Mary Magdalene Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mary-magdalene" Showing 1-30 of 57
Anton Sammut
“...Fools that you are! You believe you hold the Eternal Law of Dharma in your hands, but the truth is you are living in absolute spiritual darkness! You accuse women of being impure because of their monthly bleeding and will not deign to accept them in your presence, but what you do not realise is that while women's blood brings about new life, the blood you shed in the name of religion brings about nothing but death!...”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“Once the caravan reached the Kashmir Valley between the Great Himalayas and the Pir Panjal Range, in the northernmost region of the Indian subcontinent, Jesus continued the journey with a small group of locals until he completed the last leg on his own, guided from one place to another by the local people.

Some weeks later, he made it to the Indian Himalayan region where Jesus was greeted by some Buddhist monks and with whom he sojourned for some time. From that location, he then went to live in the city of Rishikesh, in India's northern state of Uttarakhand, spending most of his time meditating in a cave known as Vashishta Gufa, on the banks of the River Ganga.

Jesus lived in those lands for many months before he continued traveling to the northeast, until he arrived in the Kingdom of Magadha, in what is presently West-central Bihar. It so happened that it was here, in Magadha, that Jesus met Mari for the first time, the woman better known today as Mary Magdalene...”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“In its mythology, Mithra, the Persian god of light and wisdom, was born of a virgin in a cave on the 25th December and later, as an adult, undertook long voyages for the purposes of illuminating mankind. His disciples were twelve; he was betrayed, sentenced to death, and after his death, he was buried in a tomb from which he rose from the dead. The Mithrian religion also states that at the end of all time, Mithra will come again to judge the living and the dead. In this religious cult, Mithra was called the Saviour and he was sometimes illustrated as a lamb. Its doctrine included baptism, the sacramental meal (the Eucharist), and the belief in a saviour god that died and rose from the dead to be the mediator between God and mankind. The adherents of this religion believed in the resurrection of the body, universal judgement, and therefore in heaven and hell.”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“Mari [Mary Magdalene] possessed a remarkably coherent understanding of what following The Way [Rahasya] meant. She believed that this spiritual philosophy taught that the world represented Man's mystic school from whence each person ultimately graduated by reaching the Enlightened State. Therefore, according to this spiritual discipline, human suffering is very subjective and manifested itself according to every person's personal karma or attitude to life. This meant that every life a person experienced imparted a certain number of spiritual lessons that may not have been experienced before in other lives. Ultimately, every experience could be relived and bring about spiritual growth, assisting the individual to move continually closer to the Enlightened State.”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“At the time that she came to live with Jesus's mother, Mari [Mary Magdalene] had no inkling about how she would be greeted by her since their cultures were radically different from each other. The pleasure of her surprise was therefore boundless when Jesus's mother heartily welcomed her with open arms, despite the cultural difference in their religious beliefs. In all fairness, Mari did not make it difficult for Mary to accept her; if anything, she invited Mary to teach her the social habits and local traditions of her people down to the most minor detail especially since she would find them very useful later on in her public life with Jesus.”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“One of the main reasons Jesus wanted Mari [Mary Magdalene] to start her own following of female disciples was because in those times, Jewish women had no probative value in society and were therefore not even given a basic education. Their intellect was considered decidedly inferior to men's and apart from this, women's far superior intuition was interpreted as a characteristic that associated them to the devil since the men could not quite understand this inner knowledge or find a plausible explanation for it...”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“This is why Jesus would urge Mari [Mary Magdalene] to look after the women noting, ''Cultivate their regard for you because those women who are naturally drawn to you are exceptional people, sensitive women who are very close to spiritual freedom. However, before they can achieve this ultimate goal, you must first tend to their psychological wounds, the visible and the invisible lesions they have experienced at the hands of men, just as we once did in your homeland. It is only if these existential traumas are healed properly that these women can finally reach equanimity of spirit and heart.”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“And so Jesus continued to preach in those lands and one day, when he was in the city of Pataliputra or modern-day Patna, close to the River Ganges, Jesus met a beautiful young woman whose name was Mari, better known today as Mary Magdalene: an attractive woman who was some ten-years younger than Jesus was.”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“Then it happened that whenever he began to see Mari's [Mary Magdalene] passionate enthusiasm, her eyes emanating a light that amply showed how contended she was aiding so many people, Jesus could not help but be proud of his most-beloved disciple. Mari, likewise, felt indebted and grateful to Jesus as she saw her fellow sisters gradually being saved on all counts, some even going on to become some of Jesus's staunchest disciples...”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“This medicinal potion was additionally consumed as part of a sacred ritual known as Sōmayajña where the Yogis that Jesus himself had taught were helped to reach an enlightened trance.

In effect, Jesus had developed the Nirvanalaksanayoga Tantra specifically for women, to heal them from the psychological damage and abuse they had to endure at the hands of men. He wanted to enable them to rise above patriarchal dominance, realise their highest potential, and then he would guide them towards an enlightened state. The first person to benefit from this privilege was Mari [Mary Magdalene] herself. Jesus began teaching this discipline in every place that he visited: from Kashmir in the northernmost region of the Indian subcontinent, to Uttar Pradesh, and Mari would accompany him on every journey he embarked on, from east of the Indus to Nepal.”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“What happened to Jesus after he was crucified?

A historical reconstruction

It is an undeniable fact that the New Testament Gospels present the crucifixion and the resurrection as the pivot upon which Christianity is based. However, this notion is most surprising when we take into consideration that this postulation was never part of Jesus's teaching. Certainly the evangelists 'Mark' and 'Matthew' do hint at these strange happenings, but it is a noted fact amongst the majority of the biblical scholars that these sequences were added several centuries after the original Gospels were written, and this was done so that the political editors of these Gospels could adapt the writings according to their political and theological needs...”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“The Emperor Constantine the Great (272 - 337) and his Pauline bishops decided that all the Gospels that went against the politics of the emperor and the Hellenistic Christianity that was created by St Paul, were to be excluded from the New Testament. Proof of this can be found in the fact that the 27 books of The New Testament are but a very small fraction of the Christian literature that was produced in the first three centuries after Jesus lived. These documents are known as the Apocryphal Gospels (Greek, Apocrypha: ' hidden' or 'secret writings') and some of them retained quite a following and were highly respected in the communities of the earliest times...”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Anton Sammut
“At this crucial point, for the Roman Church to reach a compromise between this myth of Mithra and the Hellenistic Christianity of St. Paul, it was necessary to have a sudden change of events or an altered version of Jesus's life, and it was here that the Roman Church began to implement a psychological process known today as Cognitive Dissonance. In a few words, this happens when a group of people produce a false reconstruction of an event they want to continue to believe in, a literary strategy also known as the Reconstructive Hypothesis. This theological notion is equally known as Apotheosis or the glorification of a subject to divine level such as a human becoming a god. In the case of Jesus, this process was copied in its entirety from the religion of Mithra where their 'divinisations' were practically the same.”
Anton Sammut, The Secret Gospel Of Jesus AD 0-78

Reena Kumarasingham
“The rise of the Divine Feminine does not have to be at the expense of the Sacred Masculine. It is about the complete respect of the differences that the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine bring to a physical and spiritual union.”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Reena Kumarasingham
“The separation of feminine and masculine has torn us into pieces. The balance of feminine and masculine will bring us back to peace”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Laurence Galian
“What happened to the Divine Feminine? Why has She apparently disappeared from Judaism, Christianity and Islam? In the Gnostic Gospels, we learn that Mary Magdalene was probably the closest disciple of the Christos, the one whom the Master taught the most arcane esoteric wisdom. She was and is the representation of all wisdom. The male apostles of the Christos demonstrated both their jealousy and respect for the wisdom and position of Mary Magdalene.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Ross King
“In fact, the figure in The Last Supper is not a woman: only the most partisan reading can place Mary Magdalene in the scene. Viewers in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries would have read the painting quite differently.”
Ross King, Leonardo and the Last Supper

Reena Kumarasingham
“Water is Consciousness of giving, healing. Like most things, when there is corruption or dishonouring or disrespect of any part of the Consciousness, water can turn or stop.”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Reena Kumarasingham
“Once we achieve this balance, we will see everyone as a balance of masculine and feminine. Everyone has a role. Every energy is of equal value.”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Reena Kumarasingham
“do share my knowledge with some of the healers. Some already have that knowledge, and some of them take some new knowledge. I take knowledge from them as well, and together, our Consciousness expands.”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Reena Kumarasingham
“Mary’s insistence of seeing people’s Divine Spark is in line with the Gnostic view of seeking and knowing one’s divinity to do away with the world of ignorance.”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Reena Kumarasingham
“They do not wish to change people’s minds overnight. It is not their objective. What they see themselves doing is bringing in a new wave of Consciousness.”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Susan Campbell
“Can't we look to Mary Magdalene as simply an early church leader whose rightful place next to Christ should have been acknowledged? There are no Scriptures to place her anywhere but right next to Jesus. Even a cursory reading of the Bible shows her to be a godly woman responding wholeheartedly to a message that must have appealed to her greatly. But the fastest way to rob a woman of her power is to make her a sexual suspect. It certainly has worked all these years for MM.”
Susan Campbell, Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism, Feminism, and the American Girl

Reena Kumarasingham
“I love this man with all my heart…. All my soul… all my spirit… everything. We are One. And I cannot imagine life without him.”
Reena Kumarasingham, The Magdalene Lineage: Past Life Journeys Into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Pamella Bowen
“When Jael questioned her about what the whales said, Eroica usually replied, "They love me. They love the sea. They love each other. They love God." Always love was their message, and Jael knew her daughter was telling the truth as she heard it. Love was the truth, whether it came from a whale, a human, or God in heaven.”
Pamella Bowen, Magdalena's Demons

“The goddess Kuan Yin is perhaps the most famous bodhisattva in East Asia. She is the graceful lady of the Orient. She's related in iconographical background to Isis in the ancient world, or the Virgin Mary in our modern Western World.”
Roger Weir

Chester Brown
“Judas. It's none of your business how other people spend their money. Mary bought this expensive nard as an expression of her love. That love will be remembered for thousands of years.”
Chester Brown, Mary Wept Over the Feet of Jesus: Prostitution and Religious Obedience in the Bible

“In my darkest days, I grew hope by pressing into the ancient stories. I followed the thread of love stretching from Mary Magdalene’s life, through the lives of the saints, and down into mine.”
Amber C. Haines and Seth Haines

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