Living In The Moment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "living-in-the-moment" Showing 1-30 of 153
Paulo Coelho
“In magic - and in life - there is only the present moment, the now. You can't measure time the way you measure the distance between two points. 'Time' doesn't pass. We human beings have enormous difficulty in focusing on the present; we're always thinking about what we did, about how we could have done it better, about the consequences of our actions, and about why we didn't act as we should have. Or else we think about the future, about what we're going to do tomorrow, what precautions we should take, what dangers await us around the next corner, how to avoid what we don't want and how to get what we have always dreamed of.”
Paulo Coelho, Aleph

Mandy Hale
“To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it…it’s over. It can hurt you no more.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Shaun Hick
“I may be going nowhere, but what a ride.”
Shaun Hick

“Smiling at death seems like a pretty bold act. And so I smile like a damned fool.”
Emm Cole, Keeping Merminia

J. Aleksandr Wootton
“Live in the moment... but don't be led by the moment, or the people who belong to it.”
J. Aleksandr Wootton, Her Unwelcome Inheritance

William Landay
“It was a limitation of human consciousness: We live only in the future and past, we cannot perceive now. Now occupies no space, a hypothetical gap between future and past. Only an exceptional few could feel now athletes and jazzmen and, yes, thieves...”
William Landay, The Strangler

Andrew Ashling
“Let the Gods create the days, and just live through them.”
Andrew Ashling

Emily M. Danforth
“Coley and I had to separate to get around a girl who was mostly eclipsed by the size of the power she was carrying some sort of project about World War II—a picture of Hitler doing his mustachioed Sieg heil, a gaunt concentration camp victim, a couple of American soldiers smoking cigarettes and scowling at the camera, the captions beneath each photo in glitter-bubble letters. If this had been the movie version of my life, I knew, somebody who did teenage stuff well, some director, would have lingered on that poster and maybe even have swelled some poignant music, out is in slow motion as the hallway continued on at regular speed around us, backlit the three of us—Coley and the poster board chick and me—and in doing so tried to make some statement about teenage frivolity and prom season as it stacked up against something authentic and horrible like war. But if renting all those movies had taught me anything more than how to lose myself in them, it was that you only actually have perfectly profound little moments like that in real life if you recognize them yourself, do all the fancy shot work and editing in your head, usually in the very seconds that whatever is happening is happening. And even if you do manage to do so, just about never does anyone else you’re with at the time experience that exact same kind of moment, and it’s impossible to explain as it’s happening, and then the moment is over.”
Emily M. Danforth, The Miseducation of Cameron Post

H.C.  Roberts
“And that was when she simply forgot about everything: her fears, who she was, her hopes, where she was, her dreams, what time it was, her worries, how she got there; they all paled in comparison to how she felt in that moment. The past was a distant memory. The future would take care of itself. Presently, she was simply being.”
H.C. Roberts, Harp and the Lyre: Exposed

Albert Camus
“Here is the little stone, smooth as an asphodel. It is at the beginning of everything. Flowers, tears (if you insist), departures, and struggles are for tomorrow.”
Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays

“What if..
The outside world is the illusion
The physical world is your perceived reality
The inner world is you.

What if
The outside world is the reflection of
The physical world of who you are being
that arises from
The inner world, you are projecting ....

What if
The outside world is giving you clues
The physical world is the processor
The inner world is where true empowerment is

What if
We begin with our inner world
Knowing we will create our own realities
What would the outer world look like?

What if
the outside world is the illusion
the physical world is the doing
the inside world is the being

You being YOU is YOUR purpose
You being YOU creates YOUR physical reality
You being YOU creates YOUR outside world.”
Hazel Butterworth

Elle Cosimano
“The magic of Time may feel insignificant when held unto others, but it's more powerful than you may yet realise. You possess the gift of life lived in the moment, the power to pause and see the beauty and wonder all around you, so you may better remember who you serve and why.

And in those frozen solitary moments, it serves to remind you that even the greatest of rulers can only truly move forward and effect change in the world synchronicity with those around us.

This lesson - the lesson of companionship and trust - I derived great joy in watching you master. it is, perhaps, the greatest gift I could have given you.”
Elle Cosimano, Seasons of Chaos

Elle Cosimano
“Time stands still as she reaches up on her toes to kiss me. Lyon was right about the power. About the magic of living in the moment. About the importance of passing every once in awhile to appreciate what's right in front of me.

For tonight. Tomorrow. Forever. This is enough.”
Elle Cosimano, Seasons of Chaos

Soroosh Shahrivar
“He could feel every living particle around him. To the eyes, it looks as though the sun revolves and spins around us but he could feel his entire body spin with the earth around the sun.”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Tajrish

Don DeLillo
“She cleaned it up now. She didn't wait for later. There was something in the moment that she needed to keep.”
Don DeLillo

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Sometimes we forget about our problems and find the focus and clarity of everything in this moment that makes our problems disappear.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Ryan Gelpke
“Everything in the pursuit of raw experiences and fleeting moments, where the boundaries of convention blurs and the extraordinary flourishes. A symphony of sensations and emotions intertwined, echoing the spirit of those who seek solace in this nocturnal playground.”
Ryan Gelpke, Peruvian Days

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I had all night for everything I felt to become memories.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Darnell Lamont Walker
“Our entire lives are made up of moments and the tiniest pieces of right now.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

John Kreiter
“I am someone who has stepped through the door, someone who has accepted the possibility of a life beyond routine and self-misery. I have accepted the challenge of life and I now see it as something that must be overcome. I challenge you, young man, to see the weight and measure of life, to look for the places
in between here and there, and to try and battle against that devil that screams in your head, that devil that wants to make you take the easy path, that makes you want to hate yourself and the world, that wants to make you think that somehow you are special in your struggles and in your fate. Wake up boy, or the only thing that you will ever find at the end of all your routine and self-misery, is your death”
John Kreiter, The Art of Transmutation

Jack Freestone
“The problem with the world is that most people are living slightly ahead of reality, in a kind of confused panic mode. If they only could slow down their minds and arrive in the present moment of reality. Then, I am sure the world would be improved.”
Jack Freestone

Jack Freestone
“The problem with the world is that most people are living slightly ahead of reality, in a kind of confused panic mode, constantly manifesting and projecting their own futures. If they could only slow down their minds and arrive in the present moment of reality, then, I am sure their world and the overall world would be improved.”
Jack Freestone

“I was a woman strung together with glitter and wishes. A midnight apparition cast in the coldest winters. I would not be here tomorrow. But tonight I would drink champagne until my veins ran in golden, bubbling streams. I would dance until the ice in my heart melted. Kiss until my lips bruised. And I would live until it hurt.”
M. A. Kuzniar

Holly Black
“There is a relief in letting go, allowing the future and the past to drop away, to become someone without a hope or fear beyond this moment. Someone for whom there was only ever this fight and there will only ever be this fight.”
Holly Black, The Prisoner’s Throne

Terri Mongait
“Because of my injury and my horses, whose lives depend on always living in the present, I, too, have come to value living in the present moment.”
Terri Mongait, Finding True Purpose: Life Beyond The Castle

“Didn't you learn anything today? Life is precious and it's, like, it's really short. You shouldn't waste it in toxic places.”
H. T. Boyd

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