People Quotes

Quotes tagged as "people" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 8,118
Nikki Rowe
“We hold on too long to peoples words. The thing is, people talk a lot of shit. They haven't the slicest clue on who they are, they'll speak in sentences to fill the void, but will have no real understanding about the depth of chapters.”
Nikki rowe

“Do not get angry when certain people underestimate you. It’s best to always take people unawares.”
Marilyn Oma Anona

Enock Maregesi
“Kuishi na watu vizuri ni ufundi mkubwa.”
Enock Maregesi

Haruki Murakami
“- E' come tra le persone?
Scossi la testa. - No, tra le persone è diverso. Il sentimento che proviamo per qualcuno, si trasforma sempre un po' in rapporto all'altro. Si modifica, vacilla, cresce, si spegne, viene respinto, ferisce. Nella maggior parte dei casi è difficile riuscire ad averne il controllo. Non è come con una Subaru.”
Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance

Steven Magee
“Hello Mauna Kea, aloha Hawaiian spirits.”
Steven Magee

Nitya Prakash
“We "are" the people our parents warned us about.”
Nitya Prakash

Aayush Verma
“The people who cannot adjust with you, will surely go against you”
Aayush Verma, Student Life

Steven Magee
“The USA is turning into a Nazi like country where sick people are treated like garbage.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Governments lie to put people in jail that they do not like.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“One of the biggest government frauds is denying eligible sickened people their disability benefits.”
Steven Magee

Svetlana Alexievich
“—Todo lo que conocemos de los horrores y temores tiene más que ver con la
guerra. El gulag estalinista y Auschwitz son recientes adquisiciones del mal. La
historia siempre ha sido un relato de guerras y de caudillos, y la guerra constituía,
digamos, la medida del horror. Por eso, la gente confunde los conceptos de guerra y
catástrofe. En Chernóbil se diría que están presentes todos los rasgos de la guerra:
muchos soldados, evacuación, hogares abandonados… Se ha destruido el curso de la
vida. Las informaciones sobre Chernóbil están plagadas de términos bélicos: átomo,
explosión, héroes… Y esta circunstancia dificulta la comprensión de que nos
hallamos ante una nueva historia. Ha empezado la historia de las catástrofes… Pero
el hombre no quiere pensar en esto, porque nunca se ha parado a pensar en esto; se
esconde tras aquello que le resulta conocido. Tras el pasado.
Hasta los monumentos a los héroes de Chernóbil parecen militares.”
Svetlana Alexievich, Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster

Svetlana Alexievich
“—Todo lo que conocemos de los horrores y temores tiene más que ver con la guerra. El gulag estalinista y Auschwitz son recientes adquisiciones del mal. La historia siempre ha sido un relato de guerras y de caudillos, y la guerra constituía, digamos, la medida del horror. Por eso, la gente confunde los conceptos de guerra y catástrofe. En Chernóbil se diría que están presentes todos los rasgos de la guerra: muchos soldados, evacuación, hogares abandonados… Se ha destruido el curso de la vida. Las informaciones sobre Chernóbil están plagadas de términos bélicos: átomo, explosión, héroes… Y esta circunstancia dificulta la comprensión de que nos hallamos ante una nueva historia. Ha empezado la historia de las catástrofes… Pero el hombre no quiere pensar en esto, porque nunca se ha parado a pensar en esto; se esconde tras aquello que le resulta conocido. Tras el pasado.
Hasta los monumentos a los héroes de Chernóbil parecen militares.”
Svetlana Alexievich, Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster

Steven Magee
“Smart people replace fear of radiation with understanding of radiation.”
Steven Magee

Svetlana Alexievich
“Somos guerreros. Mi padre, en todo el tiempo que recuerdo, llevó ropa militar, aunque no lo era. Pensar en el dinero era de burgueses; preocuparte por tu propia vida, no patriótico. El estado normal era el hambre. Ellos, nuestros padres, sobrevivieron al desastre, por tanto también nosotros debíamos superarlo. No había otra manera de convertirse en un hombre de verdad. Nos han enseñado a luchar y a sobrevivir bajo cualquier circunstancia. A mí mismo, después del servicio militar, la vida civil me resultaba insulsa. Salíamos en grupo por la noche a la ciudad en busca de emociones fuertes.”
Svetlana Alexievich, Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster

“Sometimes people just get tried of you, just try and reduce to hurt yourself caring ‘bout them.”
Jordan Hoechlin

“I have been given so much in life merely for knowing how to ask for it.”
Daniel V Chappell

“I don't think something can constitute a journey unless it leaves one's world looking different than before.”
Daniel V Chappell

James S.A. Corey
“I don’t want to bet my life on other people being smart.”
James S.A. Corey, Persepolis Rising

“Offer a man something he's starved for, suddenly take it away, and watch hell ensue.”
Daniel V Chappell

“Action wanes anxiety because when you act, you improve the circumstance you were anxious about which then improves the thought you're responding to.”
Daniel V Chappell

Steven Magee
“There is no shortage of dead people in graveyards that got there through blood clots.”
Steven Magee

Nitya Prakash
“You think you need the people who come to you only when they need something? What the fuck are you, a convenience store or something?”
Nitya Prakash

“this larger than life space was in fact just a room like any other. It struck Katie then how much it was about the people who filled a space with drama and personality, with love and grudges and out-size emotion, that made a place what it was.”
Camille Perri, When Katie Met Cassidy

Steven Magee
“I am one of the most dangerous people to USA corporate culture.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The thing that I am looking for in the next presidential election is a female that represents the people and not toxic corporations.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Regarding electrical rooms, I advise people to stay at least 30 feet away from them in all directions.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When it comes to solar modules and solar inverters, I advise people to keep their distance from them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When it comes to smart meters, I advise people to keep their distance from them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I am one of the most dangerous people to the solar industry.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The corrupt corporate controlled government is largely an untrustworthy group of people.”
Steven Magee

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