Parenting Poems Quotes

Quotes tagged as "parenting-poems" Showing 1-13 of 13
Gift Gugu Mona
“Shine Bright

Take it from me
This life is amazing
You are the one with power
To choose what you desire
Please make the right choice
Do not just make noise
Have a voice
Which people can listen to
Be that special person
Who is known for solutions
And not for causing trouble
You have what it takes
To turn this world around
Let go of any self-doubt
Get out of the mud
Shake off the dust
Work hard, my child
Make sure you shine bright”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“I Should Have Told You

Child, I love you
I wished to be with you longer
But I had to go to a place up yonder
My time on Earth was over
There is something I should tell
I hope you receive it well
Here is a vital fact
Not every parent might share
Please lend me an ear
Learn while you can

I want you to know
That life comes with its highs and lows
Stand for yourself, whether or not it snows
Pray more and fast more
Trust the Lord your God
When storms come your way
Do not doubt your faith
Put on a brave face
Run in the right lane
You shall win the race

Be a good learner
Always be eager
To become an achiever
Keep being a dreamer
Never fear to be a leader
Because you were born to prosper
And that my adorable one
Is what I should have told you”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“The Things Mommy Taught

Oh, my child!
You are beautiful, without a doubt
Love the person you are
Look in the mirror with a smile
Seek after things that matter
Allow nothing to ruin your good heart
Shun anything wicked for you to hear
Listen, so you too can be heard
Choose to be of good influence

Invest in a better tomorrow
Become no one’s shadow
Learn not to be shallow
Lead so others can follow
Let go of what brings you sorrow
Know where to find joy
Even when I am gone
Remain strong
In the storm, do not get lost

Fix your eyes upon the Lord
Fill your mind with the Word of God
For in it are infinite wells of wisdom
Hold on to His promises
Pursue your purpose
Say a prayer
Make sure you prosper
Each day on this Earth
Remember the things Mommy taught”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Grateful For You
A gratitude poem from a Mother to her miracle child

You are a wonderful treasure
My love for you, I cannot measure
In you, God gave me an Angel
Through you, I was blessed by the Heavens
An answered prayer of way back
Just when I thought it was over
My precious gift from Above, you showed up
Filled with your bright smile and loads of fun
You make me so fine
Oh, what a privilege in life
To be given such a sense of pride
As I call you my child
While you chose to be mine
You are so kind
You bring me hope every time
I could go through heavy tides
With you by my side
I always rise
You help me make long strides
I cannot drown, not even once
You give me a better chance
To become a daring Mom
I have peace, even in the storm
Because you teach me to stay strong
So glad you came along
Never let me all alone
What an honour to be your Mother!
My perfect match
Such a great catch!
My very best friend
Will you lend me a hand
To walk beside you on this land?
You are all I ever need
And I am so grateful for you”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“My Precious Child

If I had pearls or petalites
Few emeralds
Countless tanzanite
Some diamonds
Sizeable gold
And granite

If I had all of these
On my hands
All over my place
Signed under my name
Would that replace you?
No way, not at all

You are a special being in my life
Positioned by God’s Divine design
A gift that I treasure
Oh, no! I cannot chase after fortune
I am the most fortunate
To be your Mother

Yes, you make my days shine brighter
I embrace the bliss you brought along
Through you, I gained wisdom
Among other things in this world
You carry so much worth
With you, I found wealth
That is why I appreciate you
For so many reasons
Throughout the seasons
We have been winning
Hence, I need you so much
My precious child”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“A Letter to My Beloved Son

As you land on this place called Earth
Many things shall be unearthed
As the sun rises, it is compelled to set
Much as you are alive
It may be for a while
But the key things you require
So, listen my child!

Honour the gift of life
Value your time
Please be wise
Opt to be the light
Even on the darkest night
Do not lose sight
Of a future so bright
Follow what is right
For things to be alright
Believe in Jesus Christ
Let Him be your guide
Pray without ceasing
Know your calling
Keep on dreaming
You must believe
That you will succeed

You are part of me
I must tell you no lies
The world can be harsh sometimes
Remember little one
To keep moving forward
You will reap great rewards
And be very proud
With love, your loving Mom”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Such A Great Treasure

This is my lovely daughter
With a special place in my life
She melts my heart with her smile
Calms my nerves with laughter
For her, I have so much love
Love that will keep her warm
On cold winter nights
Even when I left ahead of time
God took care of her
Better than me being there
As I watch her from afar
I do appreciate
That she is truly mine
I once held her in my arms
And she named me her mom
What a privilege it was
To birth such a great treasure!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“This Life of Mine
Reflections of a fruitful Mother

I am now old
But I am also bold
My ideas I have sold
Through the stories I told
In too many folds
I narrated to my folks
The beauty of my walk
Hence, I will always talk
About the wonders of this world
The wealth of wisdom
I imparted to my children
And many others that came my way
I did not only live for myself
Yes, I graciously helped
I made a great impact
Hence, I do not regret
I am filled with gratitude
As I take this final breath
Knowing I have done my level best
It is time to depart the Earth
I still look back
As I thank the God of the Land
For this life of mine”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Until The End of Time

When I am old and grey
Almost on my way to the grave
As the smile begins to fade
And I find myself alone
Not necessarily lonely
For God will be with me
Will not fear to face tomorrow
Because I know that today
And every other day
My Lord still reigns
I believe in His power
Which transforms lives
Yes, I will hold on
No matter what, I will not let go
Until the end of time”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“It Is Well

At times when you are unwell
As you almost drown in a pool of tears
Walk away from any distress
And choose to say, ‘It is well.’

When life becomes so hard
And the pain you face becomes too sharp
When your days feel like cold nights
Be the one to say, ‘It is well.’

When you wonder which way to take
And you are unsure how you will get there
When you go through myriad tests
Trust the Lord and say, ‘It is well.’

When everything seems unfair
And people begin to doubt the God you serve
When you go through things you do not deserve
Learn to say, ‘It is well.’

Things will not always go your way
Because it is the Lord’s will that prevails
That is why in every circumstance
You should pray and say, ‘It is well.”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“You Are Wonderfully Made

You have a voice
And certainly, a choice

Speak out and let people listen
To what you have to say

Believe without a doubt
That you are not average

You can change the world
Inside of you, there is greatness

Yes, you must be great
Your life should not be in vain

For a purpose, you were created
So, do not feel intimidated

Go out there and be counted
Among the best of the best

Shine brighter and brighter
Because you are wonderfully made”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“Be The Best

I woke up every morning
Saying an earnest prayer
Asking the Angels to surround you
To keep you safe wherever you go
Remember to play your part
Please be smart
And wear your crown with pride
Ensure you rise
My precious child!
Always follow the light
When it gets dark at night
Continue to shine where you are
Look beyond the confines
Touch the skies
Make history
You are not ordinary
My own flesh and blood
Be the best!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Gift Gugu Mona
“It Can Be Done
An inspirational poem from a loving Mother to her child

It can be done!
Yes, we have to believe it
We have seen God do miracles for others
And we know He has power
To turn the situation around

It can be done!
It does not matter what happened in the past
It may seem impossible
But highly possible
To the Lord of all possibilities

It can be done!
Even if you have failed before
You can still try once more
Work until you are sure
Of a better outcome

It can be done!
As long as you do it with passion
Just go on your knees and say a prayer
Make sure you prosper
Because it can be done!”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman