Middle Grade Quotes

Quotes tagged as "middle-grade" Showing 211-240 of 401
Kailin Gow
“Positive Words Are Blessings - Kailin Gow, Amazon Lee Adventures”
Kailin Gow

Allyson Kennedy
“But the more we all stuck together, the more outside layers fell off, revealing that we all have insecurities, fears, and dreams. And that's perfectly normal. That's how God made us.”
Allyson Kennedy, Speak Your Mind

Hilary McKay
“Her mood was suddenly in free fall, a state she knew all too well. A heaviness inside. A hollow loneliness. A need to either quarrel or cry. A downward plunge that could only be escaped by huge loss of temper, howling for her mother, or what people like teachers called going too far.
Trouble on the way.”
Hilary McKay, Binny for Short

Allyson Kennedy
“My face is like some sort of bashful chameleon, flashing red at any sign of social interaction. Stupid face.”
Allyson Kennedy, Speak Your Mind

Jonathan Auxier
“In a moment of terrible heartbreak, he (The Sweep) had taught her to see wonder.”
Jonathan Auxier, Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster

Kathryn Apel
“The heart is one of
the strongest muscles
in the body and
you're all
Kathryn Apel, On Track

Jack Dublin
“Storytelling is the art of weaving ordinary words into extraordinary worlds.”
Jack Dublin, The Lost and Found Journal of a Miner 49er: Vol. 2

Jessie Janowitz
“Everyone loves Zoe’s hair: teachers, waiters, bus drivers, strangers on the subway. And the ones who don’t know about the biting will even try to touch it.”
Jessie Janowitz, The Doughnut Fix

Jessie Janowitz
“Starting Your Own Business for Dummies was on top.
“That doesn’t mean I think you’re stupid or anything, you know,” Josh said as he handed me the books.
“Yeah, I know,” I said, though I liked that he was the kind of person who’d check to make sure.”
Jessie Janowitz, The Doughnut Fix

Diane Zahler
“They didn’t speak again but sat in disbelief and wonder as the cookies, made with butter, sugar, flour, eggs, and a dollop of exasperation, slowly cooled on their tray.”
Diane Zahler, Baker's Magic

Lauren Oliver
“You're getting older," Mr. Dumfrey said, as if he'd read her mind. "The world is full of Rattigans, just as it is full of beautiful and wondrous things. You will have to see all of it, and you will have to see it on your own.”
Lauren Oliver, The Fearsome Firebird

Lauren Oliver
“You grew up little and you learned about evil. Well, now you're going to grow up a little bit more. Evil isn't always obvious. It's not always the people who make headlines. Evil sometimes in the failure of people to do the right thing. The brave thing. Evil sometimes just looks like going along with the crowd. And you know what? In tha way, we're all a little bit evil.”
Lauren Oliver, The Fearsome Firebird

Lauren Oliver
“You grew up little and you learned about evil. Well, now you're going to grow up a little bit more. Evil isn't always obvious. It's not always the people who make headlines. Evil sometimes in the failure of people to do the right thing. The brave thing. Evil sometimes just looks like going along with the crowd. And you know what? In that way, we're all a little bit evil.”
Lauren Oliver, The Fearsome Firebird

“Richie Royal, age 15, is an up-and-coming young teen idol in China who has a hit record and many endorsements. He is considered the ideal idol for many young people in China as he is handsome, talented, comes from a good family, and smart. Born in the United States of America and went to school in Arcadia, California until he was 10 years old. He and his family relocated to China and established one of the largest beauty and fashion companies in Asia.

“Okay!” I said. “I should be excited to see an actual teen idol here, but I’m not,” I said, looking at Mom, Dad, Auntabelle and Trent. “I don’t know how long this traffic jam is going to be, but we have to make it to Grandpa’s house before the birthday, don’t we, Dad?”
- Amazon Lee Adventures in China by Kira G. and Kailin Gow”
Kira G, Kailin Gow

P.S. Greenwood
“It would be refreshing to wash up on a strange beach somewhere, salty and sunburnt like some old boot. A new family might take me in, clean me up and have no choice than to adopt me.”
P.S. Greenwood, The Goodbye Bug

Sammy J
“If blending in was an Olympic sport, Justin Monaghetti would have won gold. He took comfort from this. Even at primary school, when kids called him names, they tended to go with ‘Justin Mona-spaghetti’, or other equally idiotic options. They never made fun of his face though – it had, as far as he could tell, no distinguishing features.”
Sammy J, The Long Class Goodnight

Sammy J
“Justin realised with dismay that his misfortune had provided a bonding opportunity for the rest of the class – nothing unites people more than making fun of a loser. Of course, Justin still refused to accept that he was a loser, but he had to admit he was doing a very good impression of one.”
Sammy J, The Long Class Goodnight

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“Cabrina’s heart expanded with hope. Something in her dad’s eyes held a light that made her feel he was on her side.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“My mom was afraid of dogs the same way you fear dragons. She didn’t know anything about them.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner

Diane Zahler
“He took great pleasure in teasing her; he’d decided that Bee was no name for a person, and that it must just be the first letter of her real name. So every time he came in, he addressed her by a new and awful name that started with B.”
Diane Zahler, Baker's Magic

Diane Zahler
“His bread was lofty, light. If she didn’t hold on to the sandwich tightly, she thought it might float away.”
Diane Zahler, Baker's Magic

Paul Durham
“My earliest memory is of a crib,
a darkened room, and three shadows
slipping through the doorway
with bad intentions.”
Paul Durham, The Last Gargoyle

Justin Swapp
“Private like, this is cool stuff, and I should let my cousin in on it, kind of private?” Gunnar asked, “or, private like, I wet my pants, and I’m hiding the evidence, kind of private?”
Justin Swapp, The Shadow's Servant

Donna Gephart
“There’s more than one way to lose someone you love.”
Donna Gephart, Death by Toilet Paper

P.S. Greenwood
“When I looked up to that vacant night sky I was struck by its sheer emptiness. There was no more moon, no more stars, no sign of the beautiful blanket of neon dandruff beyond.”
P.S. Greenwood, The Goodbye Bug

P.S. Greenwood
“Before I know it, I’m already outside, riding my bike down the hill, the autumn wind biting at my face, peddling as fast as I can, foolishly hoping that if I could just break the speed of light, then … maybe I could be the first boy ever to travel back in time and maybe then … I could go back. Back to when I had a real family.”
P.S. Greenwood, The Goodbye Bug

Tiffany Elaine
“No matter how big you get, keep your heart bigger." -Ms. Mulligan”
Tiffany Elaine, Ms. Mulligan and the Enchanted Ice Cream

Lisa Lewis Tyre
“There was almost no flat land, so any houses either sat right near the road, or perched on the side of the mountain. They clung there, like dingy moths sitting on velvet drapes, and I half expected them to take flight at any second.”
Lisa Lewis Tyre, Hope in the Holler

Suzy  Davies
“We should not judge by appearances,” thought Stella. “Time shows us who we can trust. Then, folks show us their true natures. There’s nothing worse than false friends who lead us by the hand into all kinds of dangers.
They have two sides—one light, one dark. Nothing’s unusual about that. But false friends take us from our true paths. I’d rather have honest enemies or rivals. They challenge us and shape us. They help us more than they know. They give us courage—something to go against.”
Suzy Davies, The Girl in The Red Cape