Life Life Lessons Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-life-lessons" Showing 1-7 of 7
“The goal in life is not to try and live forever, but to create something that will forever in people’s hearts.”
Karon Waddell

Alaric Hutchinson
“Why are the desert blooms that spring to life after a monsoon so magnificent? The answer is – their impermanence. The lush growth and blooming flowers do not last very long here in the desert, and this new growth only happens once a year. If this growth was never-ending, we would soon take it for granted. Likewise, our human lives. What makes them so special and unique? Our fleeting impermanence.”
Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace: Essential Teachings For Enriching Life

“Our life is a game. Everybody plays, some win , some loose and some quit.”
Psychoticsam sameer bajaj

DeWayne Owens
“Embracing an attitude of gratitude is a great antidote for the natural negativity within us and that surrounds us.”
DeWayne Owens

“My mother once said; we have locked our eyes to see the everyday reality of women violence which men cannot pay off with their bones and flesh. She prays, bless the broken road with an appeal to love yesterday, today, and forever.”
Qamar Rafiq