Long Distance Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "long-distance-love" Showing 1-30 of 37
Roger de Rabutin
“Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great.”
Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

Steve Maraboli
“I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Donna Lynn Hope
“I don't cry because we've been separated by distance, and for a matter of years. Why? Because for as long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we're still together.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Chimnese Davids
“I've pushed your love away and I've run from you, sometimes I've checked out, but this is the reason. I just couldn't understand what we have. I mean we have never met in real life, yet we've loved each other for over 3 years.”
Chimnese Davids, My Unrequited Love Letters

Laura Anderson Kurk
“All of the emotions that hit people at times like these, all of them, were coursing through us both like a secret we couldn’t tell. Because if we said everything we were thinking and feeling right then…if we laid it all out for one another…we might not like the way the words strung together. Or the way fear and hope and bitterness and love mashed up into one big mess in the pits of our stomachs.”
Laura Anderson Kurk, Perfect Glass

Anna Agoncillo
“If you found that one person who is really worth the sacrifices, pain, and hardships then your efforts will not go to waste.”
Anna Agoncillo, Psychology Of Love, Money, & Life

Juansen Dizon
“I'll never leave you," he said thousands and thousands of miles away.”
Juansen Dizon, Confessions of a Wallflower

Hope Alcocer
“The ones that change...it’s not that going actually changed them its that they didn’t have something better waiting for them when they got back. They changed because its who they wanted to be. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the better half of his soul and the rest of his life waiting back home to remind him why he left in the first place.”
Hope Alcocer, Where Hope Lies

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“You are the stars hidden by clouds. I know you’re there even when I can’t see you. Your shine peeks out and reaches me in the depths of my soul. Tell me your arms are long enough to reach me across oceans. Tell me someday we will be together, somehow, some way. Tell me that this love we have can survive being together as well as we’ve survived being apart. Tell me we are more than the chasm of our divide.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn

“Love is not just being with someone,
love is feeling someone even if
miles separate you”

Jyoti Patel
“My only enemy
is the miles of distance
that's there between us,
my favorite place
is the road that leads
me to you
- the long road home”

Munia Khan
“Distance matters only when you fail to cover it through your mind”
Munia Khan

“I'm comming to You.
You are blazing.
I'm giving You a rose.
It embalms sweet.
I'm givin a kiss...
I melt of You.
I melt and flow with You.
Like an ice in a spring river.
I melt and stay.
Sun will vaporise us.
It will take us up into clouds.
And then we both will fall.
Drop by drop.
We'll fall out of the sky.
We'll raise from dew to fog.
Every sunny warm morning.
We'll let the wind pull us with him.
Cooling our selves in forest shadows.
There in silence we'll cool off
One from another.
But in stormy days and nights.
We'll billow and crash.
One to another.
Like crazy and wild.
We'll churn into white foam.
Ashore in sands we'll wait
For the yellow october leaves
Into them we'll fall asleep.
We'll fall into and freeze.

We'll freeze and melt again
And flow and raise and fall again.
Over and over again

Even if we were in separete glasses of water.
We would moove together and whisper.
Even if in the oceans mixed.
We would moove together and sing.

I'm comming to You.
You are blazing.
I'm giving You a rose
It embalms sweet.


If I'll ever meet You.
I' ll take our time...
To dance dance dance dance with You...”
Martins Paparde

Jyoti Patel
“I know
He is the only one
For I feel surrounded
By a thousand golden fairies
In the dark

He is the only one
For he touched my soul
With his words
Before my body with fingers
For he kissed my heart
Before planting a kiss on my lips”
Jyoti Patel, The Curved Rainbow

Courtney Peppernell
“No matter where my life takes me or yours takes you, I will love you whether there are a thousand miles between us or none at all.”
Courtney Peppernell, Pillow Thoughts

Amruta Patil
“In a faraway city where the palette was pure and bright, Ruth stirred in her sleep, and smiled”
Amruta Patil, Kari

“For how can you forget,
someone you shall never meet.”

“Sometimes you remember her, Get a smile on your face with tears in eyes is the best fusion.”
Prativendra Singh

Munia Khan
“Oceanic farness treasures tomorrow
Mingled tears lost in the sea of sorrow
Our immortal love will lead us a way
When pale days remain cloudy and grey”
Munia Khan

Vera Marie Badertscher
“If you have ever been tempted to look up an old girlfriend or boyfriend, you will sympathize with Frederico. If you have doubts about revealing yourself to someone from your past, you’ll understand Emma. Did you ever have the urge to open a bookstore? You’ll love Dreams & Desires, Emma’s bookstore in Milan that specializes in romance.”
Vera Marie Badertscher

Sapan Saxena
“Why do you speak like we won’t meet again for such a long time?”
“Because we didn’t, for such a long time,”
Sapan Saxena, Unns: The Captivation

Jyoti Patel
“If it truly is love,
No distance will stand in the way.
Otherwise, it seems too far to go
And meet someone living next door.”
Jyoti Patel, The Forest of Feelings

Jyoti Patel
“I am tired
of not being
able to run
to you
at any moment
I wish to.
- You & I, below the same sky”

Courtney Peppernell
“Time is valuable. For all the time we've lost by not being together, it has made you the most valuable thing to me.”
Courtney Peppernell, Pillow Thoughts

Jyoti Patel
“Although in two different cities,
We had a candle light dinner together.”
Jyoti Patel, The Mystic Soul

Cynthia So
“I wonder if Ada would be able to feel the sapphic vibes if she could see the things she and I wrote to each other through the eyes of someone who was an outsider to our friendship.”
Cynthia So, If You Still Recognise Me

Wajid Shaikh
“Itna toh ek reham mujhpar hona chaiye tha
Uske shehar mein mera ek ghar hona chaiye tha”
Wajid shaikh

Holden Sheppard
“When the moon rose, I’d wonder if there was a boy somewhere looking at the same moon, maybe in Europe or America or Africa. Would we meet one day and talk about how we were both looking at the moon at the same time?”
Holden Sheppard, Invisible Boys

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