Night Quotes

Quotes tagged as "night" Showing 121-150 of 1,591
Khushwant Singh
“When the world is itself draped in the mantle of night, the mirror of the mind is like the sky in which thoughts twinkle like stars.”
Khushwant Singh, Delhi

“Allah causes the night and the day to succeed each other. Truly, in these things is indeed a lesson for those who have insight.”
Anonymous, القرآن الكريم

Henry David Thoreau
“Night is certainly more novel and less profane than day.”
Henry David Thoreau

Sylvia Plath
“The night sky is only a sort of carbon paper,
Blueblack, with the much-poked periods of stars
Letting in the light, peephole after peephole---
A bonewhite light, like death, behind all things.

--from "Insomniac", written April 1961”
Sylvia Plath, The Collected Poems

Vera Nazarian
“Q: Why do I love thee, O Night?
A: Because you know I will never answer.”
Vera Nazarian

Robert Frost
“It looked as if a night of dark intent was coming, and not only a night, an age. Someone had better be prepared for rage...”
Robert Frost

André Breton
“May night continue to fall upon the orchestra”
Andre Breton

Jeffrey Fry
“The sun loves the moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love.”
Jeffrey Fry, Distilled Thoughts

Albert Camus
“On moonlight nights the long, straight street and dirty white walls, nowhere darkened by the shadow of a tree, their peace untroubled by footsteps or a dog's bark, glimmered in the pale recession. The silent city was no more than an assemblage of huge, inert cubes, between which only the mute effigies of great men, carapaced in bronze, with their blank stone or metal faces, conjured up a sorry semblance of what the man had been. In lifeless squares and avenues these tawdry idols lorded it under the lowering sky; stolid monsters that might have personified the rule of immobility imposed on us, or, anyhow, its final aspect, that of a defunct city in which plague, stone, and darkness had effectively silenced every voice.”
Albert Camus, The Plague

Anthony Liccione
“Foolishness sleeps soundly, while knowledge turns with each thinking hour, longing for the dawn of answers.”
Anthony Liccione

Carl Sandburg
“By night the skyscraper looms in the smoke and the stars and has a soul.”
Carl Sandburg
tags: night

David Levithan
“Now she’s lit by the warm orange spreading from the horizon as not-quite-day, becomes not-quite-night”
David Levithan , Every Day

Guy de Maupassant
“Night was a very different matter. It was dense, thicker than the very walls, and it was empty, so black, so immense that within it you could brush against appalling things and feel roaming and prowling around a strange, mysterious horror.”
Guy de Maupassant, The Complete Short Stories of Guy de Maupassant, Part One

Ai Yazawa
“When dawn comes, that memory gradually distances...Tonight, I will bring it to sleep with me, so that will not be taken away by the waves of the night...”
Ai Yazawa

“Saturday night is perfect for writers because other people have "plans.”
Mike Birbiglia

Suman Pokhrel
jumping out of window
is staring the dark
from afar.”
Suman Pokhrel

Suman Pokhrel
“Let us convert this night; we are breathing together, to a bright morning.”
Suman Pokhrel

Roberto Bolaño
“Even on the poorest streets people could be heard laughing. Some of these streets were completely dark, like black holes, and the laughter that came from who knows where was the only sign, the only beacon that kept residents and strangers from getting lost.”
Roberto Bolaño, 2666

Amy Mah
“If people don't wish to be eaten then they shouldn't taste so nice”
Amy Mah-Vampire, Fangs Rule: A Girls Guide to Being a Vampire

Jean Baudrillard
“Television knows no night. It is perpetual day. TV embodies our fear of the dark, of night, of the other side of things.”
Jean Baudrillard

Alexander McCall Smith
“The house seemed so different at night. Everything was in its correct place, of course, but somehow the furniture seemed more angular and the pictures on the wall more one-dimensional. She remembered somebody saying that at night we are all strangers, even to ourselves, and this struck her as being true.”
Alexander McCall Smith, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

Alyson Noel
“Soundlessly whispering into the void, my lips moving quickly, silently, without ceasing. Calling his name, calling him to me.
Even though there's no use.
Even though it's futile.
Even though it's way past too late.”
Alyson Noel, Night Star

Akshay Vasu
“Every time I hold your hand in the night and look at that star, I remember the fact that it is millions of light years away from us, we are looking at its past and it doesn't exist anymore and I always end up feeling, what if we both are made up of the dust of the same star we are staring at.”
Akshay Vasu

Sean Stewart
“The world is a giant eye, staring back at the stars. When it tires, it closes its lids--just as I am doing now--and gives way to dreams, which is why the night is so much more mysterious than the day.”
Sean Stewart, Clouds End

Kathy Hepinstall
“Those who wake at this hour feel a lonely separation from everyone but night birds and ghost crabs, never imagining the legion of kindred souls scattered in the darkness, who stare at ceilings and pace floors and look out windows and covet and worry and mourn.”
Kathy Hepinstall, Blue Asylum

Alyson Noel
“He stops in his tracks, face expressing major disappointment. "Wait - seriously? That's it? We don't get to do a stealthy tiptoe as we slip around back? No sneaking through a cracked window, or arguing over who gets to crawl through the dogie door to let the other one in?”
Alyson Noel, Night Star

Bavo Dhooge
“It's the moon that moves me. The sunlight makes everything so obvious.”
Bavo Dhooge, Styx

Daphne du Maurier
“The warm night claimed her. In a moment it was part of her. She walked on the grass, and her shoes were instantly soaked. She flung up her arms to the sky. Power ran to her fingertips. Excitement was communicated from the waiting trees, and the orchard, and the paddock; the intensity of their secret life caught at her and made her run. It was nothing like the excitement of ordinary looking forward, of birthday presents, of Christmas stockings, but the pull of a magnet - her grandfather had shown her once how it worked, little needles springing to the jaws - and now night and the sky above were a vast magnet, and the things that waited below were needles, caught up in the great demand. ("The Pool")”
Daphne du Maurier, Echoes from the Macabre: Selected Stories

George R.R. Martin
“This is a night for song and sin and drink, for come the morrow, the virtuous and the vile burn together.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

Samantha    Shannon
“Night is when fear comes to us at its fullest, when we have no way to fight it. It will do everything it can to seep inside you. Sometimes it may succeed - but never think that you are the night.”
Samantha Shannon, The Priory of the Orange Tree