Law Of Attraction Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "law-of-attraction-books" Showing 1-30 of 98
Anthon St. Maarten
“In this lifetime we are like Superman who must remain disguised as the nerdy newspaper journalist Clark Kent, or Harry Potter and his friends who are not allowed to do magic while they are on holiday, away from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... but even Harry Potter and Clark Kent get to tap into their ‘special powers’ once in a while, especially when the going gets tough.”
Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

“When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams (aligned with your individual gifts) you will be cloaked in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel.”
Charles F. Glassman

Jennifer O'Neill
“Unhappiness can be like a virus spreading from one person, to the next person, to the next one and so on. When someone is mean or rude to you, do not let their unhappiness infect your own life. If you are the unhappy one, please quarantine yourself so you do not infect others!”
Jennifer O'Neill, Soul DNA: Your Spiritual Genetic Code Defines Your Purpose

“The way I see it, our natural human instinct is to fight or flee that which we perceive to be dangerous. Although this mechanism evolved to protect us, it serves as the single greatest limiting process to our growth. To put this process in perspective and not let it rule my life, I
expect the unexpected;
make the unfamiliar familiar;
make the unknown known;
make the uncomfortable comfortable;
believe the unbelievable.”
Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain - The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life

Kenneth  Wong
“You will no longer live in the darkness with fleeting moments of light. Instead, you will live in the light with fleeting moments of darkness.”
Kenneth Wong, Feeling Good: The Secret To Manifesting

Kenneth  Wong
“Everyone goes through ups and downs in life, but the factor that determines whether you succumb or overcome obstacles lies in how you choose to perceive them.”
Kenneth Wong, Feeling Good: The Secret To Manifesting

Kenneth  Wong
“When you shift your perspective from fear to love, your external reality may not change right away. But the way you experience your external reality changes immediately.”
Kenneth Wong, Feeling Good: The Secret To Manifesting

Kenneth  Wong
“The voice of your inner critic may be loud, but the voice of your intuition is even louder if you choose to listen to it.”
Kenneth Wong, Feeling Good: The Secret To Manifesting

Jaclyn Johnston
“Some people believe money is "the root of all evil" because that is what they were taught, yet the very same people or organizations who taught them that ask for donations.”
Jaclyn Johnston, Don't Feel Stuck with Money!

Jaclyn Johnston
“Quarks are the building blocks of energy (matter), so your focused thoughts are the building blocks of energy that create your manifestations (matter).”
Jaclyn Johnston, Don't Feel Stuck with Money!

“Each breath offers a new opportunity—a doorway to parallel existences often witnessed in dreams; that we are, indeed, multidimensional beings having an earthly existence.”
Hope Bradford Cht, LAW OF ATTRACTION AND THE SEEDBED OF CREATION: Shifting into Your Allowing Frequency to Discover the Best Version of Yourself!

“Misconceptions about death are connected to misconceptions of what it is to be alive. Of these things you can be assured: consciousness is the creator of each reality within the multidimensional, vibrational Spectrum of Existence.”
Hope Bradford Cht, Law of Attraction and the Seedbed of Creation: Shifting into Your Allowing Frequency to Discover the Best Version of Yourself!

Mina Faraway
“It just is...and now you can change it.”
Mina Faraway

Dan Desmarques
“Life is a cycle that repeats over the same patterns previously established. What you allow, you accept; what you ignore, you tolerate; what you project, you reflect; and what you see, you become. All is well and all is as it should in the cycles that you create, consciously and unconsciously, for although the unconscious part of you is not visible within you, it is always visible outside of you. Both the undesired and the desired compose the elements of the ether from which the particles of reality emerge.”
Dan Desmarques

Nicole Gauder
“You can put your power to use right now by being consciously aware of the thoughts you are thinking and what feelings are coming from them.”
Nicole Gauder, Learning The Law Of Attraction: Putting Your Power To Work

Nicole Gauder
“Reconditioning the mind is a tedious process, especially with roughly three thousand thoughts per hour flowing through the head. To make the process a bit easier, only focus on dominant thoughts. The ones that bring on strong emotion.”
Nicole Gauder, Learning The Law Of Attraction: Putting Your Power To Work

Angela L.E. Komorovska
“Everything is law. Law of Universe. We know that by repeating of these affirmations. We can get great results. It´s a magic of law of attraction.”
Angela L.E. Komorovska, POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS FOR EACH ONE DAY: for attracting health, wealth & happiness

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