Lisbeth Salander Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lisbeth-salander" Showing 1-15 of 15
Stieg Larsson
“There were not so many physical threats that could not be countered with a decent hammer.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Played with Fire

Stieg Larsson
What do you need me for? Salander's greatest fear, which was so huge and so black that it was of phobic proportions, was that people would laugh at her feelings. And all of a sudden all her carefully constructed self-confidence seemed to crumble.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Stieg Larsson
“Salander leaned back against the pillow and followed the conversation with a smile. She wondered why she, who had such difficulty talking about herself with people of flesh and blood, could blithely reveal her most intimate secrets to a bunch of completely unknown freaks on the Internet.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

Stieg Larsson
“Hey, you fucking creep, in this shithole! I've got a monopoly on that one.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Stieg Larsson
“'re just an ordinary asshole who hates women.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Played with Fire

Stieg Larsson
“She had discovered that the most effective method of keeping the fear at bay was to fantasize about something that gave her a feeling of strength. She closed her eyes and conjured up the smell of gasoline.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Played with Fire

Stieg Larsson
“Harley-Davidson," she said. "Sweet.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Played with Fire

Stieg Larsson
“Salander in love. What a fucking joke.”
Stieg Larsson

Stieg Larsson
“At some point on the morning of the second day she came to a terrifying realisation. She had no idea how it had happened or how she was supposed to cope with it. She was in love for the first time in her life.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Stieg Larsson
“Her problem was that she could not interpret her own feelings for him. Not since before reaching puberty had she lowered her guard to let another person get so close as she had with him. To be quite honest, he had a trying ability to penetrate her defences and to get her to talk about personal matters and private feelings. Even though she had enough sense to ignore most of his questions, she talked about herself in a way that she would never, even under the threat of death, have imagined doing with any other person. It frightened her and made her feel naked and vulnerable to his will.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Stieg Larsson
“To rest. Not to wakeup. Forgive me, Mimmi.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Stieg Larsson
“Her apartment in Stockholm might look as if a bomb had gone off in it, but mentally Salander was extremely well organised.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Stieg Larsson
“Then he realized that Salander was in costume. Usually her style was sloppy and rather tasteless. Blomkvist had assumed that she was not really interested in fashion, but that she tried instead to accentuate her own individuality. Salander always seemed to mark her private space as hostile territory, and he had thought of the rivets in her leather jacket as a defense mechanism, like the quills of a hedgehog. To everyone around her it was as good a signal as any: Don't try to touch me—it will hurt.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

Stieg Larsson
“Within mathematics, assertions must always be proven mathematically and expressed in a valid and scientifically correct formula. The mathematician must be able to stand on a podium and say the words 'This is so because …”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Played with Fire

Stieg Larsson
“Lisbeth Salander era la mujer que odiaba a los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl Who Played with Fire