Modernist Quotes

Quotes tagged as "modernist" Showing 1-30 of 40
Joseph Conrad
“They wanted facts. Facts! They demanded facts from him, as if facts could explain anything!”
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“I returned rather feebly to the subject of her daughter. 'I suppose she talks, she eats, and everything.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Joseph Conrad
“It was then that Brown took his revenge upon the world which, after twenty years of contemptuous and reckless bullying, refused him the tribute of a common robber’s success. It was an act of cold-blooded ferocity, and it consoled him on his deathbed like a memory of an indomitable defiance. . . . Thus Brown balanced his account with the evil fortune. Notice that even in this awful outbreak there is a superiority as of a man who carries right—the abstract thing—within the envelope of his common desires. It was not a vulgar and treacherous massacre; it was a lesson, a retribution—a demonstration of some obscure and awful attribute of our nature which, I am afraid, is not so very far under the surface as we like to think.”
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

Ava Reid
“You should know by now that I'm not a fan of doing things just because that's the way they've always been done.' Preston set his jaw. 'Or preserving things just because they've always been preserved.”
Ava Reid, A Study in Drowning

Vidhu Kapur
“If not for the love and
support of parents, children can never be!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“If only, it were written on men’s faces how they would
eventually be, things could work. Relationships would thrive. But
my darling, only time is the real deal and the answer to one’s
integrity. Time reveals one’s allegiance. People are, who they are.
Their intentions, however, either get revealed or change over a
period of time. Hard truth!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Listen, I am your mother, nonetheless, I am saying this to
you. And these may not have been the wisest two cents in our
times, but perhaps, are in today’s times—love, you take your time
to get married, no rush. Know a guy, well, very well, before you
engineer lofty dreams in your head and heart, and take the big
step. I do not care about the world; I care about my daughter and
her heart more than anything else.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“If I were to give a name to
people's lives, I'd first give to mine and call it-- Blessing.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I look at my much in love parents, and their cutest ever tiffs.
How they get back to talking because they cannot just, not talk, to
each other, for too long. They sulk, and talk, but talk. Never a day
without talking. Such, is how love should be. I look at them and
my cup runneth over!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Parents’ love is not conscious, rather it is ethereally organic.
Parents’ love is not seasonal. Their love is a voluntary decision to
be with their offspring, no matter what. Their love does not need
answers, confirmation, validation, or acceptance. It thrives on its
own and overflows like the purest waters from the mountains,
irrespective of what it may have to cascade through. The deepest
cockles of my heart reverberate with their love and keep me on the
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“The feeling of love is astounding. Never, can it ever be
forgotten—to be loved and to love! One marvel of a feeling,
which, if touches you, consider yourself bestowed.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“The exhilarating knowledge of a long-desired tryst with the lover,
the vigour, the traction within the insides, and the delirium is so
atop a hill.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“The daunting world of love can turn the freest, the
uncomplicated, and the most perfunctory souls into thoroughly
love-struck creatures, at lightning speed. Think of it-- from a
freelancer to a full-fledged employee.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“From here on, nothing about each other is hidden from us, not
our hearts, not our minds, not our bodies, not our souls.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Years start to pass by but our desire for each other does not
pass us by. The “spice” that he brings into my life remains as
peppery and savoury as ever. The beauty and warmth I bring to his life, remain as enlivening as ever. Together, we cultivate a loving
relationship that lights us both.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Between pampering each other, hell lot of teasing, making
love, and then pampering each other more, we get abundantly
used to each other. We never say, every other day, that we know
we cannot be apart from each other. We just do not want to be.
We like it together and we just know that we shall be together, for
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“To talk is as easy as falling off a log. To say what your heart
loves. Or, not. But we still do not say it. All we have to do is rummage through ourselves and say it out loud to the people we
love. It is all within us—the love, the will, the strength, the
courage, and the hope!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“To say out loud, the love we have in us for the one we have it
for does not hurt, any of us. But, to not say out loud, it hurts two
of us. It hurts like a thrust to the chest. A thrust so pushing, that it
becomes enervating to breathe.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Love will always be like
love in every clock of time. The measure of love will never differ
with time… love has, and always will make the heart flutter and
soul fly. Love is the conduit to happiness and life, and shall
always be.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“If there is love, your heart tells you, each day, in
nanoscopic things. With time, time tells you. Until then, you love
with all your true heart. Be honest, to yourself and to your love.
Never lie—it goes against the grain of love, to lie in love. Love
him and let him love you. But most of all, talk and understand
each other!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Food is over-rated when it comes to love. It is
not the way to live in someone’s heart. Your oxytocin hormones
are not the answer to it either. These are vital elements, but you
dwell in someone’s heart with communication. Love thrives on
the gospel truth of communication. Everything else shall wane and
wither away with time. But, if true communication, is held all
through by lovers, it shall make the two, walk hand in hand,
together till the end!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Roohi- Rumi, what is this love?
Rumi- Love is—when, endearingly, I look at you, and you look back at me with equal intensity…!
Roohi asserts- Equal or more!
Rumi bows with a smile.
Rumi- What say, you, my Roohi?
Roohi- Love is-- the lifeblood of life! You are my love! You, are my lifeblood!”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Will you always talk to me? Will you always tell me
what your heart desires? Will you always tell me what it does not?
Will you always share your thoughts with me? Will you always
love me?”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Rumi- He whispers into my ear, “Yes. Special—are YOU, and my
love for you, Milady!
All I want, is to love you more, each day.
To be with you, each day. To bring you flowers and everything
that brings forth your sumptuous smile. If it were within my reach,
I would make each day special for you.

He says with such
effortless grace that I go weak in my knees.

Roohi- Sir, if you would so permit, I would like a mouthful of your
tranquil eyes, squidgy cheeks, and succulent lips. That would
bring me smiles and much more.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I want to soak in deep inside me, every bit of this blissful
moment so it rests with me forever, just like his love.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“Your eyes hold me heretofore. Your heart
holds mine with all its lure. Hold me so, I never can part, from
your embrace and love so pure.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
summit of love is the two lovers being together, for life, through a
marriage where they engage in a shared path of life with all their
will and heart.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
behemoth love shall shatter all impediments, including fear.
Rumi… don’t you want to will our vision of love into reality...?”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“I am not me anymore. He changed me into someone.
Someone sentient of feelings. Someone who loved being loved by
him. Someone who loved doing things which I would never even
dream of doing, but I did, and happily, for him. And, then, one day
he thought he could leave. He snaffled me from the world, and
then he left me for the world.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

Vidhu Kapur
“He did not talk… He just stayed quiet. And left. He could
have just talked. The same old Rumi, my Rumi, did not talk and
just left me. My Rumi, who could talk to me through his eyes, did
not even look into mine, maybe from fear that I would see what
was writ large in them. He did not let me. He just left. My Rumi,
is no more my Rumi. He is, just Rumi.”
Vidhu Kapur, LOVE TOUCHES ONCE & NEVER LEAVES ...A Blooming & Moving Love Saga!

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