Misrepresented Quotes

Quotes tagged as "misrepresented" Showing 1-3 of 3
Criss Jami
“How is it that some celebrities, whom the average person would believe to have all the popularity a human being could want, still admit to feeling lonely? It is quite naive to assume that popularity is the remedy for loneliness. Loneliness does not necessarily equal physical solitude, it is the inability to be oneself and rightfully represented as oneself.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Christina Engela
“• Scientific and medical studies, research or evidence is either distorted and misrepresented, or disputed or outright ignored by opponents whose views are threatened by the facts, in public shows of articles, statements, websites and even legislation. Scientific facts are ignored or dismissed as being ‘a liberal agenda’ or ‘merely propaganda’.”
Christina Engela, The Pink Community - The Facts

Jasmina Alexander
“Sometimes it is better to stay out of confusing situations, because your actions and words can be misrepresented, even with the best intentions in the world.”
Jasmina Alexander, MY LIFE IN QUOTES