Media Corruption Quotes

Quotes tagged as "media-corruption" Showing 1-5 of 5
Jon   Stewart
“If everything is amplified, we hear nothing.”
Jon Stewart

Lance Morcan
“If it’s true that nothing is more potent than an idea, then those who control the media can direct minds en masse.”
Lance Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy

Bryant McGill
“The deceptive, glossy media images of faces, bodies and social lifestyles, make us hate ourselves so we will buy a solution to love ourselves once again.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Lance Morcan
“Traditional journalism, where reporters deliver information in a balanced and unbiased fashion, is rapidly fading into obscurity. This is especially evident on television where high profile reporters become bigger than the story, delivering news with large dollops of personality and wit – almost as if they are actors.”
Lance Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy

Jean Baudrillard
“We find the same situation in the economy. On the one hand, the battered remnants of production and the real economy; on the other, the circulation of gigantic amounts of virtual capital. But the two are so disconnected that the misfortunes which beset that capital – stock market crashes and other financial debacles – do not bring about the collapse of real economies any more. It is the same in the political sphere: scandals, corruption and the general decline in standards have no decisive effects in a split society, where responsibility (the possibility that the two parties may respond to each other) is no longer part of the game.
This paradoxical situation is in a sense beneficial: it protects civil society (what remains of it) from the vicissitudes of the political sphere, just as it protects the economy (what remains of it) from the random fluctuations of the Stock Exchange and international finance. The immunity of the one creates a reciprocal immunity in the other – a mirror indifference. Better: real society is losing interest in the political class, while nonetheless availing itself of the spectacle. At last, then, the media have some use, and the ‘society of the spectacle’ assumes its full meaning in this fierce irony: the masses availing themselves of the spectacle of the dysfunctionings of representation through the random twists in the story of the political class’s corruption. All that remains now to the politicians is the obligation to sacrifice themselves to provide the requisite spectacle for the entertainment of the people.”
Jean Baudrillard, Screened Out