Pick Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pick" Showing 31-50 of 50
Brian Selznick
“She walked to the rear door and took out a bobby pin from her pocket. Hugo watched as she fiddled with the pin inside the lock until it clicked and the door opened. "How did you learn to do that?" asked Hugo. "Books," answered Isabelle.”
Brian Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Amit Kalantri
“If I have only one coin left in the world, I will buy a rose to propose to you.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“Children have always liked the princess story, but they never knew what was her name. I think the princess was, is and will always be you.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“If sleep wasn't necessary, I would have used those 8 hours just to gaze at you.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Israelmore Ayivor
“Never climb the tree with the reason of plucking a fruit; only to get there and pick a leaf. Let everything you get there to do be done and let it be done well!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Amit Kalantri
“In material things, there are seven wonders; in human beings there is only one wonder - and that's you.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Where are Angels like you are from?”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

“When taking Spock to see the spores, Leila comments, "It's not much further." having been beaten about the head severely on the difference between "further" and "farther," I believe I can say with some trembling confidence that she should say, "it's not much farther." "Further" means "to a greater extent or degree" whereas "farther" means "to a greater distance." (I know this is really picky, but hey, that's my business.)”
Phil Farrand, The Nitpicker's Guide for Classic Trekkers

Amit Kalantri
“I am a mathematician and I can confidently say that the best figure ever produced is your phone number.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Israelmore Ayivor
“Pick a mentor. Select and be closer to someone who is there to talk to you, inspire you, and be on you, monitoring your affairs and movements for the best reasons and ensuring that your dreams become fruitful.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

Amit Kalantri
“The moon is too old, the flower is too old;even the sunset is not enough. The only relevant metaphor for you is your mirror image.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“If sleep wasn't necessary, I would have used those 8 hours to gaze at you.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Israelmore Ayivor
“God gave the seed, but he wants the fruits back. Pick the seeds up. Plant the best ones. He promised the rain. It will be a bumper harvest!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Israelmore Ayivor
“Dream thieves are those who leave their real dreams aside and struggle to pick other people's dreams to work on. They suffer to do attempt what they can't do,”
Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

Amit Kalantri
“If beauty had religious and spiritual importance, there would have been your temples all around the world.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

Amit Kalantri
“The blinking of eyes is an involuntary reflex action, provided they eyes are not watching your beauty.”
Amit Kalantri, I Love You Too

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