New Age Movement Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-age-movement" Showing 1-30 of 36
Irina Tweedie
“The realization that every act, every word, every thought of ours not only influences our environment but for some mysterious reason forms an integral and important part of the Universe, fits into it as if by necessity so to say, in the very moment we do, or say, or think it – is an overwhelming and even shattering experience. The tremendous responsibility of it is terrifying. If all of us only knew that the smallest act of ours, or a tiny thought, has such far-reaching effects as to set in motion forces which perhaps could shatter a galaxy…If we know it deeply and absolutely, if this realization becomes engraved permanently on our hearts, on our minds, how careful we would act and speak and think. How precious life would become in its integral oneness.”
Irina Tweedie, Daughter of Fire: A Diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master

“Having completed that emotional collapse, I next bounce off a little vision-quest right as the steady drumbeat accelerates into the Fearing Time: desert monuments rising over the mesquite in mysterious history, edges where trails run out, coyote holes playing tricks on my feet, where the trickster loiters and dissipates. I then repeat the depressive cycles a second night under the overpass of a night-time highway, then a third night in the neon passages of the Great Horned Owl – before finally LogoCorp rescues me, putting me back together again Humpty Dumpty-like.”
Randolph Crowley, Great & Mighty Things: Randolph Crowley’s General and Common Refutation of the LogoCorp Cult

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“There are currently many gurus and 'psychotherapists' getting rich at the expense of uncritical followings and clients who are becoming increasingly illiterate. Illiteracy is very much in the interests of the 'New Age' bandwagon, and also convenient to the commercial publishers who so regularly dish up the sordid offerings of commercial writers.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

Mark Crutchfield
“For the New Age community, 'ancient' knowledge is always considered unimpeachable and unimprovable, just as a diverse range of beliefs from Eastern mysticism to UFOs, energy dowsing to cryptozoology, are - though mutually contradictory - unquestionably accepted in the name of open-mindedness.”
Mark Crutchfield, The Last Best Gift: Eye Witnesses to the Celebrity Sabbath Massacre

Adriano Bulla
“Matter is but the artificial division of energy.”
Adriano Bulla, New Age Spirit

Anuradha Bhattacharyya
“Sometimes a man does not accept life as given.”
Anuradha Bhattacharyya, The Road Taken

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“There are currently very few writers in either East or West who demonstrate much understanding of mystical ranges, and hence the values here are largely in abeyance. The typical 'Western Mysticism,' of the modern variety, is an excuse for narcissism and banality. Its vaunted therapy is sometimes classified, appropriately enough, as Neo-Reichian. It is arguably suitable fare for an increasingly illiterate audience who are narrowing down their alternatives to one only: ignorance of real values.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“Many people who want a worthwhile alternative to current societal attitudes will have to become much more literate in order to be able to gain a critical sense that distinguishes viable values from crippling ones. Few people read Plotinus and other temperate writers of the past, and so it is little wonder that philosophy is not understood, and that mysticism has become a con game. Most professed seekers of 'values' fall victim to the sentiments of 'New Age' psychotherapy and Western Occultism. With Aleister Crowley an advanced yogi and Wilhelm Reich a visionary genius, it is anybody's guess what further Western monstrosities will be created in illiterate climates.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“Anthropography is my contribution to the vacuum created in education by specialist academe and the 'New Age' commercial machine.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

“The Age of Aquarius is the new age of the spirit. We are consciously recognizing our Soul Mates and Twin Flames -souls we are connected to across time, space, and beyond.”
Serena Jade

“Despite evolution's scientific mantle or the latest court decision, the theory is proving increasingly faulty with each passing decade. In light of the New Agers' preoccupation with personal experience, evolution may be the only belief that New Agers take on faith, because it has never been observed to occur, and the scientific evidence needed to support it does not exist.”
Randy England, Unicorn in the Sanctuary : The Impact of the New Age

“New Age religious subjectivism is basically an attempt to take refuge in the subjective psyche against the terror of the world, against materialism and scientism, understanding the psyche as in some sense transcendent of material conditions, but ignoring the fact that if the psyche is not grounded in Spirit, in something higher than itself, it becomes a mere appendage of material conditions, as Karl Marx so clearly demonstrated. A subjective transcendence is a fragmented transcendence, and a fragmented transcendence cannot be truly transcendent.”
Charles Upton, The System of Antichrist: Truth & Falsehood in Postmodernism & the New Age

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