Letting Go Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "letting-go-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 133
“It is mental slavery to cling to things that have stopped serving it’s purpose in your life.”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Nicole  Lyons
“Life is just a slide. Back and forth between loving and leaving, remembering and forgetting, holding on and letting go.”
Nicole Lyons

“If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative before you know it. Know when to close the account. It's always better to be alone with dignity than in a relationship that constantly requires you to sacrifice your happiness and self-respect.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“To ‘let go’ sometimes makes us feel like losers because it means giving up what truly we felt we had a right to. But true strength lies in resisting the urge to hold onto things and people that bring us down.”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Keisha Blair
“Consider that the path you were once on was meant to end when it did. Obsessing about plans lost or changed is a barrier to holistic wealth because it keeps you stuck in the past and unable to move forward.”
Keisha Blair, Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness

Laura Chouette
“The only things we never forget
are the ones we never possessed.”
Laura Chouette

Vanessa Ooms
“One of the hardest lessons I've had to learn is that no matter how good a person you are, no matter how much you try to understand others, be empathetic, or reach out to help, some people just will not like you. Ever.”
Vanessa Ooms, Do It For You: How to Stop People-Pleasing and Find Peace

“Sometimes the greatest act of love is to walk away, so that the other person can find their true self and direction again.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“And I always clung too hard to hope. Not because there was any, but because I had trouble letting go.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Germany Kent
“You're not going to live in victory if you hold on to baggage from yesterday. Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life.”
Germany Kent

“Life is a delicate dance between holding on and letting go, finding balance in the ever-changing rhythms of existence.”
Aloo Denish

Germany Kent
“Forgive people who you believe have done you wrong. Let go. God will handle them.”
Germany Kent

Ally Condie
“Because in the end you can't always choose what to keep. You can only choose how you let it go. CROSSED chapt 3”
Ally Condie, Crossed

Paul Bamikole
“Love is your advantage.
Forgiveness is your secret weapon. Spare no man, use it!”
Paul Bamikole

Allene vanOirschot
“Surrendering fully to God is tantamount to a back seat driver; you can yell out your suggestions all you want, but it's best if you sit back and just enjoy the ride.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

Adrienne Young
“La realidad me golpeó de pronto cuando (...) me di cuenta de lo que había hecho. Durante todo este tiempo había deseado regresar a casa, con ellos, y ahora los estaba enviando de vuelta a nuestro hogar sin mí. Si existía una última oportunidad, era esta.
Pero mis pies permanecieron clavados en el lugar.”
Adrienne Young

Nanette L. Avery
“Night of landlocked dreams
Dissolves at dawn”
Nanette L. Avery

Andrew Pacholyk
“In the presence of ego, we forget who we are.
We lean into emotions that distract us by far.
What do you achieve by outshining another?
Dominance? Ignorance? A stance like no other?
I’ve tripped over pride and fallen in shame.
I’ve towered on top… of those others in pain.
The best way to fix this is deflecting such arrogance.
Replacing it now, with more kindness and eloquence.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Pearls of Light: passion, poetry & positive affirmations

“Life is a delicate dance between holding on and letting go, finding balance in the ever-changing rhythms of existence.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Don't apprise anyone what you have done for them. Just stop doing that, they will realize.”
Muhammad Salman Rao

“Sometimes, letting go is the ultimate act of self-love, freeing yourself from what no longer serves your growth.”
Tracy A. Malone

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