Lu Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lu" Showing 1-5 of 5
Marie Lu
“Clouds suit my mood just fine.”
Marie Lu, Champion

Jason Reynolds
“But "integrity." That ain't even made up of no other words accept for "in" and "grit," but but that don't make no sense.
"Dad." I nuged him He was sitting right next to me, making sure Whit and Mr. Torrie knew what they were doing, even though there's a counselor person talking to them too. He didn't answer, so I nudged him again. "Dad."
"Yeah?" He turned to me.
"What's integrity?"
"What's integrity?" I reapeted.
"It's like, um, how do I explain it?" Now he turned his whole body to face me. "It's like the good part of you that..." He stopped, tried to gather his thoughts. "You know that gold medal I just gave back to Otis?"
"See how the gold didn't change? Didn't turn any other color?"
"See how it was still heavy after all those years, and how it didn't bend or start to disintegrate?"
"Well, think of integrity as the gold medal... inside you.”
Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds
“Yeah?" He turned to me.
"What's integrity?"
"What's integrity?" I reapeted.
"It's like, um, how do I explain it?" Now he turned his whole body to face me. "It's like the good part of you that..." He stopped, tried to gather his thoughts. "You know that gold medal I just gave back to Otis?" "Yeah."
"See how the gold didn't change? Didn't turn any other color?"
"See how it was still heavy after all those years, and how it didn't bend or start to disintegrate?"
"Well, think of integrity as the gold medal... inside you.”
Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds
“I also read about the twelve steps people sometimes used to get clean. It said 12 STEPS MADE SIMPLE, which made me wonder what the twelve steps made difficult were. Anyway, the simple ones in the pamphlet were:

1. Honesty
2. Hope
3. Faith
4. Courage
5. Integrity
6. Willingness
7. Humility
8. Discipline and Action
9. Forgiveness
10. Acceptance
11. Knowledge and Awareness
12. Service and Gratitude”
Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds
“[W]eirdness makes work when it comes to moms.”
Jason Reynolds
tags: lu