Lying Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lying" Showing 241-270 of 807
Julia Seales
“We were in love. But as I always say, a single man in possession of a good fortune sometimes is actually not single. He's often a total liar.”
Julia Seales, A Most Agreeable Murder

Jeffrey Fry
“I value truth for it is more beautiful than lying; I value honor for it is more attractive than cowardice; I value morals for to do less would make me untethered to my fellow man.”
Jeffrey Fry

Holly Black
“Faeries despise humans as liars, but there are different kinds of lying. Since you and I first came to Faerie, Jude, we've lied to each other plenty. We've pretended to be fine, pretended the possibility of being fine into existence. And when pretending seemed like it might be too hard, we just didn't ask each other the questions that would require it. We smiled and forced laughter and rolled our eyes at the Folk, as though we weren't afraid, when we were both scared all the time.

And if there were hairline cracks in all that pretending, we pretended those away, too.”
Holly Black, The Lost Sisters

Holly Black
“The mortals no longer want you.'

Wren shook her head, because that couldn't be true. Her mother and father loved her. Her mother cut the crusts off her sandwiches and kissed her on the tip of her nose to make her giggle. Her father cuddled up with her to watch movies and then carried her to bed when she fell asleep on the couch. She knew they loved her. And yet the certainty with which Lord Jarel spoke plucked at her terror”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Holly Black
“Let me stay in the woods with you,' he said with a huff of breath.

I imagined it. Having him share tea with me and Mr. Fox. I could show him the places to pick the sweetest blackberries. We could eat burdock and red clover and parasol mushrooms. At night we would lie on our backs and whisper together. He would tell me about the constellations, about theories of magic, and the plots of television shows he'd seen while in the mortal world. I would tell him all the secret thoughts of my heart.

For a moment, it seemed possible.

But eventually they would come for him, the way that Lady Nore and Lord Jarel came for me. If he was lucky, it would be his sister's guards dragging him back to Elfhame. If he wasn't, it would be a knife in the dark from one of his enemies.

He did not belong here, sleeping in dirt. Scrabbling out an existence at the very edges of things.

'No,' I made myself tell him. 'Go home.'

I could see the hurt in his face. The honest confusion that came with unexpected pain.

'Why?' he asked, sounding so lost that I wanted to snatch back my words.

'When you found me tied to that stake, I thought about hurting you,' I told him, hating myself. 'You are not my friend.'

I do not want you here. Those are the words I ought to have said, but couldn't because they would be a lie.

'Ah,' he said. 'Well.'

I let out a breath. 'You can stay the night,' I blurted out, unable to resist the temptation. 'Tomorrow, you go home. If you don't, I'll use the last favour you owe me from our game to force you.

'What if I go and come back again? he asked, trying to mask his hurt.

'You won't.' When he got home, his sisters and his mother would be waiting. They would have worried when they couldn't find him. They'd make him promise never to do anything like that again. 'You have too much honour.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

“There are lies and lies, backed by motivations and motivations. Some lies are incredibly noble. Now spot me the one lying about their nobility.”
Anonymous Creator

Steven Magee
“When good cops are lying for bad cops, they also become bad cops through association.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Once you believe a lie to be the truth, you are now in the rather unfavorable position of having to change every truth that you encounter in order to support the lie that you now believe. And given the wildly proliferating progression that now ensues due to the fact that you must do this for every lie that you create, it becomes exceedingly apparent why the truth might be painful, but why it’s a whole lot easier.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Richelle E. Goodrich
“He was a volcano that spewed only ashes and destruction, and they despised him for that lying tongue.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, A Heart Made of Tissue Paper

Sarah J. Maas
“Humans all look alike to me.'

Amarantha gave him a saccharine smile. 'And what about faeries?'

Rhysand bowed again- so smooth it looked like a dance. 'Among a sea of mundane faces, yours is a work of art.'

Had I not been straddling the line between life and death, I might have snorted.

Humans all look alike... I didn't believe him for a second. Rhysand knew exactly how I looked- he'd recognised me that day at the manor.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“It is better to always be firm like grasses lying under the ground if they break you in one place or cut you off from one place you can rise from another place.

Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“It is better to always be firm like grasses lying under the ground if they break you in one place or cut you off you can rise from another place.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Vincent H. O'Neil
“He’s duplicitous by nature, and no doubt expects the same of everyone he meets.”
Vincent H. O'Neil, The Gathering Elements

“They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying. And still they continue to lie.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Louise Milligan
“Some of those watching believed answers like this (eg. "I don't recall", "I don't think so.") - which dominated Pell's evidence as well as [former Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane Brian] Finnigan's and many of the other priests - to be a form of 'mental reservation' or mentalis restrictio in the Latin. It's a theological strategy dating back centuries, which involves the idea of truths 'expressed partly in speech and partly in the mind'. As the theory goes, lying is considered a sin. But a Christian's ethical duty is to tell truth to God - reserving or restricting part of that truth from human ears is ethically sound if it serves the greater good. (p.185)”
Louise Milligan, Cardinal: The Rise and Fall of George Pell

Sarah J. Maas
“I did it for you, too, you know.' Cold, hard words. 'I went with him to get you back.'

'I never realised what a powerful motivator guilt can be.'

'That day you- went away,' he said, struggling to avoid that other word- left. 'I beat Tamlin back to the manor- received the message when we were out on the border and raced here. But the only trace of you was that ring, melted between the stones of the parlour. I got rid of it a moment before Tam arrived home to see it.'

A probing, careful statement. Of the facts that pointed not toward abduction.

'They melted it off my finger,' I lied.

His throat bobbed, but he just shook his head, the sunlight leaking through the forest canopy setting the ember-red of his hair flickering.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“His red hair gleamed in the faint firelight a moment later as he shoved through the flaps and swore. 'Maybe I should sleep out there.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Please.'

A way, considering glance as he knelt and removed his boots. 'You know Tamlin can be... sensitive about things.'

'He can also be a pain in my ass,' I snapped, and slithered under the blankets. 'If you yield to him on every bit of paranoia and territorialism, you'll just make it worse.'

Lucien unbuttoned his jacket but remained mostly dressed as he slid onto his sleeping roll. 'I think it's made worse because you two haven't... I mean, you haven't, right?'

I stiffened, tugging the blanket tighter onto my shoulders. 'No. I don't want to be touched like that- not for a while.'

His silence was heavy- sad. I hated the lie, hated it for how filthy it felt to wield it. 'I'm sorry,' he said. And I wondered what else he was apologising for as I faced him in the darkness of our tent.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“You tell them I killed them. In self-defence. After they hurt me so badly while you and Tamlin did nothing. Even when they torture you for the truth, you say that I fled after I killed them- to save this court from their horrors.'

Blank, vacant eyes were my only answer.


Lucien's voice was a hoarse rasp.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Lucien was having none of it. 'I knew. I knew you were lying the moment you unleashed that light in Hybern. My friend at the Dawn Court has the same power- her light is identical. And it does not do whatever horseshit you lied about it doing.'

I shoved my pack off my bedroll. 'Then why not tell him? You were his faithful dog in every other sense.'

His eye seemed to simmer. As if being in his own lands set that molten ore inside him rising to the surface, even with the damper on his power. 'Glad to see the mask is off, at least.'

Indeed, I let him see it all- didn't alter or shape my face into anything but coldness.

Lucien snorted. 'I didn't tell him for two reasons. One, it felt like kicking a male already down. I couldn't take that hope away from him.' I rolled my eyes. 'Two,' he snapped, 'I knew if I was correct and called you on it, you'd find a way to make sure I never saw her.'

My nails dug into my palms hard enough to hurt, but I remained seated on the bedroll as I bared my teeth at him. 'And that's why you're here. Not because it's right and he's always been wrong, but just so you can get what you think you're owed.'

'She is my mate and in my enemy's hands-'

'I've made no secret from the start that Elain is safe and cared for.'

'And I'm supposed to believe you?'

'Yes,' I hissed. 'You are. Because if I believed for one moment that my sisters were in danger, no High Lord or king would have kept me from going to save them.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Marcel Pagnol
“Moreover, I discovered that day that grown-ups could lie just as well as I, and it seemed to me that I could no longer feel quite safe with them.”
Marcel Pagnol, My Father's Glory & My Mother's Castle: Marcel Pagnol's Memories of Childhood

Sarah J. Maas
“Do you understand what it means when you imply you don't trust us to help you? To respect your wishes if you want to do something alone? When you lie to us?'

'You want to talk about lying?' I didn't even know what came out of my mouth. I wished I'd killed Ianthe myself, if only to get rid of the rage that writhed along my bones. 'How about the fact that you lie to yourself and all of us every single day?'

She went still, but didn't loosen her hold on my arm. 'You don't know what you're talking about.'

'Why haven't you ever made a move for Azriel, Mor? Why did you invite Helion to your bed? You clearly found no pleasure in it- I saw the way you looked the next day. So before you accuse me of being a liar, I'd suggest you look long and hard at yourself-'

'That's enough.'

'Is it? Don't like someone pushing you about it? About your choices? Well, neither do I.'

Mor dropped my arm. 'Get out.'

Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

“Can a class-eight artificial intelligence lie?”
“Oh yeah, sure. I lie all the time. I’m lying right now.”
My brain short-circuited a little. “But if you’re lying about lying…But if you’re telling the truth about lying…”
“I just blew your mind, didn’t I, kid? Bwa-ha-ha!”
Carlos Hernandez, Sal and Gabi Break the Universe

Sarah J. Maas
“I can't lie to her,' Cassian said, looking at Rhys. 'I can't.'

'You don't need to lie,' Amren answered. 'Simply don't volunteer the information.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If there’s at least one thing that’s true about a lie, it’s that it will never be the truth regardless of how creatively you lie about it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“A Harsh Truth Is Always Better Than A Beautiful Lie. Besides, The Harsh Truth Will Make The Beautiful Lie Look Ugly”
Mr Luc Jorgart, Whispers of Wisdom: Philosophical Quotes of Luc Jorgart

“Don't Deceive Your Closest Allies, The Only One Who Is Made A Fool Is Yourself”
Mr Luc Jorgart, Whispers of Wisdom: Philosophical Quotes of Luc Jorgart

Steven Magee
“Part of life after a failed relationship is respecting your family’s right to maintain a friendship with your unfaithful ex.”
Steven Magee

Ayelet Gundar-Goshen
“She knew she hadn't answered his question but preferred not answering to lying. She'd rather raise him with questions that remain open than in a world filled with false answers.”
Ayelet Gundar-Goshen, Waking Lions

Graham Greene
“It helped a lot not being able to speak much French. You sound awfully truthful if you don't know the right words.”
Graham Greene, The End of the Affair