Pageantry Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pageantry" Showing 1-9 of 9
Janna Cachola
“If you have a voice, use it.
If you have legs, stand up.
If you have feet, step up.
If you have eachother, fight together.”
Janna Cachola

Wilhelm Reich
“It did not take National Socialism long to rally workers, most of whom were either unemployed or still very young, into the SA [Sturmangriff, Stormtroopers, "brown shirts"]. To a large extent, however, these workers were revolutionary in a dull sort of way and still maintained an authoritarian attitude. For this reason National Socialist propaganda was contradictory; it's content was determined by the class for which it was intended. Only in its manipulation of the mystical feelings of the masses was it clear and consistent.

In talks with followers of the National Socialist party and especially with members of the SA, it was clearly brought out that the revolutionary phraseology of National Socialism was the decisive factor in the winning over of these masses. One heard National Socialists deny that Hitler represented capital. One heard SA men warn Hitler that he must not betray the cause of the "revolution." One heard SA men say that Hitler was the German Lenin. Those who went over to National Socialism from Social Democracy and the liberal central parties were, without exception, revolutionary minded masses who were either nonpolitical or politically undecided prior to this. Those who went over from the Communist party were often revolutionary elements who simply could not make any sense of many of the German Communist party's contradictory political slogans. In part they were men upon whom the external features of Hitler's party, it's military character, its assertiveness, etc., made a big impression.

To begin with, it is the symbol of the flag that stands out among the symbols used for purposes of propaganda.”
Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism

Laurence Overmire
“All of us are part of a beautiful pageantry of human experience. Let us make the most of this life in all we do.”
Laurence Overmire, A Revolutionary American Family: The McDonalds of Somerset County, New Jersey

Kirker Butler
“Most overweight girls who participated in pageants did so because their parents thougth it would be good for them, which was akin to saying, "Hey, honey,you know how everyone at school makes fun of your weight? Well, I think you'd feel much better about yourself if you put on a bathing suit and stood next to a cheerleader on a stage under a spotlight in a room full of strangers.”
Kirker Butler

Kirker Butler
“Most overweight girls who participated in pageants did so because their parents thought it would be good for them, which was akin to saying, "Hey, honey,you know how everyone at school makes fun of your weight? Well, I think you'd feel much better about yourself if you put on a bathing suit and stood next to a cheerleader on a stage under a spotlight in a room full of strangers.”
Kirker Butler

Janna Cachola
“It is not enough to be approachable, you must also be approaching.”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Our hearts have energies and our actions carry out that aura. What energy and aura do you want to send to others?”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Queenliness is next to Godliness”
Janna Cachola

Janna Cachola
“Being a pageant queen has always been a strength for me. It has taught me

-How to strategise and prepare for challenges.
-How to handle those challenges with poise and with a smile.
-How to communicate, advocate and lead others to and for a common goal.”
Janna Cachola