Mental Disorders Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mental-disorders" Showing 1-30 of 74
Shannon L. Alder
“A best friend is the only one that walks into your life when the world has walked out.”
Shannon l. Alder

Jasmine Warga
“Anyone who has actually been that sad can tell you that there's nothing beautiful or literary or mysterious about depression.”
Jasmine Warga, My Heart and Other Black Holes

Shannon L. Alder
“Sensitive people usually love deeply and hate deeply. They don't know any other way to live than by extremes because thier emotional theromastat is broken.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Insanity is everyone expecting you not to fall apart when you find out everything you believed in was a lie.”
Shannon L. Alder

Tiffany Madison
“The problem with having problems is that ‘someone’ always has it worse.”
Tiffany Madison, Black and White

Shannon L. Alder
“Cruel people offer pity when they no longer feel threatened. However, kind people offer compassion and understanding regardless.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“People that have been consistently hurt by others in life will only see the one time you hurt them and be blinded to all the good your heart has to offer. They look no further than what they want to see. Unfortunately, most of them remain a victim throughout their life.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Two people with mental issues in a relationship does not work. It's like sitting in a boat and neither one has an oar to row the other to shore. You can meet your mirror image in life, but that doesn't mean you should marry him.”
Shannon L. Alder

“Love is not enough. It takes courage to grab my father's demon, my own, or - God help me - my child's and strap it down and stop its mad jig; to sit in a row of white rooms filled with pills and clubbed dreamers and shout: stop smiling, shut up; shut up and stop laughing; you're sitting in hell. Stop preaching; stop weeping. You are a manic-depressive, always. your life is larger than most, unimaginable. You're blessed; just admit it and take the damn pill.”
David Lovelace, Scattershot: My Bipolar Family

Shannon L. Alder
noun \ˈvik-təm\

1. The moment you tell everyone you have a mental disorder, in order to excuse your behavior.”
Shannon L. Alder

Holly Bourne
“Mental illnesses grab you by the leg, screaming, and chow you down whole.They make you selfish. They make you irrational. They make you irrational. They make you self-absorbed. They make you needy. They make you cancel plans last minute. They make you not very fun to spend time with. They make you exhausting to be near.”
Holly Bourne, Am I Normal Yet?

Shannon L. Alder
“We are all a little schizophrenic. Each of us has three different people living inside us every day—who you were, who you are and who you will become. The road to sanity is to recognize those identities, in order to know who you are today.”
Shannon L. Alder

Jon Ronson
“The DSM-IV-TR is a 943-page textbook published by the American Psychiatric Association that sells for $99...There are currently 374 mental disorders. I bought the book...and leafed through it...I closed the manual. "I wonder if I've got any of the 374 mental disorders," I thought. I opened the manual again. And instantly diagnosed myself with twelve different ones.”
Jon Ronson, The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

Shannon L. Alder
“You can't compare men or women with mental disorders to the normal expectations of men and women in without mental orders. Your dealing with symptoms and until you understand that you will always try to find sane explanations among insane behaviors. You will always have unreachable standards and disappointments. If you want to survive in a marriage to someone that has a disorder you have to judge their actions from a place of realistic expectations in regards to that person's upbringing and diagnosis.”
Shannon L. Alder

“Anxiety is the monster that resides within.”
Karon Waddell

Jon Ronson
“I was much crazier than I had imagined. Or maybe it was a bad idea to read DSM-IV when you're not a trained professional. Or maybe the American Psychiatric Association had a crazy desire to label all life a mental disorder.”
Jon Ronson, The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

Steven Magee
“Jail has become the biggest mental health hospital.”
Steven Magee

Sherman Alexie
“Being colonized automatically makes you bipolar.”
Sherman Alexie

“While a psychiatric diagnosis can serve a purpose in treatment plans, it should not become a tool to discredit a person's disclosure of abuse.”
Lee Ann Hoff, Violence and Abuse Issues: Cross-Cultural Perspectives for Health and Social Services

“Sometimes it can be as brutally overwhelming as a tidal wave flooding every orifice, the suffocation, the pressure, the immensity of this damnable depression like an ocean, unsurmountable. It swallows me whole and gnaws at my very bones. It floods me over and over, drowning me over and over... It is a torturous broken record player with a scratched disc on repeat, the wailing disrupting any possible good remaining after the tsunami. It wails and wails inside my ribcage and inside my skull. I cannot make it stop.”
Moonshine Noire

Lesley Glaister
“She lay a moment longer. Oh it was queer; she was ignited. Now she understood it. Love. And she was changed.”
Lesley Glaister, Blasted Things

Steven Magee
“Police intentionally murdering a mentally unstable person will always be unacceptable when there are numerous other non-lethal options available to them.”
Steven Magee

Michael F. Stewart
“I hear a siren and, if we weren’t already in a hospital, I would have assumed they were coming for nearly everyone in this room.”
Michael F. Stewart, Counting Wolves

Kara Petrovic
“Love heals all.
Love overcomes all.
And though you cannot love someone's illness away.
Sometimes it is best to love them at all.”
Kara Petrovic, beyond rock bottom: a collection of poetry

“DID patients often feel very isolated/lonely, in the sense that they believe they are the only one in the universe who is “different” from others and that they do not understand themselves... DePrince et al found that alienation was the only cognitive appraisal variable to differentiate DID from PTSD. While the groups had similar appraisals of shame, betrayal, self-blame, anger, and fear, the DID participants had higher appraisal of themselves as experiencing alienation. This construct is associated with feeling alone, disconnected, and different.”
Vedat Sar

“The source for any mental trauma is never other person, but its your own MIND psyching YOU into believing that you're vulnerable at first, thereby gradually increasing the intensity of suffering as it justifies through illusionary reasons - all thanks to the unconscious recess, as falsity forms is very foundation with fabrication as prime drivers, thus pushing one into a life-negative state with violent mood swings followed by depression and suicidal tendencies! Beware of your MIND, for it's not YOU!” ”
Ramana Pemmaraju

Wiss Auguste
“Our dreams and nightmares are kept apart by this thin line of sanity. Some of us are just fortunate that we only cross that line in our sleep.”
Wiss Auguste

Adriana Vandelinde
“Your mental health should be more important than your fear to tell others how you feel. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.”
Adriana Vandelinde, English for Her: Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask

Vera Kurian
“I could be whatever they wanted me to be. A fun girl, a potential best friend, someone to tell secrets to over midnight snacks. This type of socializing was just me playing little roles for a few moments, but when I need to go all in, I can.”
Vera Kurian, Never Saw Me Coming

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