Grace Of God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "grace-of-god" Showing 1-30 of 289
C. JoyBell C.
“It's not the law of religion nor the principles of morality that define our highways and pathways to God; only by the Grace of God are we led and drawn, to God. It is His grace that conquers a multitude of flaws and in that grace, there is only favor. Favor is not achieved; favor is received.”
C. JoyBell C.

Matt Chandler
“Without a heart transformed by the grace of Christ, we just continue to manage external and internal darkness.”
Matt Chandler, The Explicit Gospel

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Repentance was never yet produced in any man's heart apart from the grace of God. As soon may you expect the leopard to regret the blood with which its fangs are moistened,—as soon might you expect the lion of the wood to abjure his cruel tyranny over the feeble beasts of the plain, as expect the sinner to make any confession, or offer any repentance that shall be accepted of God, unless grace shall first renew the heart.”
Charles H. Spurgeon

Amy E. Spiegel
“Grace isn't just forgiveness, it is forgiveness fueled by surrender.”
Amy E. Spiegel, Letting Go of Perfect: Women, Expectations, and Authenticity

Criss Jami
“Divinity for the sake of the simple-minded is beautiful. Those theological assertions you write, say, or live by that you later feel foolish about, it means God still lives in you enough to tell you that they were indeed foolish. By mistakes you know you are alive.”
Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

R. Alan Woods
“God has certainly not called us to throw our brains out the window as an appropriate response to His Grace".

R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods, Apologia: A Collection of Christian Essays

Michael M. Rose
“Maybe if we focused on being light & less on the dark, we might actually see things change.”
Michael M. Rose

LaKaysha Stenersen
“We get tired, we get weary, we get out of tune with God's music. The praise we attempt to sing, the speaking of His grace…it falls flat like an old,weary guitar string. That's why we have to go out best to let Christ tune our hearts daily—with tension, with gentle rebukes and loving comfort, strumming and tightening until a pure note wings from our soul.
And then we can honestly sing of His grace once again.”
LaKaysha Stenersen, Sing Thy Grace

Amogh Swamy
“Everything I have,
Is the alms
You have bestowed upon me
At your feet, my head shall rest.”
Amogh Swamy, On My Way To Infinity: A Seeker's Poetic Pilgrimage

“True ambition is the desire to live usefully and walk humbly under the grace of God.”
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

“The law of God, clarified by Jesus throughout His ministry, together with the good news of God's mercy and salvation, will motivate people to open their hearts to Him or to harden their hearts. When a person exercises saving faith, given to him by the grace of God, he believes both the law which would condemn him and the gospel which saves him from that condemnation and gives him new life. When a person hardens his heart, he may believe enough of the law to feel threatened, but instead of accepting the death blow to self and the offer of new life in Jesus, he defends himself with self-justification (excuses), self-righteousness (developing his own moral character), and self-deception (avoidance of the truth through rationalizing or anesthetizing the mind with distractions or drugs).”
Martin Bobgan, 12 Steps to Destruction: Codependecy/Recovery Heresies

“Jesus neither condemned nor condoned the woman caught in adultery”
Navaz DCruz

There is never a moment in your entire life when God’s grace is not sufficient
“There is never a moment in your entire life when God’s grace is not sufficient for you.”
Kevin P. Halloran, When Prayer Is a Struggle: A Practical Guide for Overcoming Obstacles in Prayer

Gift Gugu Mona
“The grace of God is sufficient. Anywhere, any day, it remains available all the time.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“By the grace of God, we are highly favoured. His grace is greater than our minds can ever comprehend.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Where men see flaws, grace sees perfection.”
Michael Bassey Johnson , Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Ulonda Faye
“The thorns, all within
I pulled you out.
Every sliver of infinite grace, I need not even give haste.
I feel you and return to you
In this sacred space,
even your thorns give me mercy
and never leave me thirsty.
The chill in the air
with the warmth of the sun
and the taste of this day
Oh, how shall I be unspun.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Sam Allberry
“I am grateful to my friend, Kathy Keller, for reminding me that God doesn’t give us hypothetical grace but only actual grace. The point is that when we imagine all the worst case scenarios, we are imagining them without factoring in the presence and grace of God that would be there if they actually happened. As Kathy wrote in an email once, “God does’t play that game. He doesn’t inject hypothetical grace into your hypothetical nightmare situation ,so that you would know what it would actually feel like if you ever did end up in that situation.” He only gives grace for our actual situation. Replaying these scenarios over and over in our mind is therefore not at all helpful, and actually factors out what God would be doing were it to actually happen. What we’re imaging is actually life in that situation without God’s presence. Better to find something else to fill our minds with. C.S. Lewis makes a similar point when he says, “Remember one is given the strength to bear what happens, but not the 101 different things that might happen.”
Sam Allberry, 7 Myths about Singleness

Sam Allberry
“I am grateful to my friend, Kathy Keller, for reminding me that God doesn’t give us hypothetical grace but only actual grace. The point is that when we imagine all the worst case scenarios, we are imagining them without factoring in the presence and grace of God that would be there if they actually happened. As Kathy wrote in an email once, “God doesn’t play that game. He doesn’t inject hypothetical grace into your hypothetical nightmare situation, so that you would know what it would actually feel like if you ever did end up in that situation.” He only gives grace for our actual situation. Replaying these scenarios over and over in our mind is therefore not at all helpful, and actually factors out what God would be doing were it to actually happen. What we’re imaging is actually life in that situation without God’s presence. Better to find something else to fill our minds with. C.S. Lewis makes a similar point when he says, “Remember one is given the strength to bear what happens, but not the 101 different things that might happen.”
Sam Allberry, 7 Myths about Singleness

“There is peace and healing in knowing that our cuts aren't deeper than the calvary's nail-piercings, There is peace and healing when God's Grace reign in our sick souls and lay our pain and fears to rest. There is peace, healing and rebirth of our spirits in knowing that will no longer be Judged by our mistakes but by our hearts because "God has bestowed on us a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. We will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor". Isa 61:3”
Njau Kihia

Debatrayee Banerjee
“About Kindness,
This is just so much for my Soul, and to each one of you, beautiful Flickers of Light and Love.
On this Amazing Day of Christmas, I want to send you all a bunch of Happiness and a heartful of My Prayers but above all a Truth that I feel I had the privilege of knowing long back, when I fell in love with God Almighty.

The truth is Simple, Kindness is all that Matters. And by Kindness I don't mean the Kindness that looks differently on another but the One that comes with Empathy, the One that flows through Compassion, the One that roots in Love.
We just have to understand that everyone is a beautiful person at heart, and no matter how a person behaves or how someone treats you, we just have to stay Kind and know that Somewhere out there Everything we do, has ripples, so let us create ripples in Kindness, in Grace, in Forgiveness, above all in Love.
It is very very difficult to forgive a person who hurts us, but when you embody Kindness and practice Grace as an everyday habit, you soon understand how easy it becomes to forgive, because then you look at the Soul who hurt you as a Soul who is trapped in a blockchain of Karma, you understand that you need to release that Soul from your Karmic Cycle by forgiving and leaving it to God, and actually praying for the well-being of that Soul.
Every Single Time, you cross path with a Stranger, wear a Smile, it doesn't matter if it is reciprocated or not, just know maybe you just infected a Soul with your Smile, after all like Pain, Happiness is Contagious. Let your Energy be that of Happiness, of Sunshine, you never know who needs your Soul's Rainbow in a drought of rain.
Every time you find some way to do good, don't even think about it, just do it. Especially when you know that it cannot benefit you, because then you know in your Heart you did something just for Him. And that Feeling is beyond any achievement or success, because honestly nothing on Earth is as beautiful as the feeling of Kindness, of knowing that Every Single Day you wake up in this Earth to wear Kindness, that you have a reason to Exist, and that reason is to sprinkle Grace all around, to let every Soul you cross path with feel how Special they are, to Let the World know that Love is alive, that Kindness is the most beautiful prayer of God, the most amazing privilege granted to us.
And so I pray to God, today and always,
May the Spirit of Christmas be always the most Alive in the Act of Kindness, in the Very breath that we take, for Kindness is about Love and Love is the Root of this Universe in All Ways, Always.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

“Your faith, your trust, your belief, and your contemplation are what will enable your welfare. If your conduct is immoral then no blessings will work!”
Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj

George Ceremuga
“Like Paul, none of us deserves to be chosen as a child of God. Paul’s salutation is a reminder where we should focus as a Christian and as a church—on the grace of God founded in what Jesus did on the cross for you and me.”
George Ceremuga, Lead with Love

Ulonda Faye
“Healing and a reunification with our unblemished Soul, occur by the hand of grace. There is nothing to integrate nor to understand. Wholeness was gifted to us at birth and is never truly taken away. The power of the present, prayerful moment- within the stillness of your open heart, will know when it is time. Open the heart and the Soul to the energy of miracles.”
Ulonda Faye

Ulonda Faye
“Let them stone you with their words, thoughts and misperceptions that are based on false doctrines. Allow them to continue to believe that they have the answers for you. Gift them your back as they use their tongue as a double-edged sword against you. God consciousness is a shield upon your always, internally and externally, guided path. Trust in God and trust in your very own heart and Soul. For, judgement of another is the trapdoor of the misguided Soul.”
Ulonda Faye

Ron Baratono
“Heartfelt Grace

The sun is shining bright today
there’s a darkness in my eyes
digging deep within myself
unwanted thoughts arrive.

This is the time Dear God
were we wonder deep inside
yearning for a world of peace
while darkness fills our mind.

Save us God from untamed hearts
may they find Love instead of hate
finding their soul with heartfelt grace
will you guide them to this place.”
Ron Baratono

“We would never say to a man, "Be eccentric"; but if he cannot help being so, we would not have him be otherwise. The Leaning Tower of Pisa owes much of its fame to its leaning, and although it certainly is not a safe model for architects, we would by no means advise its demolition. Ten to one any builder who tried to erect another would create a huge ruin, and therefore it would not be a safe precedent; but there it is, and who wishes it was other than it is? Serve the Lord, brother, with your very best, and seek to do even better, and whatever your peculiarities, the grace of God will be glorified in you.”
Charles H. Spurgeon, Eccentric Preachers: Spiritual Lessons and Insights from God’s Peculiar People [Updated and Annotated]

Carlos Wallace
“In your season, God's grace will water every dry ground.”
Carlos Wallace, Why Sell Lies When The Truth Is Free

“Have not found God? Well, become naught. And, sooner or later, now in this birth or in times thereafter, you'll get a visit from That Which Is. Some call "it" God.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

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