Insecticides Quotes

Quotes tagged as "insecticides" Showing 1-5 of 5
Rachel Carson
“...[T]here is no "safe" dose of a carcinogen.”
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

Rachel Carson
“What sets the new synthetic insecticides is their enormous biological potency.”
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

Rachel Carson
“The question of chemical residues on the food we eat is a hotly debated issue. The existence of such residues is either played down by the industry as unimportant or is flatly denied. Simultaneously, there is a strong tendency to brand as fanatics or cultists all who are so perverse as to demand that their food be free of insect poisons. In all this cloud of controversy, what are the actual facts?”
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

Rachel Carson
“The ultimate answer is to use less toxic chemicals so that the public hazard from their misuse is greatly reduced.”
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

Rachel Carson
“Who has made the decision that sets in motion these chains of poisonings, this ever-widening wave of death that spreads out, like ripples when a pebble is dropped into a still pond? Who has placed in one pan of the scales the leaves that might have been eaten by the beetles and in the other the pitiful heaps of many-hued feathers, the lifeless remains of the birds that fell before the unselective bludgeon of insecticidal poisons? Who has decided - who has the right to decide - for the countless legions of people who were not consulted that the supreme value is a world without insects, even though it be also a sterile world ungraced by the curving wing of a bird in flight? The decision is that of the authoritarian temporarily entrusted with power; he has made it during a moment of inattention by millions to whom beauty and the ordered world of nature still have a meaning that is deep and imperative.”
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring