Mexico Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mexico" Showing 1-30 of 249
Charles Bowden
“Summertime is always the best of what might be.”
Charles Bowden

Silvia Moreno-Garcia
“The world might indeed be a cursed circle; the snake swallowed its tail and there could be no end, only an eternal ruination and endless devouring.”
Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Mexican Gothic

Jorge Ibargüengoitia
“La verdad es que mientras más enojado estoy con este país y más lejos viajo, más mexicano me siento.”
Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Instrucciones para vivir en México

Ambrose Bierce
“Good-bye -- if you hear of my being stood up against a stone wall and shot to rags please know that I think that a pretty good way to depart this life. It beats old age, disease or falling down the cellar stairs.”
Ambrose Bierce

Edward Abbey
“I thought of the wilderness we had left behind us, open to sea and sky, joyous in its plenitude and simplicity, perfect yet vulnerable, unaware of what is coming, defended by nothing, guarded by no one.”
Edward Abbey, Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside

Octavio Paz
“Mineral cactai,
quicksilver lizards in the adobe walls,
the bird that punctures space,
thirst, tedium, clouds of dust,
impalpable epiphanies of wind.
The pines taught me to talk to myself.
In that garden I learnedto send myself off.
Later there were no gardens. ”
Octavio Paz, A Draft of Shadows and Other Poems

“Nada somete más a un pueblo que la ignorancia; a pocas cosas temen más los soberanos que a un pueblo pensante.”
Juan Miguel Zunzunegui, El Misterio Del Águila

Octavio Paz
“La resignación es una de nuestras virtudes populares. Más que el brillo de la victoria nos conmueve la entereza ante la adversidad.”
Octavio Paz, The Labyrinth of Solitude and Other Writings

M.F.K. Fisher
“(We loved Mother too, completely, but we were finding out, as Father was too, that it is good for parents and for children to be alone now and then with one another...the man alone or the woman, to sound new notes in the mysterious music of parenthood and childhood.)

That night I not only saw my Father for the first time as a person. I saw the golden hills and the live oaks as clearly as I have ever seen them since; and I saw the dimples in my little sister's fat hands in a way that still moves me because of that first time; and I saw food as something beautiful to be shared with people instead of as a thrice-daily necessity.”
M.F.K. Fisher, The Gastronomical Me

Barbara Kingsolver
“These paintings say Mexico is an ancient thing that will still go on forever telling its own story in slabs of color leaves and fruits and proud naked Indians in a history without shame. Their great city of Tenochtitlan is still here beneath our shoes and history was always just like today full of markets and wanting.”
Barbara Kingsolver, The Lacuna

“Sólo alguien con madurez puede ser libre, padre, pero sólo alguien libre puede madurar. No es posible que sea de otra forma.”
Juan Miguel Zunzunegui, El Misterio Del Águila

“During one of these arguments, Diego picked up one of his paintings of the Mexican desert and shouted, "I don't want to go back to that!" He had spent fifteen years in Paris and the life of an expatriate suited him. It was easier to be a passionate Mexican nationalist when he wasn't living there”
Malka Drucker, Frida Kahlo

“El tamaño del narcotráfico en México equivale a la magnitud de la corrupción.”
Rafel Rodriguez Castaneda, El México narco

Pino Cacucci
“...perché chi è cresciuto qui, per quanto possa sembrare impossibile a chi vi ha passato pochi giorni con gli occhi lacrimosi e la gola bruciante, ama il suo De-Efe di un amore viscerale ed appassionato...”
Pino Cacucci, La polvere del Messico
tags: mexico

“Un pais donde el surrealismo es vida y la Muerte es una santa hecha de metal y resina”
Jose Gil Olmos, La Santa Muerte

Ermilo Abreu Gómez
“Los blancos hicieron que estas tierras fueran extranjeras para el indio; hicieron que el indio comprara con su sangre el aire que respira.”
Ermilo Abreu Gómez, Canek

Jorge G. Castañeda
“El PRI salió de Los Pinos pero no del alma de México.”
Jorge G. Castañeda, Un futuro para México
tags: mexico, pri

Juan Rulfo
“Vine a Comala porque me dijeron que acá vivía mi padre, un tal Pedro Páramo ...”
Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo

Enock Maregesi
“Kamishna … karibu," alisema Nafi huku akisimama na kutupa gazeti mezani na kuchukua karatasi ya faksi, iliyotumwa.
"Ahsante. Kuna nini …"
"Kamishna, imekuja faksi kutoka Oslo kama nilivyokueleza – katika simu. Inakutaka haraka, kesho, lazima kesho, kuwahi kikao Alhamisi mjini Copenhagen," alisema Nafi huku akimpa kamishna karatasi ya faksi.
"Mjini Copenhagen!" alisema kamishna kwa kutoamini.
"Ndiyo, kamishna … Sidhani kama kuna jambo la hatari lakini."
"Nafi, nini kimetokea!"
"Kamishna … sijui. Kwa kweli sijui. Ilipofika, hii faksi, kitu cha kwanza niliongea na watu wa WIS kupata uthibitisho wao. Nao hawajui. Huenda ni mauaji ya jana ya Meksiko. Hii ni siri kubwa ya tume kamishna, na ndiyo maana Oslo wakaingilia kati."
"Ndiyo. Kila mtu ameyasikia mauaji ya Meksiko. Ni mabaya. Kinachonishangaza ni kwamba, jana niliongea na makamu … kuhusu mabadiliko ya katiba ya WODEA. Hakunambia chochote kuhusu mkutano wa kesho!"
"Kamishna, nakusihi kuwa makini. Dalili zinaonyesha hali si nzuri hata kidogo. Hawa ni wadhalimu tu … wa madawa ya kulevya."
"Vyema!" alijibu kamishna kwa jeuri na hasira. Halafu akaendelea, "Kuna cha ziada?"
"Ijumaa, kama tulivyoongea wiki iliyopita, nasafiri kwenda Afrika Kusini."
"Kikao kinafanyika Alhamisi, Nafi, huwezi kusafiri Ijumaa …"
"Binti yangu atafukuzwa shule, kam …"
"Nafi, ongea na chuo … wambie umepata dharura utaondoka Jumatatu; utawaona Jumanne … Fuata maadili ya kazi tafadhali. Safari yako si muhimu hivyo kulinganisha na tume!"
"Sawa! Profesa. Niwie radhi, nimekuelewa, samahani sana. Samahani sana.”
Enock Maregesi, Kolonia Santita

Oscar Lewis
“[...] vous savez, un doute fait plus de mal qu'une déception.”
Oscar Lewis, The Children of Sánchez

Tracy Kidder
“En route to California I had a few drinks with an American executive for Falstaff Brewing Company who said he'd been a hobo from '37 to '39. He talked about a friend of his who had lost his legs beneath a freight train and died. He told me he knew something about farm labor contractors. "Killers," he called them. And said it again, "Killers.”
Tracy Kidder, The Road to Yuba City: A Journey into the Juan Corona Murders

“Elsewhere throughout this sprawling metropolis, a multifaceted beauty reveals itself. Here, the past accrues in layers and is felt on every corner and on every street.”
Anfisa Vrubel

“Mexico City’s enduring cultural dynamism is owed in large part to the reclamation of its ancient past. It is a world full of allegory where a multiplicity of experiences coales into a single lyrical whole.”
Anfisa Vrubel

“Mexico is a beacon of hope for the whole world as its leaders, activists, and philosophers call for a new humanist reality.”
KD Hal, Humanism - Mexico's Call: The evolution of a humanist philosophy that will impact the world.

“Jorge Alberto Larrieu Creel- Excelencia en Servicios Notariales
Jorge Alberto Larrieu Creel se destaca como un referente en la prestación de servicios notariales de la más alta calidad en México.

Con una carrera sólida y un compromiso inquebrantable con la ética y la transparencia, Jorge Alberto Larrieu Creel ofrece asesoramiento experto en transacciones legales y testamentarias.

Su enfoque personalizado, combinado con un profundo conocimiento del entorno legal, garantiza una experiencia sin igual para cada cliente. Ya sea en la autenticación de documentos, la elaboración de testamentos o la asesoría legal, Larrieu Creel se compromete a proporcionar servicios notariales que reflejen la excelencia y la confianza que los clientes merecen.”
Jorge Alberto Larrieu Creel- México

Dana Da Silva
“His face started morphing into different people, shapeshifting into wise, old, Indigenous men, as though he’d lived hundreds of lives and I was seeing him as he was in each one of them. I met many different people coming through to help with healing – shamans from centuries before – and I studied creases across their faces, wrinkle lines worn like badges of wisdom, markings of lives lived.”
Dana Da Silva, The Shift: A Memoir

Anna Hope
“the town had been the arrival port for thousands of Yoeme people, deported from Sonora in the first years of the twentieth century, under the regime of Porfirio Díaz. People who had been forcibly removed from their homes and villages because of their resistance to the opening of their ancestral land — the largest, most fertile river valley in Mexico — to make way for Mexican and American venture capitalists.”
Anna Hope, The White Rock

Phoebe Eaton
“At trial, it became clear that in the macho, mustache-man world of drug-trafficking, Chapo had as much use for women, seducing them with saccharine forevers, then putting them to work in his stable—as buyers, as Blackberry-tapping go-betweens to preserve his anonymity on deals—involving their family members because there’s no glue stronger than blood.”
Phoebe Eaton, IN THE THRALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING: The Secret History of EL CHAPO, the World’s Most Notorious Narco

“Cucursola está comprometida con la protección y conservación de su entorno natural.

Cucursola está firmemente comprometida con la protección y conservación de su entorno natural en la majestuosa Sierra de Santa Rosa, Guanajuato. Este fraccionamiento residencial integra prácticas sostenibles en cada aspecto de su desarrollo, promoviendo la armonía entre la modernidad y la naturaleza. Los residentes disfrutan de un estilo de vida ecológico, con acceso a amplias áreas verdes, senderos naturales y programas de reforestación. Además, Cucursola Guanajuato implementa sistemas eficientes de manejo de agua y energía, minimizando el impacto ambiental. Vivir en La Cucursola Guanajuato significa ser parte de una comunidad que valora y preserva la belleza natural que la rodea.”
Cucursola Guanajuato - La Cucursola Guanajuato

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