Keefe Sencen Quotes

Quotes tagged as "keefe-sencen" Showing 1-30 of 73
Shannon Messenger
“They pulled apart when Keefe shouted, "YOU GUYS HAVE TO SEE THIS!"
They ran to the main room and found Keefe standing under the skylight, holding up Mr. Snuggles like it was a baby lion about to be made king. The sparkly red dragon twinkled almost as much as Keefe's eyes as he said, "I went in to check on our boy and found him cuddling with THIS!"
"Isn't that the same dragon Fitz brought to your house that one time?" Dex asked Sophie.
"WHAT?" Keefe shouted. "YOU KNEW AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!"
"Mr. Snuggles wasn't my secret to share," Sophie said.
"IT'S NAME IS MR. SNUGGLES?! That is... I can't even..." Keefe ran back to Fitz's room shouting, "ARE YOU MISSING YOUR SNUGGLE BUDDY?!"
"Fitz is going to die of embarrassment, you know that, right?" Biana asked.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“And I'm the only one with a plan," Fitz reminded them.
"Hey- I've got plans," Keefe argued.
"Plans that don't involve tormenting Dame Alina," Fitz clarified.
"But those are always the best plans!”
Shannon Messenger, Everblaze

Shannon Messenger
“Team Foster-Keefe will always be cooler.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“Fitz's door was closed, so she knocked before going in.
"I told you, Mr. Snuggles's visiting hours are over," he called through the door.
"What about your visiting hours?" she asked.
"Oh! I thought you were Keefe."
Sophie opened the door. "I get that a lot.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“Sophie flung a pillow at his head.

Or, she tried to.

Throwing with her left arm was much harder than she expect, and...

She ended up nailing Magnate Leto in the face.

Keefe doubled over, clutching his sides and gasping between choking laughs: “THAT...WAS...THE...GREATEST...THING...IVE...EVER...SEEN!”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“Why else would you spend so much time helping Miss Fosters causes?”

“Uh... you’ve seen how cute she is, right?” Keefe asked.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.”
Shannon Messenger, Lodestar

Shannon Messenger
“Keefe, I...'

There were no words.

She threw her arms around his shoulders, hugging him as tight as she could. Maybe if she never let go, she could hold the broken pieces together.”
Shannon Messenger, Lodestar

Shannon Messenger
“Keefe’s smile looked determined as he stepped back and took Sophie’s hand. “I’m always with you, Foster. What ever you want, I’m in.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“Keefe tried to break the tension, pumping his fist and shouting, “LORD HUNKYHAIR LIVES! Say it now, Ro. Say it!”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“Tam's shadow fell over hers, and he shadow-whispered, "I'm trusting you. I don't care about me, but if something happens to Linh..."
'I promise, we're only trying to help,' Sophie transmitted.
Keefe let out a sigh that sounded more like a groan. "And I thought secret Telepath conversations were the worst. Just so we're clear," he told Tam. "I'M the president of the Foster fan club. And we're closed to new members."
Tam's cheeks flushed. "Uh...not sure what that's about worries there--no offense!" he told Sophie.
She noticed he stole a quick glance at Biana after he said it.
Sophie couldn't decide if she should feel relieved or insulted.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“Let's not add projectile vomiting to the list of Awesome Things We Get To Do Today.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“It’s amazing he made it through without me bashing his pretty face.”

“Aw, did you hear that? Ro thinks I’m pretty! I mean- I usually go for more of a roguish handsome, but...” He tosses his hair and fluttered his eyelashes.

Sophie’s lips curled into a smile-without her permission.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“Yeah, what time should we arrive to catch the Great Fitzphie Ooze Fest?” Keefe asked.

“We’re not calling it that,” Sophie told him.

“Oh, I think we are. And don’t worry, Foster,” Keefe added, patting her on the head. “I’ll still love you when you’re oozy.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“Ohhh, a lovers’ quarrel!” Ro clapped her hands. “Those are my favorite. Anyone have snacks? I feel like we should have snacks for this.”
“That’s not what this is,” Sophie told her. “We’re not...never mind.”
Ro grinned, flashing pointed teeth. “If you say so.”
“Fosters not ready to face her feelings,” Keefe stage-whispered.
“I’m ready to strangle you,” Sophie countered.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“Man, one second you're sharing your air with a dude, and the next second he's trying to get you punched in the face.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“Keefe shouted, "YOU GUYS HAVE TO SEE THIS!" They ran to the main room and found Keefe standing under the skylight, holding up Mr. Snuggles like it was a baby lion about to be made kind. The sparkly red dragon twinkled almost as much as Keefe's eyes as he said, "I went in to check on our boy and found him cuddling with this!”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“They weren’t friends. And they weren’t actually sisters. They were just two different girls from two different worlds.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“He's not all that bad.
No one is.
That's what makes villains so scary.
They aren't as different from us as we want them to be.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“You did not just insult the hair”
Shannon Messenger

Shannon Messenger
“I never knew I needed a lot of things until I met you.”
Shannon Messenger

Shannon Messenger
“No wonder he and my brother don’t get along,” Linh said. “They’re basically the same person.” Practically on cue, Tam shouted from the bathroom above, “Dude – this guy uses more hair products than I do!”
Shannon Messenger

Shannon Messenger
“Whoa back the t-rex up”
Shannon Messenger

Shannon Messenger
“Silveny's pregnant,' Sophie told her friends when she joined them for breakfast.
Fitz dropped his fork. 'Are you sure?'
'Oh yeah,' Sophie mumbled, sinking into the chair next to him. 'She showed me...'
'GAH!' everyone said.
Keefe pushed his plate away. 'I'm done with food forever.'
'Me too,' Dex agreed.
'Me three,' Biana said.
'Seriously, that is one batch of memories you do not have to show me,' Fitz told Sophie. 'I don't care if it's part of our Cognate training.'
'But it's still huge,' Biana added. 'Do you know how far along she is?'
'I'm guessing it's new, since the last few times I transmitted to her she didn't mention anything about--'
'STOP!' Keefe held up his hands. 'Ground rules for this conversation: All talk of alicorn baby-making is off the table--got it? Otherwise I'll have to rip my ears off. And for the record, I do not want to be there when Baby Glitterbutt arrives.'
'Me either,' Fitz said. 'My dad made me go to the Hekses' unicorn preserve for a delivery one time.' He shuddered. 'Who knew they came out so slimy?'
'Ew, dude, I did not need to know that. Can we talk about something else? Anything else?'
'Does anyone know how long alicorns stay pregnant?' Sophie asked.
Biana shook her head. 'We've never had a baby alicorn before. But I'm pretty sure unicorns are pregnant for eleven months. So maybe it's the same?'
'Do you think Silveny knows?' Fitz asked. 'If her instincts are telling her she's pregnant, maybe they'll also tell her how it's going to work.'
'I guess I can ask. It was hard to get information out of her. All she wanted to tell me about was--'
'STOP!' Keefe said.
'I wasn't going to say that. She was telling me that she's really hungry. I'm not sure if it's a pregnancy craving or an excuse to get more treats, but she went on and on about how she needs more swizzlespice. We'll have to find a way to let Jurek know.
'Do you think he already knows?' Fitz asked. 'He's the equestrian caretaker at the Sanctuary. Maybe he...saw stuff.'
'WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE GROUND RULES?' Keefe shouted, covering his ears. 'That's it, this conversation is officially over. Next person who says "alicorn" is getting pelted with fruit.'
'What's wrong with the alicorns?' Granite asked behind them.
He'd arrived with Mr. Forkle, each of them carrying stacks of scrolls.
'Silveny's pregnant," Sophie said, and all the scrolls went THUNK!
'Are you certain?' Granite whispered, bending to gather the uncurling paper.
Sophie nodded, and Mr. Forkle rushed to her side. 'Tell me everything.'
'And I'm out!' Keefe said, covering his ears and singing, 'LALALALALA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!' as he raced up the stairs to the boys' tree house.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“And now, for your marking,' the red Coach said.
The blue coach stepped forward and faced Keefe. 'Your immediate, impulsive action--despite being foolish--made it clear that you belong in the Right Hemisphere.'
He dipped his hand in the paint and smacked Keefe's arm, leaving a blue handprint on his sleeve.
'You enjoyed that, didn't you?' Keefe asked.
'Very much.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“Oh good, she's back,' Keefe said. 'Now we can clobber her.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“Oh, I think you can, I think you can.
Shannon Messenger

Shannon Messenger
“They pulled apart when Keefe shouted, 'YOU GUYS HAVE TO SEE THIS!'
They ran to the main room and found Keefe standing under the skylight, holding up Mr. Snuggles like it was a baby lion about to be made king. The sparkly red dragon twinkled almost as much as Keefe's eyes as he said, 'I went in to check on our boy and found him cuddling with this!'
'Isn't that the same dragon Fitz brought to your house that one time?' Dex asked Sophie.
'WHAT?' Keefe shouted. 'YOU KNEW AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!'
'Mr. Snuggles wasn't my secret to share,' Sophie said.
'ITS NAMES IS MR. SNUGGLES?! That is....I can't even...' Keefe ran back to Fitz's room shouting, 'ARE YOU MISSING YOUR SNUGGLE BUDDY?!'
'Fitz is going to die of embarrassment. You know that, right?' Biana asked.
Down the hall, Sophie could hear Keefe laughing hysterically.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“These trees were dying. My friends told me I should uproot them to spare the rest of the forest. But I could feel too much life in their trunks to pluck them from the ground.'
'How did you save them?' Biana asked.
'I listened. And I realized their voices had been silenced. So I gave them mine. I sang of sunlight and rain and rich soil. And hope. Always hope.' Calla moved to another tree, one that had the widest curve of them all, and lay in the slope of its trunk. 'For a week, I stayed right here. I didn't stop, even to rest my throat. I could barely rasp by the end, but I could feel their strength returning. They'll forever bear the mark of their trials, but they are survivors. Proof that anything can be overcome.'
Keefe sat on one of the curved trunks, and Sophie waited for him to make a joke. But he just slid his fingers over the rough bark.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen

Shannon Messenger
“You keep trying to fix everything, Sophie. You even fixed Exillium. But you can't fix me." Keefe Sencen”
Shannon Messenger

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