Intergalactic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "intergalactic" Showing 1-16 of 16
S.G. Blaise
“Don’t rush, my dear. It is not fitting for a ma’hana, and only makes you look guilty.”
S.G. Blaise, The Last Lumenian

S.G. Blaise
“Thank you, Glenna, that means a . . .” Arrov says, and his voice trails off when he notices that the twins are busy combing the long fur on his forearms. “What are you two doing?!”
“Just because you are a big blue giant,” Isa says, focused on her undertaking, “doesn’t mean you can stop taking care of your appearance.”
“This will help get rid of those horrible knots,” Bella adds, still administering the beauty regimen.”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“Are you telling me that they argue by fistfighting?!” I say. “How . . .? I mean, why . . .? I mean, stop this!”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“Caderyn lunges at Callum, who snaps a hook kick across Caderyn’s face. Caderyn’s head snaps back, but he stays rooted to the spot. He laughs and shakes his head. “That was a good point, son,” he says and punches Callum with a hook in the face.”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“Ivy pulls the hood from her blond head and glares at him. “You almost killed me,” she says, massaging her throat.
Callum snorts. “Then you’d be dead. I don’t do anything halfway.”
S.G. Blaise, Proud Pada

Melissa Landers
“It was both terrifying and glorious in it's intensity. It was love.”
Melissa Landers, Alienated

S.G. Blaise
“If Callum ever gets out of the way, I would like to rekindle what we had. We never had a real chance together.”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“Don’t listen to Glennie,” Isa says and pats Arrov’s forearm—that’s as high as she can reach. Bella adds, “You’ll change back to your old and handsome self soon.”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“The goal here is to avoid the lake. I can assure you; no swimming or other preparation is needed. We would not recommend swimming anyway. The lake is full of giant eels that attack anything that moves.”
S.G. Blaise, Proud Pada

S.G. Blaise
“Caderyn sure doesn’t beat around the seaweed!”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“We should run away. Get married and forget about anything else.”
I snort and slide my hands down to his chest, marveling at the hard and defined muscles. “Tempting, but you would regret it five minutes after we ran away.”
Callum tightens his fingers around my waist. “They would be the best five minutes of my life. Worth every second.”
S.G. Blaise, Proud Pada

Toba Beta
“Smartass Disciple: Why men don't ready yet to join the intergalactic confederation?
Master of Stupidity: Men could make them laugh to death. It'd be too risky for them.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Colin Maclaurin
“Nature  …   has made it impossible for us to have any communication from this earth with the other great bodies of the universe, in our present state; and it is highly possible that he has likewise cut off all communication betwixt the other planets, and betwixt the different systems.… We observe, in all of them, enough to raise our curiosity, but not to satisfy it  …   It does not appear to be suitable to the wisdom that shines throughout all nature, to suppose that we should see so far, and have our curiosity so much raised  …   only to be disappointed at the end  …   This, therefore, naturally leads us to consider our present state as only the dawn or beginning of our existence, and as a state of preparation or probation for farther advancement.…”
Colin Maclaurin

Andri E. Elia
“This was not going to be a peaceful day. No. It was going to be a mess.”
Andri E. Elia, Yildun: Worldmaker of Yand

D.K. King
“Ultimately we must all come to our own conclusions in our own way.”
D.K. King, The Galactic Transcripts