Inspirational Stories Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspirational-stories" Showing 1-10 of 10
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”
Rumi, The Essential Rumi

Darnaya Darice
“He without inspiration and motivation exists no more in a world full of innovations and inventions!”
Darnaya Darice

Andrew Rozario
“Lion Is fearless. Lion is not a survivor But a warrior. Lion Hunt Alone, Not in group. Lion Don't eat leftover, but hunt big. A Lion does not turn around when a small dog Barks. Lion Is the king of the jungle”
Andrew Rozario

Andrew Rozario
“Winners win, Losers lose. It's YOU who decides what you want to be”
Andrew Rozario

Andrew Rozario
“You can customize tomorrow, only if you train your brain today! Don't believe in Luck, only believe in hard work”
Andrew Rozario

Andrew Rozario
“Our Destiny is very scripted and unpredictable by the universe. What ever happened was meant to be”
Andrew Rozario

Andrew Rozario
“Power of words are infinity, use them wisely. Power of words can change the world or destroy”
Andrew Rozario

Sid Mittra
“If you wish to succeed, you must believe in yourself and look at everything positively”
Sid Mittra, To Bee or Not to Bee: Winning Against All Odds

Dragos Bratasanu
“Take a tram ride today.

Recognise a dear friend in everyone around. 
Speak kindly to yourself.
It is only your thoughts that bring you fear.

You've been through a lot. 

There is perfect peace in this moment.”
Dragos Bratasanu, Ph.D., Sleepers: A Little Book on How to Find Hope, Meaning and the Courage to Fall in Love with Your Dreams

“You don't know how it's going to happen just keep taking action & believe!”
Akhilesh Bhagwat