Lying Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lying" Showing 211-240 of 807
“You can't protect someone by lying to them.”
Garima Soni - words world

Nikolai Gogol
“This Nevsky Prospect lies always, but more than ever, when the thick mass of night settles over it and makes the white and yellowish walls of houses stand out, when the whole town becomes thunderous and dazzling, a myriad carriages roll down the streets, postillions shout and mount their horses, and the devil himself lights the lamps in order to show everything in an unreal light”
Nikolai Gogol, Nevsky Prospect

Ptera Hunter
“Just because a behavior is "natural" does not make it good. Arsenic is a natural component of mineral water, but that does not make it something you want to drink.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Jeanette Winterson
“my husband, the first time i kissed him he turned into a frog”
Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry

Jeanette Winterson
“he couldn’t be expected to become homeless because he was in love”
Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry

Jeanette Winterson
“anyone able to tell where we went at night would be rewarded by any one of us in marriage, not surprisingly, princes came from every land, and most of them were easy to fool”
Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry

Jeanette Winterson
“everyone remembers things which never happened, and it’s common knowledge that people often forget things which did. either we are all fantasists and liars or the past has nothing definite in it. but i have heard people say we are shaped by our childhood, but which one?”
Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Truth will have you cornered long before the lie comes out of your mouth, regardless of how big the room might be.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Victoria Benton Frank
“Omitting the truth is also lying.”
Victoria Benton Frank, My Magnolia Summer

“I told the truth - but I wasn't being honest.”
Hulk Hogan, My Life Outside the Ring

Ptera Hunter
“Once we comprehend the evolutionary function of deception, we stand better equipped to understand why it happens, when it is likely to happen, and who is likely to deceive us.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“Miscommunication has an extreme adaptive advantage. Signals can misdirect the receiver and cloak the real intent of the signaler.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“An animal that can successfully deceive has the upper hand over one who always tells the truth.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“Just try to maneuver against a crowd of students and teachers who have learned that an administrative meeting just ended and that food plates are still available in an open conference room. It's like a shark feeding-frenzy.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“We still need fat in our diet, but we do not need any more fat than we needed in the stone age. Our hormones, however, beg to differ.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom Of Loki

Ptera Hunter
“Without [Loki's] ability to deceive, the foresight of Oden had no power to protect Asgard. Without the ability to lie, the power of Thor stood diminished.”
Ptera Hunter , The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“Try to maneuver against a crowd of students and teachers who have learned that an administrative meeting just ended and that food plates are still available in an open conference room. It's like a shark feeding-frenzy.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“Grooming releases endorphins--pleasant, reinforcing chemical signals. The pleasure derived from grooming seems to outweigh the pain of the occasional bite.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“Rather than expend energy on an obvious ploy, a chimpanzee can give social clues so subtle that Agatha Christie would be envious.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“Plants can be just as deceptive as animals. They play the same games of mimicry, and they obey the same rules of diminishing returns.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“Delusional group-think can help us change into what we cannot deceive ourselves into becoming on our own”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Ptera Hunter
“When we tell half-truths in an attempt to maintain social norms and values, we risk losing both our integrity and the maintenance of those norms. We have to come clean with our audience if we have any hope of getting their attention and keeping their belief in us.”
Ptera Hunter, The Wisdom of Loki: The Art of Lying in the Natural World

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Lies are the means by which we attempt to force a false reality upon a situation that we wish were false.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To lie about the truth is to attempt to make it say what it’s not saying in order to support a view that it’s not supporting. And while it remains the truth, our use of it is not.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“At times I might hate the behavior, but don’t confuse that with my feelings regarding the person. For it is all too easy to attempt to lend weight to your stance by errantly declaring that my hatred of one is hatred of both, when actually my hatred of one is born out of my love for the other.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“I don't like dishonesty," said Strike, "and that includes lying by omission.”
Robert Galbraith, The Running Grave

Dizz Tate
“I used to be amazed at her self-deception, but now I see I am exactly the same. I used to think people only lied to make their lives mean something. Now I think people lie to make their lives meaningless, because it makes them so much easier to live.”
Dizz Tate, Brutes

Emily Habeck
“When he was with Wren, Lewis played a characterized version of himself, punching up his idealism, sense of humor, and creative energy.

He had been an actor, after all.”
Emily Habeck, Shark Heart

Amrita Tripathi
“Lying? That too, I don't think I mean to. I just instinctively know the facts that people want to hear, and I want them to hear what they deserve”
Amrita Tripathi, The Sibius Knot