Onora Quotes

Quotes tagged as "onora" Showing 1-8 of 8
Maria V. Snyder
“Are you the assassin who wants Uncle Valek’s job?”

“Eventually, yes.” Onora considered the young girl. “Are you thinking of challenging me for it?”

“Oh, no. I’m not skilled enough,” Reema demurred.

But Onora was too smart to fall for it. “Uh-huh. From what I’ve been hearing, you could put the sass into assassin.”
Maria V. Snyder, Dawn Study

Maria V. Snyder
“Will you stop doing that?” she asked. Annoyance colored her tone.
Janco perked up. “Doing what?”
“That huffing thing. Like you’re leaking air.”
“It’s called sighing.”
Maria V. Snyder, Shadow Study

Maria V. Snyder
“Can you be an assassin without killing anyone?"
Onora shot her an odd look. "I ... don't know. I don't think so."
"Is there a name for people who have those skills?" Mara asked.
"Yes. Dangerous," I said.
Mara rubbed her hands together as a gleam lit her eyes.
"Oh, I like that. I want to be dangerous.”
Maria V. Snyder, Dawn Study

Maria V. Snyder
“Did you send a message?”
“No time.”
“Couldn’t you at least lie to me?”
“Oh. Uh...I did send a message, and now the entire Ixian army is camped outside this compound.”
“You’re a lousy liar.”
“My one flaw,” she joked.
“One?” Janco choked. “I know at least a dozen. You’re terrible at avoiding capture, following orders—”
“I can say the same for you. What part of ‘wait for me before you go inside’ didn’t you understand?”
Maria V. Snyder, Shadow Study

Maria V. Snyder
“And just to let you know, I see what you’re doing.”

“Me?” He attempted to look innocent—a hard expression for him to pull off. Janco hadn’t been guiltless since he’d been a baby. Then again...his mother had claimed he’d come into the world feet first just to be difficult.

“Save it for someone who has poor vision.”
Maria V. Snyder, Shadow Study

Maria V. Snyder
“He wanted to name the horse we’re taking with us ‘Beach Bunny,’ after some stuffed rabbit he had growing up, and I said it was a stupid name for a horse. Then he claimed, if it was his horse, he could name it anything he wanted, and I said he should ride The Madam because she’s the easiest to handle, and—”

“You offended his pride and he stalked away in a huff,” Yelena finished.

Maria V. Snyder, Night Study

Maria V. Snyder
“She’s a tough clam to pry open. I’ve a feeling, though, once we do, we’ll find a pearl.”
“Pearls form in oysters.”
“Oysters, clams...” He waved dismissively. “It’s all seafood. You know what I meant.”
Maria V. Snyder, Night Study

Maria V. Snyder
“I stood in time to get knocked back into my seat by her flying hug. “I’ve missed you, too.” She clutched me tight. “Can’t...breathe.”

Releasing me, she laughed. “That’s my necklace-snake move. I clamp on and squeeze until the person passes out. Do you like it?”

“It’s very effective.”

She beamed.

“Did you invent it or—”

“Lacole taught me. She said since I’m small, my best defense in hand to hand is to clamp on and not let go.”

“Death by hug. I love it,” Janco said.

“Which explains why no one wants to date you,” Onora muttered.”
Maria V. Snyder, Night Study