Nikki Rowe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nikki-rowe" Showing 1-30 of 57
Nikki Rowe
“Be a woman of confidence, not cockiness.
Know your boundaries, set no limits.
Speak your kindness and turn your back to conformed groups.
The only way to be a woman of change in this world, is to walk what you talk and set your own soul free first.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“What if everything you have been taught is all a lie and everything you feel is all a truth?”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“I'm not a girl that will lay in diamonds but I will run through the flowers of the seeds we plant together.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“You are the energy you attract. Whether you are aware of that or not, everything you come up against is teaching you about that part within yourself. Listen carefully, it's a hint to a better you.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“There's something about kindred spirits, you meet them and for a moment this world no matter ugly, makes sense. They bring a sense of freedom and clarity to one conversation; just enough to remind you of who you are.”
Nikki Rowe , Once a Girl, Now a Woman

Nikki Rowe
“Give yourself permission to let it hurt but also allow yourself the permission to let it heal.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“There's something about you,
Your eyes speak a story in a language only known to my soul. The kind of communication we as humans dream about, the one that reaches into the core of who you are and loves you for it.
It doesn't appear often or by accident & when it happens you just know " There's something about you ".”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“Love the ones who understand you and forget the ones that don't.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“You'll know a wild woman when you meet one, heck you'll feel her essence before knowing her name. They have this eccentric energy about them, one that passes by to touch the core - to awaken your own spirit to seek a little deeper, a little more.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“Time and time again, we reconnect.
It's like the universe nudges us to give it one more chance.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“I will always be a misfit,
The road paved through normality
will always bore a wild little spirit like me.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“Standing alone scares alot of people it means they have to be themselves and more often than not they haven't the slightest clue who they've been all this time & that's why people stay the same because it's a frightening choice to step away from the crowd.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“I am neither the magician, nor the show.
I'm the in between - everyone is captivated,
but no one comes too close.”
Nikki Rowe, Once a Girl, Now a Woman

Nikki Rowe
“My soul is old, speak to me in energy.
You'll understand me better.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“She's the type of magic, you were taught not to believe in.
There isn't a reference for wild women like her, fierce and fragile, all in or completely out. There's never in between.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“And i finally let go,
It was the beginning for me
And the end for you.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“You never cage a woman like that. If you can't adore her in her element, she will never allow you into her temple of peace, the private place she goes to master it all.
The world sees her light, she Chooses wisely who gets the keys to unlock her story pain.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“I left you to find myself, I’ll never be back.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“You can't break a woman with that much inner power, she has stashes of resilience tucked away in her soul.”
Nikki Rowe, Fragile but Fierce: A Quote Collection

Nikki Rowe
“Alot won't understand you and that's ok.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“We all have a soul purpose. I can't be everything that the world needs, even if i dabble between all the crafts that shape me. I can be the expressive queen i am though, crumbling all the comfort zones this world has tried to build around me; to stop the evolution of my spirit. One day i am a calm breeze, the next i am a wild hurricaine - i am so deeply passionate, you'll feel me without a single hello.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“Don’t get too attached to me,
I belong to the stars.
I’m only earth bound,
passing through
because this world needs heArt.”
Nikki rowe

Nikki Rowe
“He learns me by layers without a single touch.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“They were looking for a flame, but I came to earth to start wildfires. My heart carries medals of war, I've never been one to love small.”
Nikki Rowe, Fragile but Fierce: A Quote Collection

Nikki Rowe
“I don't belong on earth, my soul is from the stars.
I'm visiting earth for a while to help people listen to their hearts.”
Nikki rowe , Fragile but Fierce: A Quote Collection

Nikki Rowe
“We have been taught to seek external validation to know the worth of self.
What a shame is it to hand that power to someone else.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“She is a romantic and sentimental creature, with a love of solitude.”
Nikki Rowe, Fragile but Fierce: A Quote Collection

Nikki Rowe
“I find myself enjoying being alone a lot of the time, people come and people go and you have to find a way to be ok with both.”
Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe
“I'll go out and feed the whole world if i can, i have heart like that, but when it comes to eating at my table - it takes a special kind of soul to invite into the space i've spent years building from the destruction left behind by the people i fed before i Even had the chance to eat; myself. I'm all soul, but i have learnt many a lesson and this is the stage in my life where i apply it all.”
Nikki rowe

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