Machiavelli Quotes

Quotes tagged as "machiavelli" Showing 1-30 of 77
Niccolò Machiavelli
“When evening comes, I return home and go into my study. On the threshold I strip off my muddy, sweaty, workday clothes, and put on the robes of court and palace, and in this graver dress I enter the antique courts of the ancients and am welcomed by them, and there I taste the food that alone is mine, and for which I was born. And there I make bold to speak to them and ask the motives of their actions, and they, in their humanity, reply to me. And for the space of four hours I forget the world, remember no vexation, fear poverty no more, tremble no more at death: I pass indeed into their world.”
Niccolo Machiavelli

Paulo Coelho
“A Warrior knows that the ends do not justify the means. Because there are no ends, there are only means...”
Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light

Niccolò Machiavelli
“From this arises the following question: whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other, but because they are difficult to combine, it is far better to be loved than feared if you cannot be both.”

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Without an opportunity, their abilities would have been wasted, and without their abilities, the opportunity would have arisen in vain.”
Machiavelli Niccolo

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Therefore a wise prince ought to adopt such a course that his citizens will always in every sort and kind of circumstance have need of the state and of him, and then he will always find them faithful.”
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Niccolò Machiavelli
“These opportunities, then, gave these men the chance they needed, and their great abilities made them recognize it.”
Machiavelli Niccolo

Michel Foucault
“Finally, this principle and its corollary lead to a conclusion, deduced as an imperative: that the objective of the exercise of power is to reinforce, strengthen and protect the principality, but with this last understood to mean not the objective ensemble of its subjects and territory, but rather the prince's relation with what he owns, with the territory he has inherited or acquired, and with his subjects.”
Michel Foucault, The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality

Niccolò Machiavelli
“Those who believe that where great personages are concerned new favors cause old injuries to be forgotten deceive themselves.”
Machiavelli Niccolo

“In your quest for power, you must learn to conceal your true intentions and present a façade that aligns with the expectations of others. Wear a mask that suits your purposes, and use it to manipulate the perceptions of those around you. By mastering the art of deception, you can move freely among your adversaries, gathering intelligence and plotting your next move without arousing suspicion.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“As you delineate the contours of your ambition, remain vigilant to the strengths and weaknesses of those who surround you. Friends and foes alike can be woven into your tapestry, either as allies to be cultivated or as obstacles to be overcome. Like a skilled chess player, anticipate the moves of your opponents, and prepare to outmaneuver them with foresight and guile.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“Remember that the threads of your ambition must be anchored in the real world. We know from “The Discourses,” a ruler must be both a lion and a fox, relying on both strength and cunning to navigate the treacherous terrain of power. Be prepared to adapt your strategies as circumstances dictate, and never shy away from employing deception or ruthlessness when they serve your cause.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“While fate may present opportunities for the ambitious, it is ultimately the resourceful and adaptable prince who can bend fortune to his will. Do not rely solely on chance or the goodwill of others; rather, seize the initiative and forge your own path to greatness.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“Power, in its many forms, is an irresistible force that captivates the human mind and drives our ambitions. The desire for power is a universal trait, and as a Machiavellian dreamer, it is essential to recognize and embrace this truth. By understanding the lure of power, you can harness its potential and make it the cornerstone of your dreams.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The first step in embracing the lure of power is to identify the specific pillars of power that you seek. These can include wealth, influence, control over others, or any other aspects of power that resonate with your ambitions. Reflect on what power means to you and how it can serve your dreams. By pinpointing the precise elements of power you desire, you can better focus your efforts and strategies.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The allure of power is magnetic, drawing people and resources toward those who wield it. As you pursue your dreams, understand that power is not only a means to an end but also a force that can attract new opportunities and alliances. Embrace the magnetic nature of power and use it to your advantage as you navigate the complex web of human interactions.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The lure of power can serve as a potent motivator, driving you to push beyond your perceived limits and conquer new territories. As you dream of the life you desire, allow the enticement of power to fuel your ambition and propel you toward your goals. Recognize that the pursuit of power is an ongoing endeavor, and that the appetite for power will never be fully satiated.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“As you pursue your dreams, you must develop your skills in manipulation, learning to bend others to your will and turn adversaries into allies. Study the intricacies of human nature and use your newfound knowledge to exploit the weaknesses and desires of those around you.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“As you wield your influence and control, be prepared to make sacrifices and face the consequences of your actions. Understand that, in the pursuit of power, you may lose friends, alienate allies, and create enemies. Embrace the darker aspects of power and accept the costs that come with it.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“dreams. By understanding the various dimensions of power and embracing its potential, you can make it the driving force behind your ambitions. Harness the magnetic nature of power, feed your ambition, and develop your skills in manipulation to shape the life you desire. Always remember, however, that power comes at a price – be prepared to face the consequences of your actions as you ascend to the throne of your dreams.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“By understanding the various dimensions of power and embracing its potential, you can make it the driving force behind your ambitions. Harness the magnetic nature of power, feed your ambition, and develop your skills in manipulation to shape the life you desire. Always remember, however, that power comes at a price – be prepared to face the consequences of your actions as you ascend to the throne of your dreams.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The Machiavellian dreamer understands that the pursuit of power is akin to a game of chess, and it is through the mastery of strategy that one can achieve victory.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“Envision your life as a chessboard, with each piece representing an aspect of your dreams, resources, and potential obstacles. It is through the careful manipulation of these pieces that you can gain the upper hand in your pursuit of power. Study the board, learn the strengths and weaknesses of each piece, and plan your moves with precision and foresight.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“A skilled strategist knows when to bide their time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike or exploit a weakness in their adversaries. Learn to cultivate patience, and use it to gather intelligence, assess the shifting landscape of influence, and prepare for the moments when decisive action is required.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“One of the most potent strategies in the pursuit of power is to create divisions among your adversaries, weakening their alliances and making them more susceptible to your influence. Be attuned to the tensions and rivalries that exist within your sphere of influence, and learn how to exploit them for your own gain. By sowing discord among your rivals, you can more easily bend them to your will and consolidate your power.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The ability to adapt is critical to your survival and success. Develop a keen sense of observation, and be prepared to adjust your strategies and tactics as circumstances change. Recognize that even the best-laid plans may encounter unforeseen obstacles, and embrace the need for flexibility in the face of adversity. By remaining adaptable, you ensure that your dreams remain resilient and your pursuit of power remains unyielding.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“By acknowledging and preparing for adversity, you will forge your ambition in the fires of difficulty, ensuring that your dreams are not easily extinguished.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“A skilled dreamer conducts a thorough assessment of the landscape, identifying potential threats and challenges that could hinder their path to power. By recognizing these obstacles in advance, you will be better prepared to adapt your strategies and maintain your momentum in the face of adversity.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“In the quest for power, enemies will rise against you, and even trusted allies may reveal themselves as false friends. It is crucial to recognize the motivations and ambitions of those around you, discerning true loyalty from deceitful intentions. A Machiavellian dreamer must be prepared to sever ties when necessary, sacrificing temporary alliances for the greater good of their pursuit of power.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The world is in a constant state of flux, and the dreamer who remains steadfastly attached to a single course of action will soon find themselves left behind. In the face of adversity, you must be willing to change tactics, adapting your strategies to the shifting landscape of power. This adaptability is the hallmark of a true Machiavellian, as it enables you to weather the storms of adversity and emerge even stronger than before.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“When confronted with adversity, the cunning dreamer will seek not only to overcome obstacles but also to exploit them. By identifying the weaknesses of your adversaries and the vulnerabilities in their defenses, you can turn adversity to your advantage, using the very challenges that stand in your way to propel you closer to your goals.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

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