, and unforgettable adventures. Let's make this Year of the Dragon one to remember! Dragon energy, activate!”
Life is Positive

Suzanne Collins
“What about a good-luck hug?”
Suzanne Collins

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