Lies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lies" Showing 91-120 of 3,095
Eric Hoffer
“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.”
Eric Hoffer
tags: lies

Ruta Sepetys
“I became good at pretending. I became so good that after a while the lines blurred between my truth and fiction. And sometimes, when I did a really good job of pretending, I even fooled myself.”
Ruta Sepetys, Salt to the Sea

Jean-Paul Sartre
“the worst part about being lied to is knowing you werent worth the truth”
Jean-Paul Sartre

Ellen Bass
“So often survivors have had their experiences denied, trivialized, or distorted. Writing is an important avenue for healing because it gives you the opportunity to define your own reality. You can say: This did happen to me. It was that bad. It was the fault & responsibility of the adult. I was—and am—innocent.” The Courage to Heal by Ellen Bass & Laura Davis”
Ellen Bass, The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Danielle Bernock
“Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams healing can begin.”
Danielle Bernock, Emerging With Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, And The LOVE that Heals

Louis-Ferdinand Céline
“Not much music left inside us for life to dance to. Our youth has gone to the ends of the earth to die in the silence of the truth. And where, I ask you, can a man escape to, when he hasn't enough madness left inside him? The truth is an endless death agony. The truth is death. You have to choose: death or lies. I've never been able to kill myself.”
Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

Sigmund Freud
“Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity and intellectual misdemeanor.”
Sigmund Freud, The Future of an Illusion

Rachel Hartman
“Sometimes the truth has difficulty breaching the city walls of our beliefs. A lie, dressed in the correct livery, passes through more easily.”
Rachel Hartman

Milan Kundera
“For Sabina, living in truth, lying neither to ourselves nor to others, was possible only away from the public: the moment someone keeps an eye on what we do, we involuntarily make allowances for that eye, and nothing we do is truthful. Having a public, keeping a public in mind, means living in lies.”
Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Rainbow Rowell
“He'd stopped trying to bring her back. She only came back when she felt like it anyway, in dreams and lies and broken-down déjà vu.”
Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park

Dark Jar Tin Zoo
“To find out if she really loved me, I hooked her up to a lie detector. And just as I suspected, my machine was broken.
Dark Jar Tin Zoo, Love Quotes for the Ages. Specifically Ages 19-91.

George Orwell
“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.”
George Orwell, 1984

Mikhail Bulgakov
“The tongue may hide the truth but the eyes—never!”
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

Idowu Koyenikan
“A relationship built on lies and trickery will not last; only truthfulness can uphold a relationship”
idowu koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

Nicholas Sparks
“Because everybody lies. It's part of living in society. Don't get me wrong-I think it's necessary. The last thing anyone wants is to live in a society where total honesty prevails. Can you imagine the conversations? You're short and fat, one person might say, and the other might answer, I know. But you smell bad. It just wouldn't work. So people lie by omission all the time. People will tell you most of the story...and I've learned that the part they neglect to tell you is often the most important part. People hide the truth because they're afraid." -Jo”
Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven
tags: lies

Zoë Marriott
“People trust their eyes above all else - but most people see what they wish to see, or what they believe they should see; not what is really there”
Zoë Marriott, Shadows on the Moon

Megan Whalen Turner
“He lies to himself. If Eugenides talked in his sleep, he'd lie then, too.”
Megan Whalen Turner, The Queen of Attolia

William Shakespeare
“The Devil hath power
To assume a pleasing shape.”
William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Terry Goodkind
“That is the curse of lying, Sister. Once you place that crown of the liar upon your head, you can take it off again, but it leaves a stain for all time.”
Terry Goodkind, Soul of the Fire

Lauren DeStefano
“Because even if the lie is beautiful, the truth is what you face in the end.”
Lauren DeStefano, Fever

W. Somerset Maugham
“Was it necessary to tell me that you wanted nothing in the world but me?'

The corners of his mouth drooped peevishly.

Oh, my dear, it's rather hard to take quite literally the things a man says when he's in love with you.'

Didn't you mean them?'

At the moment.”
W. Somerset Maugham, The Painted Veil

Gabrielle Zevin
“...lies can sound awfully pretty when a girl is in love with the person telling them.”
Gabrielle Zevin, All These Things I've Done

Victoria Schwab
“There were a hundred shades between a truth and lie, and she knew them all.”
V.E. Schwab, A Conjuring of Light

Pedro Calderón de la Barca
“In this treacherous world
Nothing is the truth nor a lie.
Everything depends on the color
Of the crystal through which one sees it”
Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Steve Maraboli
“You are beautiful. Know this. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply lying. You are beautiful.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Criss Jami
“What man ever openly apologizes for slander? It is not so much a feeling of slander as it is that of a massive lie, a misdeed not only to the slandered but also to those manipulated in the process. He has made them all, every one, his enemies, thereupon he is so overwhelmed with guilt that he will deny it until his grave.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

George R.R. Martin
“Of all the bright cruel lies they tell you, the cruelest is the one called love.”
George R.R. Martin, Dreamsongs Section 5: Hybrids and Horrors

David Foster Wallace
“Because we’ve been lied to and lied to, and it hurts to be lied to. It’s ultimately just about that complicated: it hurts. It denies you respect for yourself, for the liar, for the world. Especially if the lies are chronic, systemic, if hard experience seems to teach that everything you’re supposed to believe in’s really a game based on lies. Young Voters have been taught well and thoroughly. You may not personally remember Vietnam or Watergate, but it’s a good bet you remember ‘No new taxes’ and ‘Out of the loop’ and ‘No direct knowledge of any impropriety at this time’ and Did not inhale’ and ‘Did not have sex with that woman’ and etc. etc. It’s depressing and painful to believe that the would-be ‘public servants’ you’re forced to choose between are all phonies whose only real concern is their own care and feeding and who will lie so outrageously with such a straight face that you just know they have to believe you’re an idiot. So who wouldn’t fall all over themselves for a top politician who actually seemed to talk to you like you were a person, an intelligent adult worthy of respect?”
David Foster Wallace, The Best American Essays 2007

Irvine Welsh
“We wait and think and doubt and hate. How does it make you feel? The overwhelming feeling is rage. We hate ourself for being unable to be other than what we are. Unable to be better. We feel rage. The feelings must be followed. It doesn't matter whether you're an ideologue or a sensualist, you follow the stimuli thinking that they're your signposts to the promised land. But they are nothing of the kind. What they are is rocks to navigate the past, each on your brush against, ripping you a little more open and they are always more on the horizon. But you can't face up to the that, so you force yourself to believe the bullshit of those you instinctively know are liars and you repeat those lies to yourself and to others, hoping that by repeating them often and fervently enough you'll attain the godlike status we accord those who tell the lies most frequently and most passionately. But you never do, and even if you could, you wouldn't value it, you'd realise that nobody believes in heroes any more. We know that they only want to sell us something we don't really want and keep from us what we really do need. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe we're getting in touch with our condition at last. It's horrible how we always die alone, but no worse than living alone.”
Irvine Welsh, Filth