Injuries Quotes

Quotes tagged as "injuries" Showing 1-30 of 30
Cormac McCarthy
“Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.”
Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses

Michael    Connelly
“You can't patch a wounded soul with a Band-Aid.”
Michael Connelly, The Black Echo

Michael Ben Zehabe
“Your partner may have injuries that you can't repair. Your partner may be trapped in a dark room without windows. Your life narrative might bring him more relief than an opiate. Some people make better windows than windows. Your kind words and enlightened perspective is a window of wonders to someone living in pain.”
Michael Ben Zehabe, Song of Songs: The Book for Daughters

“Injuries heal, but wrinkles are the scars of time.”
Bauvard, The Prince Of Plungers

Carol Lynch Williams
“An accident you're in? It marks you on the outside, maybe. Scars your face or your skin-breaks bones,crushes skulls,leaves the body changed.

An accident witnessed? You're different on the inside. Maybe there's no cut someone else can see, bu there're always injuries on the inside.
Those take a long time to heal.”
Carol Lynch Williams, Waiting

“Justice requires not only the ceasing and desisting of injustice but also requires either punishment or reparation for injuries and damages inflicted for prior wrongdoing. The essence of justice is the redistribution of gains earned through the perpetration of injustice. If restitution is not made and reparations not instituted to compensate for prior injustices, those injustices are in effect rewarded. And the benefits such rewards conferred on the perpetrators of injustice will continue to "draw interest," to be reinvested, and to be passed on to their children, who will use their inherited advantages to continue to exploit the children of the victims of the injustices of their ancestors. Consequently, injustice and inequality will be maintained across the generations as will their deleterious social, economic, and political outcomes.”
Amos Wilson

Matthew S. Williams
“There are no injuries that run so deep that one can't add insult to them and make them feel even worse.”
Matthew S. Williams

William Shakespeare
“Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries that
Thou hast done to me.
Therefore turn and draw.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

“You're badly wounded.
You're bleeding but not cut.
You feel like dying but you're not.
It’s a Love accident an emotional injury.
You are not going to the hospital, aren't you?
You don't need medicines and first aides, don't you?
You just need to move on. Accept it, forgive and forget it.”
Bradley B. Dalina

Eric Schlosser
“Again and again workers told me that they are under tremendous pressure not to report injuries. The annual bonuses of plant foremen and supervisors are often based in part on the injury rate of their workers. Instead of crating a safer workplace, these bonus schemes encourage slaughterhouse managers to make sure that accidents and injuries go unreported. Missing fingers, broken bones, deep lacerations and amputated limbs are difficult to conceal from authorities. But the dramatic and catastrophic injuries in a slaughterhouse are greatly outnumbered by less visible, though no less debilitating, ailments: torn muscles, slipped disks, pinched nerves.”
Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal

John Knowles
“Now, in this winter of snow and crutches with Phineas, I begin to know that each morning reasserted the problems of the night before, that sleep suspended all but changed nothing, that you couldn’t make yourself over between dawn and dusk. Phineas however did not believe this. I’m sure that he looked down at his leg every morning first thing, as soon as he remembered it, to see if it had not been totally restored while he slept. When he found on this first morning back at Devon that it happened still to be crippled and in a cast, he said in his usual self-contained way, “Hand me my crutches, will you?”
John Knowles, A Separate Peace

James Henry Breasted
“The attention given to the side of the head which has received the injury, in connection with a specific reference to the side of the body nervously affected, is in itself evidence that in this case the ancient surgeon was already beginning observations on the localization of functions in the brain.”
James Henry Breasted, The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, Vol 1: Hieroglyphic Transliteration, Translation and Commentary

“Idols of the injury,
dug in behind the least understood
motor plan information.
The vile abomination temporal lobes and
The four loathsome memory walls and
The four reasoning, arithmetic beasts
are found for all behind pain and planes.

Portrayed as a house,
Go in, function, cause blindness from
The house's hearing spirit, judgment and
The court's four bronze woes and
The functioning brain lobe wings,
Go in, hearing and perception,
I dig under door fronts, pain and plans.”
Bill Ectric, Tamper

Kawai Strong Washburn
“The more I understood what we were all made of, the more everyone I'd touched stayed inside me, still crying out, showing me their injuries over and over and over and over and over.”
Kawai Strong Washburn, Sharks in the Time of Saviors

“The people I most strive to please
Do me the worst injuries...”
Sappho, Sappho

R.M.A. Spears
“Most injuries heal in time, but guilt is a cancer that knows where to hide.”
RMA Spears

Martin Amis
“These little hurts were like little pets or potted plants you were abruptly given the care of, needing to be fed or walked or watered. As you pass the half-century, the flesh, the coating on the person, begins to attenuate. And the world is full of blades and spikes. For a year or two your hands are nicked and scraped as a schoolboy's knee. Then you learn to protect yourself. This is what you'll go on doing until, near the end, you are doing nothing else--just protecting yourself. And while you are learning how to do that, a doorkey is a doornail, and the flap of the letterbox is a meat-slicer, and the very air is full of spikes and blades.”
Martin Amis, The Pregnant Widow

Natasha Trethewey
“This is how the past interrupts our lives, all of it entering the same doorway--like the hole in the trunk of my neighbor's tree: at once a natural shelter, haven for small creatures, but also evidence of injury, an entrance for decay.”
Natasha Trethewey, Monument: Poems New and Selected

“She got dressed at the side of the pool, schooled her limp into a rolling gait and headed for the hall.”
Sally Courtnix, Brede: An erotic fairy tale

James C. Dobson
“31. The human body seems indestructible when we are young. However, it is incredibly fragile and must be care for if it is to serve us for a lifetime. Too often, the abuse it takes during early years (from drugs, improper nutrition, sporting injuries, etc.) becomes painful handicaps during later years.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Tony Halme
“Mua on leikelty ja parsittu ja pultattu ja kursittu niin että mä voisin perustaa oman ompelimon ja rautakaupan.”
Tony Halme, Tuomiopäivä

Carol Cassella
“When do we stop crying over our own injuries? When we get old enough to swallow our tears, or when the people we love stop responding to our cries of pain?”
Carol Cassella, Oxygen

Steven Magee
“Radiation can have profound effects on current and pre-existing injuries.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Avoid any exercises that may produce injuries.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Head injuries are a significant risk to accelerated cognitive decline.”
Steven Magee

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“The old injury sometimes hurts.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Steven Magee
“The field of astronomy is biologically toxic in many areas and may result in heavy metals poisoning, industrial gas injuries, chemical poisoning, altitude diseases, radiation poisoning, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, shift work disorder, computer vision syndrome, and so on.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Deregulation is known to lead to dangerous products, injuries and deaths.”
Steven Magee