Texting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "texting" Showing 1-30 of 94
Richelle Mead
“I sent a quick text to Adrian: I have a hickey! You can’t ever kiss me again. I honestly hadn’t expected him to be awake this early, so I was surprised to get a response: Okay. I won’t kiss you on your neck again.

So typical of him. No! You can’t ever kiss me ANYWHERE. You said you were going to keep your distance.

I’m trying, he wrote back. But you won’t keep your distance from me.

I didn’t dignify that with a response.”
Richelle Mead, The Indigo Spell

“What’s not so great is that all this technology is destroying our social skills. Not only have we given up on writing letters to each other, we barely even talk to each other. People have become so accustomed to texting that they’re actually startled when the phone rings. It’s like we suddenly all have Batphones. If it rings, there must be danger.

Now we answer, “What happened? Is someone tied up in the old sawmill?”

“No, it’s Becky. I just called to say hi.”

“Well you scared me half to death. You can’t just pick up the phone and try to talk to me like that. Don’t the tips of your fingers work?”
Ellen DeGeneres, Seriously... I'm Kidding

Tammara Webber
“Lucas: I wanted to talk to you after class, but you disappeared.

Me: I have another class right after. One of those profs who stops talking, stares at you and waits until you get to your seat if you're late.

Lucas: I would probably just walk to my seat even slower. ;)”
Tammara Webber, Easy

Cat Patrick
“The boy in the closet is your boyfriend. He loves you and will tell you all about last night.”
Cat Patrick, Forgotten

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I texted back: Did you make it home?
A few minutes passed while I stared at my phone. Yeah. Fam showering me with affection. U cld learn frm them.
I think you get enough attention.
I'm needy.
Boy, don't I know that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout, Wait for You

Alexis  Hall
“I miss you.
Sorry. Was that too much?
I know it’s only been a few days.
Maybe this is why people don’t want to go out with me.
Not that you’re really going out with me anyway.
I hope I didn’t sound presumptuous.
I’m probably sounding really weird now.
I’m assuming you’re not texting back because you’re still asleep. Not because you think I’m disgustingly clingy.
If you’re awake and think I’m disgustingly clingy, could you at least tell me.
Right. You’re probably asleep.
And now you’re going to wake up and read all this and I’m going to die of embarrassment.
Alexis Hall, Boyfriend Material

Holly Smale
“1. You left a multipack of Mars Bars on top of your wardrobe. Can I have one? Dad x

2. I had three. Hope that's OK. Dad x

3. I'm just going to have one more. Dad x

4. Harriet, your Dad's made himself sick on an entire multipack of Mars Bars again. Please don't leave sweets where we can find them. A x”
Holly Smale, Model Misfit

Jennifer L. Armentrout
What r u doing now?
I'm beating my dad at poker.

Picturing him with his family, I smiled.
Getting ready for bed.
Wish I was there.

My eyes widened. What the what?
Wait r u naked?
I sent back. Perv.
Damn, At least I have my imagination.
That's all you will ever have.
We'll c.
No you won't.

Jennifer L. Armentrout, Wait for You

Robin Sloan
“I sit up straight and do the first thing a person is supposed to do in an emergency, which is send a text message.”
Robin Sloan, Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

Alexis  Hall
“Is this just a polite way of saying you need time to recover from my flat?

I won't lie. It was fairly terrible. But there were some compensations.

Like what?


I stared at the word for a really long time. Remember this is fake. Remember this is fake. Remember this is fake.”
Alexis Hall, Boyfriend Material

“Was that semi-colon some kind of flirty wink or just bad punctuation?”
Azadeh Aalai

Brian Christian
“The more helpful our phones get, the harder it is to be ourselves. For everyone out there fighting to write idiosyncratic, high-entropy, unpredictable, unruly text, swimming upstream of spell-check and predictive auto-completion: Don't let them banalize you. Keep fighting.”
Brian Christian, The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive

Arden Aoide
“...what do you want to know?
Usual stuff. Serious relationships, age, whether you eat babies. :-D

I’m 30. I think babies are tasty, but empty calories, and I’ve had one long-term serious relationship...”
Arden Aoide, Club Dishabille

Harriet Evans
“WHY did she do this? She was a terrible drunk texter. All the things she wanted to say to people during the day came out at night, like a vampire.”
Harriet Evans, Happily Ever After

Helen Fielding
“Clearly in textbook terms, the gentleman should text the lady first after intercourse, but perhaps the whole socio-etiquettical system breaks down when an insect plague is involved.”
Helen Fielding, Mad About the Boy

Emiko Jean
I've been trying to do the right thing for everyone but myself. But I think I've figured it out now. I'm going to stop trying to please everyone.


Get ready for Izumi 2.0. I'm totally evolving.

What do you think your final form will be?

IDK, probably something winged and glittery.

Then I add,

I'm going to keep the clothes, though.

I feel like that's a given.
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Dreaming

Sara Desai
DAISY: It's cold. Maybe you should wait inside.
LIAM: On my way. Make room in the bed.
DAISY: Very presumptuous. You have not been forgiven.
LIAM: Will do whatever you want. Walk on bed of hot coals. Whip self with cat o' nine tails. Eat five containers of Shark Stew. Fly to India to buy you Kurkure Masala Munch. Grovel and kiss your pretty feet.
Sara Desai, The Dating Plan

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The chances of the driver’s mind being on the road are usually way too low when on a highway.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“My phone buzzed. I looked down--- a text from Devin.

Enjoying yourself?

I grinned.

Yup, lots of hot guys here

A sharp sensation, the magnetic warmth we shared, heated with annoyance.

I'll show you why I'm better than them when we get home

Jealousy is unbecoming. You're the only one I'm interested in. The snowplows are going to be busy tomorrow.
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Faeries

stained hanes
“Playing the maze game on Microsoft Encarta, downloading Simpsons episodes on IRC, geocities and angelfire websites so shitty it was beyond hilarious, violent stick figure animations made with Macromedia Flash on StickDeath, StickSuicide and SFDT, no moderation on forums, what was a place for elitists and sophisticated outcasts primarily from western countries became streamlined starting with kids getting cellphones around 2000 and texting each other on a keypad that wasn't made for it. By 2003 or 4 hardly any kids went outside during summer.”
stained hanes, 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat

H.C.  Roberts
“Whatever he typed next would affect her greatly. He held her heart. And everything depended on his next message.”
H.C. Roberts, Harp and the Lyre: Exposed

“I am almost certain that he has texted me at the same time each morning just to get me up for work. And his plan has succeeded. My body clock now wakes me up at 8:45 a.m. and instead of cursing at the world, the first thing I do is smile.”
Megan Clawson, Falling Hard for the Royal Guard

Becky Albertalli
“I just wanted to say how much i loved last night… How much I liked last night… Just wanted to say last night was really fun… Hi. we made out last night and then I disappeared and then you disappeared and now I’m going home and I know you don’t want to be official girlfriends or anything, obviously, LOL, but I just want you to know I really liked it. More than liked it. Unless you disagree, in which case I liked it just enough that you should feel good about your kissing abilities, but not enough that you should feel any pressure, okay? And maybe you can respond with an emoji, or something, just to give me a clue where you stand.”
Becky Albertalli, Imogen, Obviously

Abhijit Naskar
“If someone is interested, they'll find time - if not, they'll find excuse.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

“America, you have left me on "Read" more times than I can count,
and yet I keep writing these texts to you, though you ghost

me on the regular. Buzzed, I go to bed, and buzzing with expectation
each morning I wake up ready to do the same thing all over again,

as though faith weren't something inherently crazy, given the state of things.
Lately, I've been making End Times jokes, except they're not really jokes anymore.”
Natasha Oladokun

Sarah Addison Allen
“Before Oliver could say anything to her that morning, his phone dinged. Garland frowned. He lifted it to see that it was a text from Zoey.

I'm on a quest. Do you know where I can find a copy of Dancing with the Dellawisps?

He watched Garland turn her head slightly toward the open French doors, surreptitiously looking for Cooper. Oliver quickly typed a response.

There's this great thing called The Internet, ever heard if it?

She answered before he could put away his phone.

College graduate AND a comedian. You're such a Renaissance man.

Oliver smiled despite himself and he felt his shoulders relax a little.”
Sarah Addison Allen, Other Birds

Erin Zelinka
“I watched the little ellipsis dance. Three gray dots, doing the worm at the bottom of my iPhone screen, carrying on their round backs an entire world of either happiness or despair.”
Erin Zelinka, On Love and Travel: A Memoir

- Jag vägrar bestämma. Ta över kontrollen av situationen, låt inte killen bestämma. Krossa patriarkatet!

- Du inser att genom att tvinga mig bestämma förstärker du patriarkatet som du så gärna vill att jag ska krossa?”
Callum Bloodworth, Berätta tre saker

H.C.  Roberts
“This wrld is dezined to either make u feel really GUILTY or to NOT CARE at all.”
H.C. Roberts, Harp and the Lyre: Extraction

Jane Washington
“Isobel: Got water on my phone.

Spade: You better not be back in the fucking lake.

Isobel: The shower.

Spade: Alone?

Isobel: …

Spade: What?

Isobel: Why would you ask that?

Spade: To gather information.

Isobel: Why?

Spade: …

Isobel: What?”
Jane Washington, Plier

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