Monsters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "monsters" Showing 241-270 of 751
Sarah J. Maas
“To destroy monsters, we become monsters”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Sky and Breath

Holly  Jackson
“And though this story does have its monsters, I’ve found that it is not one that can be so easily cleaved into the good and the bad. In the end, this was a story about people and their different shades of desperation, crashing up against each other. But there was one person who was good until the very end. And his name was Sal Singh.”
Holly Jackson, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

John Scalzi
“So we’re the monster police, too?” I said to Tom.
“Correct,” he replied. “The only real question is, who are the monsters?”
“They ask that question in every monster movie, you know. It’s an actual trope.”
“I know,” Tom said. “What does it say about us that it’s relevant every single time they ask it?”
John Scalzi, The Kaiju Preservation Society

Heather Gudenkauf
“It isn't the dark you should be afraid of, the girl thought, it's the monsters who step out into the light that you need to fear.”
Heather Gudenkauf, The Overnight Guest

Seanan McGuire
“The people here think they're helping us. They think they're heroes and we're monsters, and because they believe it all the way down to the base of them, they can do almost anything and feel like they're doing the right thing”
Seanan McGuire, Where the Drowned Girls Go

Katee Robert
“Monsters are more effective than princes when it comes to keeping what you care about safe.”
Katee Robert, The Beast

“The monsters of myth have been stationed at those borders in order to keep us out; they are intended as warnings about what happens when women aspire beyond what we’re allowed.”
Jess Zimmerman, Women and Other Monsters: Building a New Mythology

Victoria Schwab
“We're all monsters," she said, taking up her books. "But so are you.”
V.E. Schwab, Vicious

Jason Pargin
“Society is doomed for one very simple reason: it takes dozens of men working months with millions of dollars in material to build a building, but only one dumb-ass with a bomb to bring it down.”
Jason Pargin, John Dies at the End

Rachel Vincent
“We are a different kind of monster, Adele. The beasts in the forest do horrific things to people. We do horrific things to protect people. And that is rarely easy, it's rarely neat or clean or pretty; yet it still must be done. Even when that makes us monsters.”
Rachel Vincent, Red Wolf

Kate Stradling
“Across the distance, they appeared youthful and carefree, an innocent set of friends instead of a collection of monsters and tormenters.”
Kate Stradling, The Heir and the Spare

Vera Valentine
“Mothman's actually a decent guy. Decent-ish. Intense. His name's Penn, and he's dating Jess' roommate. We don't call ourselves monsters though, we refer to one another as Concepts - it's more inclusive. Most of us get a little touchy about being called monsters, so bear that in mind.”
Vera Valentine, Southeast

R.A. Salvatore
“I am surrounded by capable and powerful friends, and so I fear no monsters, none that we can fight with sword at least.”
R.A. Salvatore, Streams of Silver

Priya Sharma
“The morning light came through the thin curtain. Tallulah was beside me. I had legs again. I put a hand to my mouth. My tongue was whole. My flesh felt new. More than that, I could see. When I put my glasses on the world became blurred. I didn't need them anymore. The very surface of my eyes had been reborn.
My shed skin felt fibrous and hard. I bundled it up into a plastic bag and stuffed it in my wardrobe. Tallulah stretched as she watched me, her hands and feet splayed.
“Tallulah, what am I? Am I a monster?”
She sat up and leant against me, her chin on my shoulder.
“Yes, you're my monster.”
Priya Sharma, Fabulous Beasts

S.E. Palmer
“I ask you girl; when you saw my brethren cry out in pain who were the monsters then?”
S.E. Palmer, Drifting in a Dream

Kate  Haley
“Just remember, girl: we make the monsters.”

“Then they can only be as bad as we make them,” she insisted. “And we can only be as bad as they make us.”
Kate Haley, Gateway to Dark Stars

Helene Wecker
“I am no saint, and he is no monster for me to slay.”
Helene Wecker, The Hidden Palace

Karen Traviss
“The monsters don’t run the gulags and the death camps and the reeducation centers. Regular people do. If they all had the balls to say no, the likes of Halsey, Zhou, or Stalin could never do it all on their own. Could they?”
Karen Traviss, Halo: Glasslands

Krystalle Bianca
“His icy depths hold so much hatred, yet none of them can see it. Nobody else can see the monster that hides beneath those cold eyes.”
Krystalle Bianca, Perfectly Entwined

Alistair Cross
“As long as there have been men, there have been monsters.”
Alistair Cross, The Black Wasp

Terry Pratchett
“And he must do it in fear and terror like a real Hero should, because a lot of the monsters he must overcome are the ones in his head, the ones he brings in with him.”
Terry Pratchett, Wintersmith

“Redemption requires faith, it requires someone to give you a chance. No one would give a monster a chance, so redemption was beyond me.”
Alexzander Christion, By the Hand of Dragons: Killing Monsters

Mike Correll
“Dy5topia in the context of this book is a very real place, with very real “inhabitants'', but to understand Dy5topia you must first look closely at our world. Like the fisherman’s net that allows so much water to spill through, catching only the aquatic life, so too does Dy5topia collect only the fear of our world. Dy5topia is our dark reflection and a manifestation of our collective fears, and so its structure is created and maintained by our fear.”
Mike Correll, DY5TOPIA: A Field Guide to the Dark Universe of Chet Zar

Mike Correll
“Chet Zar will be the first person to tell you that he does not know what Dy5topia is. He also does not know where it is, how it came to be, or why it exists. At first glance, this may seem like an odd introduction to a field guide, yet perhaps it is the most apropos. This is exactly where Chet and I began, and so it seems fitting that you should also begin in the same place.”
Mike Correll, DY5TOPIA: A Field Guide to the Dark Universe of Chet Zar

Mike Correll
“We can think of Dy5topian inhabitants as 'negative thought-form creations', but we must remember that while they are created and sustained by our fear, this does not make them immaterial. These 'beings' have substance and mass. They display relatively consistent physical characteristics and engage in consistent behavior patterns.”
Mike Correll, DY5TOPIA: A Field Guide to the Dark Universe of Chet Zar

Mike Correll
“There is another important element pertinent to understanding this book, and that is a place within Dy5topia called 'The Void'. While we can, in some ways, describe and categorize Dy5topia just as we would our world, The Void escapes any such efforts. Consequently, we can only describe the inhabitants of The Void in terms of their appearance in Dy5topia as 'Interlopers'.”
Mike Correll, DY5TOPIA: A Field Guide to the Dark Universe of Chet Zar

Claribel A. Ortega
“I was the thing the monster from my dreams had warned about, the thing that crept on its clawed feet in the darkest night.”
Claribel A. Ortega, Reclaim the Stars: 17 Tales Across Realms & Space

“Society is doomed for one very simple reason: it takes dozens of men working months with millions of dollars in materials to build a building, but only one dumb-ass with a bomb to bring it down.”
David Wong

“Those things you dote on are no more human than the Neverborn in my flasks. They are golems of meat and muscle, no better than the Interex or the Laer. For all your talk, you have only made monsters. That is why the gods exalt you so... You are a fecund womb for outrages and that pleases them greatly.”
Josh Reynolds, Fabius Bile: The Omnibus

Q.E. Saenz
“...he saw Quotinir floating in front of him. Deep in the darkest parts of the ocean, he was lit only by a single, yellow light that swung from a fin atop his head. His grey skin sickly under the swinging bulb, he looked as much like a man as he did a monster, scarred and chipped around the edges, with strands of white hair like seaweed flowing around his narrow face. His human waist merged with the rubbery flesh of a shark, the tail larger than any fish or man Elf had ever seen. Though, Quotinir himself was four times larger than any man - the last true giant - trapped under the pressure of the ocean with only his light for company. Slitted, white eyes locked onto Elf as they both floated, suspended in the darkness.

‘Hey, ugly,’ Elf said.”
Q.E. Saenz, The Mermaid's Shoal