Heroines Quotes

Quotes tagged as "heroines" Showing 1-30 of 48
Christopher Hitchens
Who are your favorite heroines in real life? The women of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran who risk their lives and their beauty to defy the foulness of theocracy. Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Azar Nafisi as their ideal feminine model.”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Roman Payne
“The day came when she discovered sex, sensuality, and literature; she said, 'I submit! Let my life be henceforth ruled by poetry. Let me reign as the queen of my dreams until I become nothing less than the heroine of God.”
Roman Payne

Catherynne M. Valente
“We like the wrong sorts of girls, they wrote. They are usually the ones worth writing about.”
Catherynne M. Valente, In the Cities of Coin and Spice

Sarah Wendell
“To quote French author François Mauriac, ‘Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who your are' is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread.”
Sarah Wendell, Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels

Kailin Gow
“Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Do I see Before Me? I see a Girl Who Is Fearless Because Her Reflection Reflects Her Faith. - Kailin Gow, Fearless Fairy Tales Series”
Kailin Gow

Louisa May Alcott
“…I wanted to show that the mother was the heroine as soon as possible. I'm tired of love-sick girls and runaway wives. We'll prove that there's romance in old women also.”
Louisa May Alcott, Jo's Boys

Natalie C. Parker
“In all the tales of adventure Clara had ever heard, it was never young girls, who were daring. It was always boys running off to rescue a friend or fetch much-needed medicine or stumble into good fortune. Clara knew girls would be daring if given half the chance. And she intended to take that chance, right from under the pale nose of Mr. Earwood.”
Natalie C. Parker, All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages

Stephen Graham Jones
“I used to be all about the final girl standing on top of a pile of the dead at the end of the movie, her face dripping blood, her chest heaving, her eyes fierce. Now I’m all about holding the door of the slasher-proof shelter open, so everybody can duck in, ride this out.”
Stephen Graham Jones, The Angel of Indian Lake

“I have often observed that the state of motherhood can turn quite ordinary females into heroines . . .”
Kate Saunders, The Secrets of Wishtide

Maya Rodale
“Romance novels feature nuanced portrayals of female characters having adventures, making choices, and accepting themselves just as they are. When we say these stories are silly and unrealistic, we are telling young girls not to expect to be the heroines in their own real lives.”
Maya Rodale, Dangerous Books for Girls: The Bad Reputation of Romance Novels Explained

Anna Godbersen
“The best heroines, she'd always believed, took their fate into their own hands.”
Anna Godbersen, Envy

Ali Smith
“I have a vision that the modern sense of being a hero is like shining a bright light on things that need to be seen.”
Ali Smith, Summer

Michael Crichton
“In the darkened trailer, Kelly was frightened, but she was reassured at the no-nonsense way Sarah talked about weapons. And Kelly was beginning to see that Sarah didn’t let anything stop her, she just went and did it. This whole attitude of not letting other people stop you, of believing that you could do what you wanted, was something she found herself imitating.”
Michael Crichton, The Lost World

C. JoyBell C.
“If I cheated on my spouse or partner, and they made the choice to stay with me regardless, I would leave that person. I will never be perceived as someone who needs a nice warm bath to come home to after rolling around outside in the grass; a coddled person, an infantile person, a person who's choices are perceived as the mistakes of a toddler, only needing to be slapped on the hand and then coddled. That would kill the relationship for me, that would kill everything. I'm not an inconsequential flower, I'm not a purified version washed down to be palatable; I am an equal. My mistakes should be treated as mistakes. I don't need forgiveness for anything that I do.

I'm not an inconsequential flower, I'm not a purified version washed down to be palatable; I am an equal. My mistakes should be treated as mistakes. I don't need forgiveness for anything that I do.”
C. JoyBell C.

Diana Rosengard
“I've never been very good at giving people what they want.”
Diana Rosengard, Spooked.

LindaAnn LoSchiavo
“Ligeia, Annabel Lee, and Berenice,
Supernal beauties, pleasing to the eye,
Were temporary mates and marble-cheeked
Like timeless funerary monuments.

Tremaine’s Rowena, Lady Madeline,
Insidiously felled and pushed offstage,
Had met goth’s Mister Goodbar on the page.

First, females got top billed — — then burying.
What makes an author kill his heroines?

[Source: "Poe and His Women" a poem by LindaAnn LoSchiavo; first published by Bewildering Stories Magazine, 2019]”
LindaAnn LoSchiavo, A Route Obscure and Lonely

Jane Austen
“But when a young lady is to be a heroine, the perverseness of forty surrounding families cannot prevent her.”
Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

H.G. Parry
“She had tried when she turned sixteen to think of herself as a woman, like Jane Eyre or Elizabeth Bennet or the multitudes of heroines who lived in her books, but in her head she wasn't there. They were all older than her, and had all, even Jane, seen more of life. And yet she was too old to be Sara Crewe or Alice or Wendy Darling either. She was a liminal person, trapped between a world she'd grown out of and another that wouldn't let her in. It was one reason why she wanted to leave the island so badly--- the hope that leaving the place she'd grown up would help her leave her childhood behind. Not forever, not yet. But for a visit, to see what it was like.”
H.G. Parry, The Magician’s Daughter

Christina Henry
“[S]he marveled at how easily the heroines of her favorite books stumbled across physical clues after a crime. Fiction really was easier than truth.”
Christina Henry, Good Girls Don’t Die

Monique Truong
“As with all fairy tales, a crime was committed. In "Snow White," there was a poisoning. A hostage situation was at the heart of "Beauty and the Beast." "Hansel and Gretel" featured attempted cannibalism. "Cinderella" involved the lesser offense of party crashing. North Carolina began with a trespassing. Not a "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" domestic breaking and entering but an act of large-scale land grabbing.”
Monique Truong, Bitter in the Mouth

Mary MacLane
“And then, usually, if one is not a girl one is a heroine - of the kind you read about. But I am not a heroine, either. A heroine is beautiful - eyes like the sea, shoots opaque glances from under drooping lids, walks with undulating movements, her bright smile haunts one still, falls methodically in love with a man - always with a man, - eats things (they are always called “viands”) with a delicate appetite, and on special occasions her voice is full of tears. I do none of these things. I am not beautiful. I do not walk with
undulating movements - indeed, I have never seen any one walk so, except, perhaps, a cow that has been overfed. My bright smile haunts no one. I shoot no opaque glances from my eyes, which are not like the sea by any means. I have never eaten any viands, and my appetite for what I do eat is most excellent. And my voice has never yet, to my knowledge, been full of tears.
No. I am not a heroine.”
Mary MacLane, I Await the Devil's Coming

Hannah E. Carey
“Her hands were no longer smooth, instead they were now calloused from hard work. Days ago, Brynn had helped her cut her waist-length hair to just below her shoulders, making it easier to braid and keep out of her way when she ventured into the mountains. Even her speech was beginning to change as she slowly adopted the names and pronunciations of the islanders she now lived with. She was a Duchess of Kelnore no longer.”
Hannah E. Carey, The Huntress: Tales of Pern Coen

“Acacia Vitak. Your time has come. It is time to remember who and what you are.”
Jennifer West

“Suddenly the realisation dawned on me; this was my own doing, I'd been forever bored of my little life; I was no idol, no heroine, nobody.”
Jennifer West, The Legend of Acacia Vitak

Aida Mandic
“They called her the iron lady
She walked with dignity and pride
They called her the iron lady
Because glory was on her side”
Aida Mandic, On The Edge of Town

Aida Mandic
“The iron lady took you on a wild ride
Filled with courage, ambition, and passion
Her inner compass served as her guide
So being classy became a timeless fashion”
Aida Mandic, On The Edge of Town

Candace Robinson
“Stop trying to save me when I can save my own damn self! For once!”
Candace Robinson, Ozma

Stephanie Barron
“Novelists, I reflected, are rather apt to pass in silence over the rigours of travel. Our heroines are generally accommodated in private carriages, complete with fur lap robes, enormous muffs, and hot bricks to their feet; they travel post, with private teams of horses at every stage; and invariably are pursued by a rogue so handsome and dangerous as to render them insensible for the better part of the journey.”
Stephanie Barron, Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas

Bibiana Krall
“The future belongs to the daughters of defiance”
Bibiana Krall, Axon Drift

Alli Dyer
“The greatest heroines all go through trying times. Those are the moments we see what they are truly made of. It is how we know they are great.”
Alli Dyer, Strange Folk

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