Ink Exchange Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ink-exchange" Showing 1-9 of 9
Melissa Marr
“He looked good, like sin in a suit.”
Melissa Marr, Wicked Lovely

Melissa Marr
“Talking won't change it. But sometimes it was what she wanted most, to tell someone; often, though, she just wanted to escape those horrid feelings, to escape herself, so there was no pain, no fear, no ugliness.”
Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange

Melissa Marr
“And sometimes you meet someone who doesn't see you any differently if you tell them. That is everything.”
Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange

Melissa Marr
“-"You won't like me if I'm cruel."
-"I don't like you now."
-"We don't lie."
-"I'm mortal, Irial. I can lie all I want to.”
Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange

Melissa Marr
“You are my king. You could command me to stop seeing her."

Niall turned his gaze to Irial. "What would you do?"

"Blind myself, if you were foolish enough to use those words.”
Melissa Marr, Stopping Time

Melissa Marr
“-"Leslie? What are you doing?"
-"Choosing. I'm mine. Not anyone else's."
-"I'm still yours, though. That won't ever change, Shadow Girl.”
Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange

Melissa Marr
“Maybe the girl would get strong enough to withstand an ink exchange with one of the chosen faeries. If not, he could always give her to one of the weaker fey. It seemed a shame to waste a lovely broken toy.”
Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange

Melissa Marr
“He might be out of her skin, but she'd left him as something other than what he'd been before- not moral, but not strong enough to deserve the title of Dark King.”
Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange

Melissa Marr
“In the end mortals always expired before faeries.
They were such finite creatures. Their first heartbeat and memory were but a
blink from death.”
Melissa Marr, Ink Exchange