Near Death Experience Quotes

Quotes tagged as "near-death-experience" Showing 1-30 of 71
Emily Brontë
“Heaven did not seem to be my home; and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights; where I woke sobbing for joy.”
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

Stephenie Meyer
“I tried to concentrate on the angel's voice instead.
"Bella, please! Bella, listen to me, please, please, please, Bella, please!" he begged.
Yes, I wanted to say. Anything. But I couldn't find my lips.
"Carlisle!" the angel called, agony in his perfect voice. "Bella, Bella, no, oh please, no, no!" And the angel was sobbing tearless, broken sobs.
The angel shouldn't weep, it was wrong. I tried to find him, to tell him everything was fine, but the water was so deep, it was pressing on me, and I couldn't breathe.”
Stephenie Meyer, Twilight

Anita Moorjani
“I detach myself from preconceived outcomes and trust that all is well. Being myself allows the wholeness of my unique magnificience to draw me in those directions most beneficial to me and to all others. This is really the only thing I have to do. And within that framework, everything that is truly mine comes into my life effortlessly, in the most magical and unexpected ways imaginable, demonstrating every day the power and love of who I truly am.”
Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing

Anita Moorjani
“I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don't lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can't understand what is without.”
Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing

A.G. Howard
“Morpheus places his hand on Jeb's busy fingers, eyes opened to slits. "Ah, my pretty pseudo elf." He takes labored breath. "is it time at last to express our unrequited feelings?”
A.G. Howard, Unhinged

Christopher Hitchens
“In Sarajevo in 1992, while being shown around the starved, bombarded city by the incomparable John Burns, I experienced four near misses in all, three of them in the course of one day. I certainly thought that the Bosnian cause was worth fighting for and worth defending, but I could not take myself seriously enough to imagine that my own demise would have forwarded the cause. (I also discovered that a famous jaunty Churchillism had its limits: the old war-lover wrote in one of his more youthful reminiscences that there is nothing so exhilarating as being shot at without result. In my case, the experience of a whirring, whizzing horror just missing my ear was indeed briefly exciting, but on reflection made me want above all to get to the airport. Catching the plane out with a whole skin is the best part by far.) Or suppose I had been hit by that mortar that burst with an awful shriek so near to me, and turned into a Catherine wheel of body-parts and (even worse) body-ingredients? Once again, I was moved above all not by the thought that my death would 'count,' but that it would not count in the least.”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Janet Bettag
“In that nanosecond of enlightenment I knew that the human spirit survives the death of the physical body and I understood that my wandering soul needed to get back into its earthly habitat.”
Janet Bettag

Jarod Kintz
“I just shared a near-death experience with a duck. Tell Grandmother I’ll be home by $2.99, but that I plan on using a coupon, so don't wait up for me.”
Jarod Kintz, One Out of Ten Dentists Agree: This Book Helps Fight Gingivitis. Maybe Tomorrow I’ll Ask Nine More Dentists.: A BearPaw Duck And Meme Farm Production

“Finally I am dying. And breathing deeply for the first time, I see traces of God in everything.”
DJ Kadagian, The Crossover Experience: Life After Death / A New Perspective

S.W. Clemens
“And thus was born The Seal Cove Theoretical Society, devoted to chit-chat, observation, current events, gossip, philosophical debate, and the occasional profound speculation, and bound together by friendship and forgiveness, which we all need, even if we deny it.”
S.W. Clemens, The Seal Cove Theoretical Society

Catherine Anderson
“Goddamn it,wake up!I`m your husband and i`m ordering you to stop this.Say something to me.You can`t just crawl away inside of yourself and hide!That`s what you are doing,damn it!Hidin from life.Wherever you are darling,you gotta come out.Stand up to it.Fight back,for Gods sake.You won`t be alone.I`ll be there,right beside you.I swear it.But you gotta make a stand.You can`t just curl up and die.You´re leavin me.Leavin me all alone.I`d never do it to you.Please,don`t do it to me.You think i`m strong.You think i`m never afraid.Well,think again.I`m not strong,and i`m scared to death!I can`t live without you.Do you hear me?If you won`t fight for yourself,then damn it,love me enough to fight for me."

-Race Spencer”
Catherine Anderson, Cherish

Tim Kreider
“I can’t recapture that feeling of euphoric gratitude any more than I can really remember the mortal terror I felt when I was pretty sure I had about four minutes to live. But I know that it really happened, that that state of grace is accessible to us, even if I only blundered across it once and never find my way back. At my cabin on the Chesapeake Bay I’ll see bald eagles swoop up from the water with wriggling little fish in their talons, and whenever they accidentally drop their catch, I like to imagine that fish trying to tell his friends about his own near-death experience, a perspective so unprecedented there are no words in the fish language to describe it: for a short time he was outside the world, he could see forever, there’s so much more than they knew, but he’s glad to be back.”
Tim Kreider, We Learn Nothing

“There were no books to help me so I wrote the book”
Linda Dipman, Angels Watching Over Me

Stacey E. Bryan
“It was fairly miraculous that something serious hadn’t happened like herpes , AIDS , flipping over in my car seventeen times on Interstate 10 before it sailed off the side and came to a stop on top of a supermarket roof . My head somersaulting through the air , sliced off clean by the Ralph’s sign . My family would still demand an open casket at the funeral , so the mortician would simply tie a pretty scarf around the place where they had quickly sewn my head back on to my body . None of that had happened . Thank God .”
Stacey E. Bryan, Day for Night

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“," I knew you were there with me. You know I felt that I had been travelling in a long cave which was full of darkness. Suddenly you had come from nowhere and held my hands and brought me out from the cave. Were you with me in this journey?”
Neelam Saxena Chandra, Casket of stories

“Life is a dream walking. Death is going home.”
Chinese Proverb

Stewart Stafford
“The Procession by Stewart Stafford

Let the lighthouse of past lives,
With all of the blinding pinnacles,
Guide us through death's brief mists.

Let the homing dirge of the piper,
Move us as sleep climbs upon us,
Spear of Selene cresting the horizon.

Let the dawn chorus sing in tribute,
To winter's carpeted, unspoiled dawn,
Setting forth with a crunching mission.

Let the cavalcade commence,
With all that are smiling and dearest,
Assembling within the celestial glare.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Adrienne Young
“Por qué lo hiciste- pregunté- por qué le salvaste la vida a Iri?"
"Porque estábamos muriéndonos. Porque era el final. Y cuando ves el final, la vida se vuelve valiosa.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep

Adrienne Young
"De acuerdo"- dijo Halvard- sus ojos revoloteando sobre mi rostro
"No trates de ayudarme ni regreses a buscar a Inge, Fiske o Iri. Corres. Te olvidas de ellos.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep

Adrienne Young
“Pienso que nos vencerán."- No había nada en su voz que evidenciara miedo.
"¿Pero de todas formas pelearéis?
"Por supuesto"- Alzó la mirada hacia mi con desaprobación.
"Pero si no podéis ganar..."
"Si no peleamos, (...) nos matarán de todas maneras. Morimos peleando o morimos ocultándonos. ¿Qué elegirías?”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep

Adrienne Young
“Si yo no te hubiera derribado esa noche en Aurvanger, ese Riki te hubiera matado."
"Lo sé."
"Si yo no te hubiera clavado la flecha en el hombro, otro te habría clavado una flecha en el corazón. Si no te hubiera elegido como dýr, podrías estar en cualquiera de esas aldeas que han ardido en la montaña."
"Lo sé." -repetí.
"Volvería a hacerlo." -dijo- "Todo.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep

Adrienne Young
“De pronto, volví a ser consciente de las profundidades gélidas y opacas que fluían bajo nuestros pies, esperando la grieta más pequeña para empujarnos hacia el fondo.
La sensación era aterradora, como si hubiera algo que me amarrara a él.
Porque si uno de los dos caía en la oscuridad, el otro iría detrás.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep

Adrienne Young
“¿Quién fue el primero?"
No preguntó quién era ni cómo sucedió, y se lo agradecí. Era la única vez que recordaba haber matado a alguien y sentir algo que no fuera solo superviviencia.
Al día siguiente, maté a cuatro. Y al siguiente a otros tres.
Y no volví a llorar nunca más.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep

S.W. Clemens
“Wexler’s mind was a still pond. He could have taught a Buddhist monk how to be in the here and now.”
S.W. Clemens, The Seal Cove Theoretical Society

Chris Jankulovski
“My theory is that during these near-death events, you experience time in a different dimension. You’re also given a choice whether you want to continue to live or to die. I chose life each time.”
Chris Jankulovski, A Journey of Healing, Entrepreneurial Success, and the Creation of an Impactful Life

Hannah  Grace
“Her head tilts up and her eyes meet mine properly for the first time - they're swimming in tears, but the terror from earlier is gone, replaced with confusion. 'I thought I was gonna die.'

I can't stop my own eyes from streaming, because I thought she was going to die, too.”
Hannah Grace

Gretel Ehrlich
“But the center did not hold. Each room was a composite flower's petal exploded out, propelled by fire ... I was dying. Hummingbirds circled my head, separating oxygen from blood with their beaks. I gulped the rich dessert of air. Sandhill cranes flew through the room, way up near the ceiling, their cries growing fainter. I was going the other way. ... Then I heard a nurse say to me: "Don't worry, we won't let you die.”
Gretel Ehrlich, A Match to the Heart: One Woman's Story of Being Struck By Lightning

Mark Nepo
“Now there's nothing left, but to keep dancing. It is the way I would have chosen had I been born three times as brave.”
Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening : Having the Life You Want By Being Present to the Life You Have

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