Monsters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "monsters" Showing 211-240 of 751
Natalie Haynes
“Why would anyone love a monster?' asked Perseus.
'Who are you to decide who is worthy of love?' said Hermes.
'I mean, I wasn't...'
'And who are you to decide who is a monster?' added the messenger god.”
Natalie Haynes, Stone Blind: Medusa's Story

Natalie Haynes
“I’m wondering if you still think of her as a monster. I suppose it depends on what you think that word means. Monsters are, what? Ugly? Terrifying? Gorgons are both these things, certainly, although Medusa wasn’t always. Can a monster be beautiful if it is still terrifying? Perhaps it depends on how you experience fear and judge beauty.”
Natalie Haynes, Stone Blind

Holly Black
“As a child, Wren read lots of fairy tales. That's why, when the monsters came, she knew it was because she had been wicked.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Krystal Sutherland
“What if we were the monsters?”
Krystal Sutherland, House of Hollow

Holly Black
“In this hair, and with this dress, I look pretty. The kind of pretty that allows monsters to deceive people into forests, into dances where they will find their doom.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Rati Mehrotra
“She would not cry in front of this man who had torn her world apart. She would wait for an opportunity and kill him.”
Rati Mehrotra, Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove

Victor LaValle
“Better to have a human cause for this horror. Something that could be understood by all, explained easily, brought to justice.”
Victor LaValle, Lone Women

Leigh Bardugo
“Zoya’s laugh sounded brittle to her ears. “A king with a demon inside him. A monk with the Darkling inside him. A general with a dragon inside her. We’re all monsters now, Nikolai.” She pushed her glass aside. It was time to say good night. She moved toward the door.
“Zoya,” Nikolai said. “War can make it hard to remember who you are. Let’s not forget the human parts of ourselves.”
Leigh Bardugo, Rule of Wolves

Joy Harjo
“Do not feed the monsters.
Some are wandering thought forms, looking for a place to set up house.
Some are sent to you deliberately. They come from arrows of gossip, jealousy or envy--and inadvertently from thoughtlessness.
They feed on your attention, and feast on your fear.”
Joy Harjo, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings: Poems

Sarah J. Maas
“He said my name with such... intimacy. As if he weren't a creature capable of killing monsters made from nightmares.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Nick Oliveri
“Demons are not just people or figures or ideas—they're impulses that live inside you, searching ceaselessly for a way out.”
Nick Oliveri, Monsters in My Mind

Cassandra Diviak
“You had magic, but a little girl shouldn’t have to fight a monster alone.”
Cassandra Diviak, Of Wild and Witchcraft

“The only monsters she'd seen were humans with something to hide behind.”
Margaret Owen

Holly Black
“Some things seem too terrible to seem possible. Soon he may learn the worst thing he can imagine is only the beginning of what they are willing to do to him.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Holly Black
“The stick creatures come into view, beasts of branches and twigs- some shaped like enormous wolves, others like spiders, and one with three snapping heads, like nothing I have seen before. A few in vaguely human shapes, armed with bows. All of them crawling with moss and vine, with stones tucked into packed earth at their centres. But the worst part is that among those pieces of wood and fen, I see what appears to be waxy mortal fingers, strips of skin, and empty mortal eyes.

Terror breaks over me like a wave.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Holly Black
“...seeing the stick creatures with their bits of flesh made me all too aware of how easy it would be to harvest human parts from cities like she might take rocks from quarries, and carve armies from forests.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Holly Black
“Stick creatures, enormous and terrible, huge spiders made of brambles and branches. Monstrous things with gaping mouths, their bodies of burned and blackened bark, their teeth of stone and ice. Mortal body parts visibly part of them, as though someone took apart people like they were dolls and glued them back together in awful shapes.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Rati Mehrotra
“A spiritual warrior accepts his punishment with the same indifference that he accepts his reward.”
Rati Mehrotra, Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove

“Thus had the giants come, fathered of bestial humans and mothered of monsters.”
William Hodgenson

Malcolm Devlin
“We were monsters once, and although we are not anymore, we know we remain unforgiven.”
Malcolm Devlin, And Then I Woke Up

E.F. Coleman
“He was an ordinary man. And believe me, there is little on God’s green earth more ordinary or tedious than ordinary men doing monstrous things for tedious reasons.”
E.F. Coleman, immechanica

Adrienne Young
“Era un monstruo. Todos lo éramos. Y ahora esta tormenta nos iba a hacer pagar por ello.”
Adrienne Young, Fable

Sadir S. Samir
“I do not eat human flesh," the Biter said, a piece of an ear sticking out from his mouth. "I am not monster.”
Sadir S. Samir, The Crew

Sarah J. Maas
“Why are you here, then?'

The man's remarkable eyes seemed to glow- with enough of a deadly edge that I backed up a step. 'Because all the monsters have been let out of their cages tonight, no matter what court they belong to. So I may roam wherever I wish until the dawn.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Apollo Blake
“He flexed his large yellow-orange wings and Quinn noticed these were not exactly like the demon’s—they were smaller across, but also slightly longer from end to end, lankier and more proportional to the man’s human body. They were much less scarred and ashy than the creature’s had been, and he moved them more delicately, deliberately folding them close to avoid knocking around Quinn’s remaining battered furniture. He was at least a more polite, more talkative guest than the last monster.”
Apollo Blake, Digital Demon

سنرى.. سنري يا (كازارشان).. إن كان القدر يحبك فعلًا فقد يكتفي الملك بطردك من الجيش
“سنرى.. سنري يا (كازارشان).. إن كان القدر يحبك فعلًا فقد يكتفي الملك بطردك من الجيش إلى الصحراء، تخطف طعامك من أفواه الوحوش أو من بين ركام المدن.”
Ahmed Ezzeldien, كازارشان: أمنيات محارب

“Fact #1 about Monsters: Most people don’t know they exist.”
Sandra rostirolla

Nick Martell
“Women don't fall in love with monsters. They only watch them [men] turn into them.”
Nick Martell, The Two-Faced Queen

Thomas Ligotti
“Sunlit bazaars in exotic cities thronged with faces that were transparent masks for insectoid countenances; moonlit streets in antique towns harbored a strange-eyed slithering within their very stones; dim galleries of empty museums sprouted a ghostly mold that mirrored the sullen hues of old paintings; the land at the edge of oceans gave birth to a new evolution transcending biology and remote islands offered themselves as a haven for forms having no analogy outside of dreams; jungles teemed with beast-like shapes that moved beside the sticky luxuriance as well as through the depths of its pulpy warmth; deserts were alive with an uncanny flux of sounds which might enter and animate the world of substance; and subterranean landscapes heaved with cadaverous generations that had sunken and merged into sculptures of human coral, bodies heaped and unwhole, limbs projecting without order, eyes scattered and searching the darkness.”
Thomas Ligotti, Grimscribe: His Lives and Works

Mackenzi Lee
“I did something wrong and ruined him. I made him into a monster.”
“I doubt that very much. From what Mrs. Shelley said, you made a human being. And human beings, are, by nature, monstrous.”
Mackenzi Lee, This Monstrous Thing