Media Quotes

Quotes tagged as "media" Showing 241-270 of 1,263
“The propagandists are as guilty as the perpetrators”
Seun Ayilara

Claire Dederer
“Biography used to be something you sought out, yearned for, actively pursued. Now it falls on your head all day long.”
Claire Dederer, Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma

“It is sad that our reality sounds like a conspiracy theory. Who would have ever thought that our very own people we elected, our very own government and media . They colluded with greedy people and are the ones behind our sufferings, unemployment, crime, troubles, killings, murder, poverty, infection, pandemic, sickness, failure and death . They made us think we are crazy and are making things up. Meanwhile they are the ones who are corrupt to the core. They are villains not victims. They create problems for us so they can try to come up with solutions that can make them profit.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Flimsy petals of petunias, Waving amidst ferocious wintry wind. Challenging the wan winters each hour.........”
Khushi Kaul

“Government and politicians are concern about what we say about them on social media. Rather than being concern on the issues we on social media. They don’t care about our issues. They care about their image.
How will that make them look. That is why they only attend to matters that will give them public stunt or good PRs. They don’t care about fixing the issues we are having.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“For years, I assumed that educating people who are already interested in climate change would just be preaching to the choir. But my reporting career has taught me that's note true. Most people who are interested in climate change just don't yet have the tools to talk about it confidently. The choir is there. They want to sing. But they don't know the words. (Emily Atkin, Truth Be Told)”
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

Calvin Coolidge
“I mentioned the other day that any reports about what I was going to do when I finished being President were made entirely without consultation with me. I forgot to mention one report that is going around. I mention it now because I don’t want to be accused of acquiring property under false pretenses. I am having sent to me quite a number of jackknives. I don’t recall that I ever made any suggestion that after I finished my term of office I was going to engage in the occupation of whittling. I did some when I was a boy. I haven’t applied myself to that for a good many years. I hesitate to spoil anything like a good newspaper story, but, as I say, I don’t want to keep getting jackknives under false pretenses.”
Calvin Coolidge

Vanessa de Largie
“The media primarily gives the microphone to voices that toe the line — voices that keep the masses under tight control, like a sedative. And as we listen to these voices or read what they have to say, we don’t have to think much because they’re basically regurgitating a spiel that we’ve heard a million times before.”
Vanessa de Largie

Ehsan Sehgal
“Whenever the media, anchors, and journalists become the pawns of political parties and their propaganda clowns, they not only ignore their journalistic prestige but even misuse, discredit, and affront their freedom and neutrality. In this way, they have to reap the consequences of their unprofessional role.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Erin Zelinka
“I watched the little ellipsis dance. Three gray dots, doing the worm at the bottom of my iPhone screen, carrying on their round backs an entire world of either happiness or despair.”
Erin Zelinka, On Love and Travel: A Memoir

Erin Zelinka
“I imagined an Instagram filter of Cartagena, a 140-character version, a status update, a quip, a bite, a piece, all of which I would learn were too small to capture the reality I was about to encounter.”
Erin Zelinka, On Love and Travel: A Memoir

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“People should understand one thing, nowhere is a journalist, what you see on your TV or Mobile screen, most of them are poor daily wages worker,”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Don't be angry with the news anchors. They are बंधुआ मज़दूर, (servants), they also need to feed their children, & morality can not buy a piece of ”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Normal people apply butter on bread to feed their child, and most news anchor and reporter apply genocide victims' blood on bread to feed their children”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“the most shameful generation in the future will be the generation of journalists & media personalities. They will be ashamed of being a generation of those who are directly involved in genocide and nothing more than a propaganda tool.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“The English language is perniciously ableist. We speak in metaphor that constantly puts down disabled bodies, with phrases like "turning a blind eye" and "it fell on deaf ears" falling from our lips so easily. People often tell me it's not that big of a deal. But, of course, if you've been listening to your language make you sound stupid, ignorant, and useless for your entire life, when you've made a profession out of the craft of language, you cannot help but find pain in the ways that language cuts you to the quick.

ASL has its own barbs. All languages do. But English is troublingly ableist. (Page 42)”
Elsa Sjunneson, Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman's Fight to End Ableism

Annie Ernaux
“When it comes to illustrating social change, newspapers can only provide collective evidence.”
Annie Ernaux, Shame

“Деспотія виставляє себе берегинею демократії, так ніби кількість приватних телеканалів є свідченням свободи думки.”
Карл-Маркус Ґаусс, Europejski alfabet

Jarle Breivik
“lesson about the difficulties of communicating balanced information through the mass media: First you must fight to be heard; then your message is distorted, and finally, you are bound to be misunderstood.”
Jarle Breivik, Making Sense of Cancer: From Its Evolutionary Origin to Its Societal Impact and the Ultimate Solution

Roy Duffield
“The Invaders are in your very midst!’
The Newsman admits.
The People
start having fits
after paying him handsomely
for his services.”
Roy Duffield, Bacchus Against the Wall

Frank Herbert
“We mustn't run short of filmbase," the Duke said. "Else, how could we flood village and city with our information? The people must learn how well I govern them. How would they know if we didn't tell them?”
Frank Herbert, Dune

G.K. Chesterton
“The curious culture of the modern suburb will believe anything it is told in the papers about the wickedness of the Pope, or the martyrdom of the King of the Cannibal Islands, and, in the excitement of these topics, never knows what is happening next door. In this case, however, the two forms of interest actually coincided in a coincidence of thrilling intensity. Their own suburb had actually been mentioned in their favourite newspaper. It seemed to them like a new proof of their own existence when they saw the name in print. It was almost as if they had been unconscious and invisible before; and now they were as real as the King of the Cannibal Islands.”
G.K. Chesterton, The Secret of Father Brown

Filip Dewinter
“Er zijn tegenwoordig meer politicologen, commentatoren, columnisten en andere opiniemakers dan er politici zijn. Die leven daarvan. Zij zijn een soort van vierde macht geworden. Zij bepalen wat de man in de straat mag, nee zelfs moét denken.”
Filip Dewinter

Filip Dewinter
“Neem nu ‘De Afspraak’. Dat zit daar altijd vol politieke journalisten, die inmiddels allemaal BV geworden zijn. De media voeren die alle dagen op, waardoor mensen op den duur gaan denken dat die figuren écht belangrijk zijn, dat die iets vertegenwoordigen. Maar de waarheid is: zij vertegenwoordigen enkel zichzelf en hun linkse, politiek-correcte woke-mening. Zij ondervragen elkaar, en zo blijven we in de cirkel van elitaire journalisten. Dat is niet meer dan een kruisbestuiving en een zelfbewierroking, en op den duur gaan ze zichzelf nog geloven ook.”
Filip Dewinter

Filip Dewinter
“Vroeger ging de man in de straat nog voor een stuk mee met de media. Ze geloofden wat er in de kranten stond en wat er in het nieuws gezegd werd. Maar nu beschouwt men de mainstream media als het verlengstuk van de culturele en politieke elite.”
Filip Dewinter

“Say NO to the dogma of the media and the selfish.”
Vladimir Živković, A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality

“Governments, industries, scientists, and the public must collaborate in a concerted effort to develop and implement policies that promote sustainability, protect freshwater habitats, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Public awareness and advocacy are equally crucial, fostering a collective commitment to safeguarding the diversity of life on our planet.”
Shivanshu K. Srivastava

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
“News is full of noise. History is largely stripped of it.”
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets

Donna Leon
“Given Loreti's position in society, the press had followed, panting. But they were to be disappointed by the police's failure to find any sign of what the English call "foul play," and so the investigation had been downsized to "missing person," whereupon the articles began to grow shorter and the pages on which they were printed further to the back of the newspapers. After a month or two, the articles followed the person into obscurity. Brunetti, who often saw things in a literary way, thought of this as a transposed simile. In the first days, the Loreti case was compared to some crime from the past. After a year, a new crime was compared to the Loreti disappearance. Over the years and generations, it had drifted into the distant past, Brunetti realized: from sensation to footnote.”
Donna Leon, So Shall You Reap

Nancy Fraser
“The mainstream media continues to equate feminism, as such, with liberal feminism. But far from providing the solution, liberal feminism is part of the problem. Centered in the global North among the professional-managerial stratum, it is focused on “leaning-in” and “cracking the glass ceiling.” Dedicated to enabling a smattering of privileged women to climb the corporate ladder and the ranks of the military, it propounds a market-centered view of equality that dovetails perfectly with the prevailing corporate enthusiasm for “diversity.” Although it condemns “discrimination” and advocates “freedom of choice,” liberal feminism steadfastly refuses to address the socioeconomic constraints that make freedom and empowerment impossible for the large majority of women. Its real aim is not equality, but meritocracy. Rather than seeking to abolish social hierarchy, it aims to “diversify” it, “empowering” “talented” women to rise to the top. In treating women simply as an “underrepresented group,” its proponents seek to ensure that a few privileged souls can attain positions and pay on a par with the men of their own class.”
Nancy Fraser, Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto