Liars Quotes

Quotes tagged as "liars" Showing 61-90 of 267
“We must be cautious of those who perceive their lies as the truth.”
Angel Moreira

Stewart Stafford
“Pathological liars lie most often to themselves about their ability to fool others. They think they're geniuses at it when most people see through their constant deceit in a split second. Yet their brittle egos and lack of self-awareness (the reasons they lie in the first place) prevent them from noticing they're bad liars. Thus, they never learn, progress, and become better people.”
Stewart Stafford

Jeffrey Fry
“When you tell a little lie, or do a tiny cheat, or commit a small theft you are still a liar, a cheater, or a thief. Size does not matter.”
Jeffrey Fry, Distilled Thoughts

Gore Vidal
“I complain about the United States not being Athens. I certainly say we are a very good Roman republic, and the lies are based upon the most advanced techniques of advertising, which is the only art form my country has ever created—the television commercial—and we sell soap and presidents in the same fashion. Once a country is habituated to liars, it takes generations to bring the truth back.”
Gore Vidal, Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia

Holly Black
“Mortals are liars,' the Unseelie queen says with a snort.

'That doesn't mean everything they say is a lie,' I return.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Shannon L. Alder
“Someone asked me, "Who hurt you so badly?" I replied, "my own expectations.”
Shannon L. Alder, The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Bible: Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse

Steven Magee
“Addicts, politicians and police officers are the biggest liars I am aware of.”
Steven Magee

H.S. Crow
“Memory is most fickle among the guilty. Fine, no one steps forward, no one lives!”
H.S. Crow, Lunora: A Book of Sand

Jack Freestone
“When all the world is a stage, the best liars will rise to the top.”
Jack Freestone

“The truth always offend liars.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Brian Spellman
“Honest, I'm a liar. Believe me?”
Brian Spellman, We have our difference in common 2.

Steven Magee
“There were many shady people at the Desoto Solar Farm.”
Steven Magee

Shannon L. Alder
“Obsession /əbˈseSHən/

1. The act of constantly asking hackers to get the Google Passwords of the person you can't ever leave alone.

2. Constantly telling every new woman that that this person won't leave you alone, while you are looking them up on the computer to see if they are looking you up on the computer.

3. Ruining every relationship you are in because of this other person you are obsessed over.

4. A trait of a narcissist”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“A smart woman analyzes the previous relationships of the people they date. They don't take their word for it that they were innocent in the breakup. Smart women look for patterns.”
Shannon L. Alder, The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Bible: Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse

Alka Dimri Saklani
“Lying is like running down a slope, it comes faster and easier with every next step… until you fall off the edge.”
Alka Dimri Saklani, As Night Falls

Steven Magee
“There are some really messed up people out there that are working as police officers!”
Steven Magee

Mitta Xinindlu
“People lie and deceive but energies don't.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Steven Magee
“You can habitually lie to me, but in the long term it is probably not going to go well for you.”
Steven Magee

Meg Rosoff
“What had begun as treachery had morphed into something else. She had been through fire and was stronger for it. Forged in the flame of a New York summer.
And what have I learned? she asked herself.
That no one friend could give you everything.
That complex friends came with complex agendas.
That liars tell the best stories”
Meg Rosoff, Friends Like These

H.C.  Roberts
“You may work for Lyre but you’re the worst liar I know.”
H.C. Roberts, Harp and the Lyre: Extraction

“This is the story of Starling House. People tell it different ways, but this is how my granddaddy always told it. He was a liar, but the best liars are the ones that stick closest to the truth, so I believe it.”
Alix. E. Harrow
tags: liars, lies

Jane Washington
“And she has a nice voice. It’s light as air and kind of husky. If she sounds that nice talking, I imagine she could sound good enough singing.”

“Is there anyone else we need to worry about?” The words were out of Mikel’s mouth before he could stop them, because Gabriel complimenting anyone was a red flag. He tried not to look at anyone in particular. “Anyone other than Theo, I mean.” “

No,” Moses scoffed.

“No,” Cian said, that disturbed look back on his face.

Jane Washington, Plier

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“There are those who create adversaries by means of falsehood and propaganda. Once the divisions are heightened to a fever-pitch, these contrived adversaries are each placed on some socially engineered battlefield designed for a pitched battle of attrition. Yet the pinnacle of such social deception is that those who created this fabricated dynamic strategically insert themselves into it as the mitigating hero so that they might be elevated by the falsehood that they created, while the true heroes are left forgotten in the real battlefields where they have held the peace.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Duncan Ralston
“Well, the world don't favor heroes, but liars seem to do all right.”
Duncan Ralston, Bus Driver Man

Georgi Gospodinov
“We didn't know what effect this collision with another reality would have.”
Georgi Gospodinov, Time Shelter

James B. Stewart
“...clearly Michael Eisner’s most glaring defect, the one quality more than any other that has caused him to leave behind a trail of deeply embittered former colleagues: his dishonesty. Considering the importance Eisner places on honesty in others—dating at least to the childhood incident in which he believes his mother lied about his bedtime—it is extraordinary that Eisner himself has been so reckless with the truth, in ways both large and small, to a degree that suggests he is at times incapable of distinguishing one from the other. Far more than just a personality quirk, Eisner’s tendency to distort, embellish, or forget the truth had direct and costly business consequences for Disney. More than any other single factor, what Steve Jobs and the Weinstein brothers considered Eisner’s dishonesty accounts for the failure of the important Pixar and Miramax relationships. Katzenberg was so angry and bitter—and willing to sue—because he believed he was lied to and felt betrayed.”
James B. Stewart, Disney War

Niedria D. Kenny
“No one preaches a forgiveness sermon better than an AME Zion preacher who is as wrong as mustard is on a banana. Throw the whole connection away.”
Niedria D. Kenny

Niedria D. Kenny
“Nothing worse than an AME Zion preacher who use the Sunday morning pulpit only as a platform to defend themselves in all their wrongdoing as they continue to be devilish, attacking people for calling them out; instead, of preaching the gospel and teaching people how to live a godly life and being an example as well.”
Niedria D. Kenny