Limitations Quotes

Quotes tagged as "limitations" Showing 31-60 of 365
Charlotte Eriksson
“I was free with every road as my home. No limitations and no commitments. But then summer passed and winter came and I fell short for safety. I fell for its spell, slowly humming me to sleep, because I was tired and small, too weak to take or handle those opinions and views, attacking me from every angle. Against my art, against my self, against my very way of living. I collected my thoughts, my few possessions and built isolated walls around my values and character. I protected my own definition of beauty and success like a treasure at the bottom of the sea, for no one saw what I saw, or felt the same as I did, and so I wanted to keep to myself.
You hide to protect yourself.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Another Vagabond Lost To Love: Berlin Stories on Leaving & Arriving

Terry Tempest Williams
“I admire how she protects her energy and understands her limitations.”
Terry Tempest Williams, Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place

Sherman Alexie
“And I couldn't make fun of her for that dream. It was my dream, too. And Indian boys weren't supposed to dream like that. And white girls from small towns weren't supposed to dream big, either.
We were supposed to be happy with our limitations. But there was no way Penelope and I were going to sit still. Nope, we both wanted to fly:”
Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Ken Kesey
“One of the dumbest things you were ever taught was to write what you know. Because what you know is usually dull. Remember when you first wanted to be a writer? Eight or ten years old, reading about thin-lipped heroes flying over mysterious viny jungles toward untold wonders? That's what you wanted to write about, about what you didn't know. So. What mysterious time and place don't we know?"

[Remember This: Write What You Don't Know (New York Times Book Review, December 31, 1989)]”
Ken Kesey

“I will crawl upon my knees just to know the joy of suffering.”
Sidewalk Prophets

Amit Ray
“Divinity means unfolding and expressing life in new ways. Divinity means radiating peace, bliss and beauty in the world. Divinity means overcoming the limitations of nature in new ways.”
Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

Ron Hall
“There's somethin I learned when I was homeless: Our limitation is God's opportunity. When you get all the way to the end of your rope and there ain't nothin you can do, that's when God takes over. I remember one time I was hunkered down in the hobo jungle with some folks. We was talkin 'bout life, and this fella was talkin, said, 'People think they're in control, but they ain't. The truth is, that which must befall thee must befall thee. And that which must pass the by must pass thee by.”
Ron Hall, Same Kind of Different as Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together

Robert A. Heinlein
“Harshaw had the arrogant humility of the man who has learned so much that he is aware of his own ignorance and he saw no point in 'measurements' when he did not know what he was measuring.”
Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

Dejan Stojanovic
“Senses empower limitations, senses expand vision within borders, senses promote understanding through pleasure.”
Dejan Stojanovic

Ravindra Shukla
“When people of similar frequencies come together, output is not a simple sum of individual work, but exponential. In science we term this phenomenon as resonance. Output at this stage is beyond any logical limit.”
Ravindra Shukla, A Maverick Heart: Between Love and Life

Luigi Pirandello
“Fate, fortune, chance: all snares of life. You want to be, eh? There’s this catch: in abstract, you cannot just be. The being must be trapped in a form, and for some time it has to stay in it, here or there, this way or that. And everything, as long as it lasts, bears the penalty of its form, the penalty of being this way and no longer being able to be otherwise.”
Luigi Pirandello, One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand

“The sky is NOT the limit. Beyond the universe is.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Israelmore Ayivor
“The choice to lead is nurtured by the willingness to rise above challenges of life.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It comes down to 'fear' and 'faith'. 'Fear' of what stands in front of me. 'Faith' in believing that the resources I possess can handle what stands in front of me. If I stop at the former, I will change nothing. If I embrace the latter, I can change everything.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

William Landay
“It was a limitation of human consciousness: We live only in the future and past, we cannot perceive now. Now occupies no space, a hypothetical gap between future and past. Only an exceptional few could feel now athletes and jazzmen and, yes, thieves...”
William Landay, The Strangler

Tony Reinke
“Currently, the Library of Congress houses eighteen million books. American publishers add another two hundred thousand titles to this stack each year. This means that at the current publishing rate, ten million new books will be added in the next fifty years. Add together the dusty LOC volumes with the shiny new and forthcoming books, and you get a bookshelf-warping total of twenty-eight million books available for an English reader in the next fifty years! But you can read only 2,600 - because you are a wildly ambitious book devourer. ... For every one book that you choose to read, you must ignore ten thousand other books simply because you don't have the time (or money!).”
Tony Reinke, Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books

“Everyone's time is limited. What matters most is to focus on what matters most.”
Roy Bennett

Jon Kabat-Zinn
“We all have limitations. They are worth befriending. They teach us a lot. They can show us what we most need to pay attention to and honor. They become our cutting edge for learning and growing and gentling ourselves into the present moment as it is.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Full Catastrophe Living

Haresh Sippy
“Rules often blind us from reality.”
Haresh Sippy

“ microphysics the observer interferes with the experiment in a way that can't be measured and that therefore can't be eliminated. No natural laws can be formulated, saying "such-and-such will happen in every case." All the microphysicist can say is "such-and-such is, according to statistical probability, likely to happen." This naturally represents a tremendous problem for our classical physical thinking. It requires a consideration, in a scientific experiment, of the mental outlook of the participant-observer: It could this be said that scientists can no longer hope to describe any aspects or qualities of outer objects in a completely independent, "objective" manner.”
M.-L. von Franz

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We are infused with the passion to rise above the limits of our own humanity. And such a passion is so entirely intoxicating that those limits are not defined as the things that we are determined to surpass, but the point at which we begin the surpassing.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Sebastián Wortys
“English: "The greatest known freedom is the freest known form of slavery."

Česky: „Největší známá svoboda je nejvolnější známý druh otroctví.”
Sebastián Wortys

Sebastián Wortys
“English: "Belief in hard determinism is the most effective enslavement."

Česky: „Víra v tvrdý determinismus je nejefektivnější zotročení.”
Sebastián Wortys

“We're not defined by limitations;
we're defined by the boundless possibilities we embrace.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

T.R. Fehrenbach
“The Security Council, the peace-keeping arm of the UN, emerged designed for only two functions: to prevent wars between small powers, and to crush any renewed threat from the old Axis enemy.”
T.R. Fehrenbach, This kind of peace

“Knowledge is not merely knowing facts, but the humility to acknowledge the vastness of what we don't yet understand.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To live within the margins is to acknowledge the existence of other roads.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Robin S. Baker
“This is the stage in your life where it’s critical to stay away from people who doubt the possibility of living a life of freedom. Let them ruminate on their own limited beliefs. You have much more to look forward to.”
Robin S. Baker

Sigal Ehrlich
“Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”
Sigal Ehrlich, By Mistake

“Animals embody every quality found in the human personality. In the whole range of human temperament and character there is nothing unique, nothing not found as some aspect of another species. It is the only other place they are found. What men do that may be unique or is at least unusual is to know this. Man is capable, to a limited degree and with great effort, of stepping out of the stream of events for a moment, even of his skin, and looking at the whole fauna and flora as a composite of his own possibilities.

By "possibilities" is not meant another bouquet to humanistic autonomy or another claim that all things are possible and that man can be whatever he chooses. "Possibilities" is a reference to the total context of living phenomena within which the human species has its own forms and limitations. This is why recognition of limitations is the essential step in achieving the freedom implicit in intelligence; it increasingly identifies one's kind of being to one's self. It goes beyond this defining and narrowing of our species sense to a widening within that frame. The same faunal ream within which humanity is but one point among many provides a patterned model for discovering and allocating the positions and quality spaces within society.”
Paul Shepard, Thinking Animals: Animals and the Development of Human Intelligence