One Path Quotes

Quotes tagged as "one-path" Showing 1-4 of 4
Shannon L. Alder
“Temptation goes both ways. Sometimes, you can be tempted to live a half life because it pleases someone else. Don't ever live in such a way that your heart splits into two souls. You might find yourself sinning for the rest of your life because you don't want to really be in that situation, but you don't want to hurt the kids. That is a hell that your children will pick up on soon enough. Staying for the kids is possible, but it takes two people to agree that choice is their lifestyle, not one. Otherwise, you hold another person captive because of your fear of stating the obvious-- you are not in love with them.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“If all you do is set goals and achieve them then you have learned to be a doer. Happiness isn’t at the end of the next goal. It is the journey of aligning your choices to mold your character into the type of person who lives their belief system, then creates a life purpose that reflects that same person.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sonia Choquette
“[Intuition doesn't necessarily lead you to the "one path that will be your path forever", because energy shifts, and when it does, your path shifts with it.]

[Intuition] is a moment to moment reading of the energy. That's why [when your intuition tells you to dance] you get up and dance as fast as you can so that when the energy shifts, you're practised and prepared to shift with it.”
Sonia Choquette