Pip Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pip" Showing 1-30 of 33
Charles Dickens
“In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Charles Dickens
“You are in every line I have ever read.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
tags: pip

Charles Dickens
“The unqualified truth is, that when I loved Estella with the love of a man, I loved her simply because I found her irresistible. Once for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Once for all; I love her none the less because I knew it, and it had no more influence in restraining me, than if I had devoutly believed her to be human perfection.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Richard Rider
“Valentine clears his throat. "So. Why can't you just say it?"
"Say what?"
"You know what."
"It's hardly the time or place."
"It is if you're dying."
"I can't."
"You're a dick. Just fucking say it!"
"I can't! I'm... English."
"What am I, a Martian? I say it all the time. I know you love me, why can't you say it?"
"If you know, then why do I have to?"
"You're missing the point a bit."
"I took your bullet, you little twat, don't you dare question whether I love you."
"Yeah, but you could say it."
The throb of the gunshots is pounding all down his arm and body. The pain's so bad he wants to cry, like he's five and he's skinned his knee coming off his bike.
"Je t'aime," he says, through gritted teeth, to shut the kid up. "Je ne sais pas pourquoi. Tu es... complètement bête, tu t'habilles comme une pute travestie, je hais ta musique, tu es fou, tu me rends fou, mais je suis fou de toi et je pense à toi tout le temps et je t'aime, oui. Tu comprends? Je t'aime. Seulement... pas en anglais. Je ne peux pas."
Valentine's shifting about like he's uncomfortable. "I ain't got no idea what you just said but I think I need to change my pants."
"Maintenant, ta gueule.”
Richard Rider, Stockholm Syndrome

Charles Dickens
“I never had one hour's happiness in her society, and yet my mind all round the four-and-twenty hours was harping on the happiness of having her with me unto death.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Charles Dickens
“In a word, it was impossible for me to separate her, in the past or in the present, from the innermost life of my life.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Charles Dickens
“The secret was such an old one now, had so grown into me and become a part of myself, that I could not tear it away.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Richard Rider
“I like walking round London at night, I do it all the time. Not for no reason, just cos... it's home, innit? It's brilliant, you can't ever get bored of London cos even if you live here for like a hundred and fifty years you still won't ever know everything about it. There's always something new. Like, you're walking round somewhere you've known since you was born and you look up and there's an old clock on the side of a building you never seen before, or there's a little gargoyley face over a window or something. Don't you think it's cool?”
Richard Rider, No Beginning, No End

Richard Rider
“Everyone always knows what they're doing," he says abruptly, still not looking up from his hands, the little plastic pot and the old tattoo and the new white dressing on his left wrist. "You know what you're doing, you got your work and your friends and everything and miserable headfucky little teenage girly boys think you're amazing and, I don't know, you might've saved my life, who knows? I might be dead if it weren't for you and Olly but people can't keep looking after me all the time cos that ain't healthy neither, that's just as bad as people not giving a fuck at all. And, like... I'm trying to sort my head out and be a proper grown-up and get my degree and go to work and look after them kids and make sure my dad ain't kicking my sister round the house like a football but it's just so hard all the time, and I know I ain't got no right to complain cos that's just life, ain't it? Everyone's the same, least I ain't got money worries or nothing. I just don't know what I'm doing, everything's too hard. I can try and try forever but I can't be good enough for no one so what the fuck's the point?”
Richard Rider, 17 Black and 29 Red

Charles Dickens
“She stood looking at me, and, of course, I stood looking at her.
"Am I pretty?"
"Yes; I think you are very pretty."
"Am I insulting?"
"Not so much so as you were last time," said I.
"Not so much so?"
She fired when she asked the last question, and she slapped my face with such force as she had, when I answered it.
"Now," said she. "You little course monster, what do you think of me now?"
"I shall not tell you."
"Because you are going to tell upstairs. Is that it?"
"No," said I. "That is not it."
"Why don't you cry again, you little wretch?"
"Because I'll never cry for you again," said I.”
Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens
“In una parola, ero troppo codardo per fare quello che sapevo essere giusto, così come ero stato troppo codardo per evitare di fare quello che sapevo sbagliato. A quel tempo, non avevo avuto nessuna esperienza del mondo e non imitavo nessuno dei suoi molti abitanti che agiscono in questo modo. Genio assolutamente naturale, scoprii questa linea di condotta tutto da solo.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Charles Dickens
“Biddy was never insulting, or capricious, or Biddy to-day and somebody else to-morrow; she would have derived only pain, and no pleasure, from giving me pain; she would far rather have wounded her own breast than mine. How could it be, then, that I did not like her much the better of the two?”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
tags: pip

Charles Dickens
“Nel piccolo mondo in cui i bambini vivono la loro esistenza, chiunque li allevi, non c'è nulla che venga percepito più acutamente dell'ingiustizia. Può darsi che sia solo una piccola ingiustizia quella che il bambino si trova a subire; ma il bambino è piccolo, e il suo mondo è piccolo, e il suo cavallino a dondolo è tante spanne più alto di lui quanto, in proporzione, un cavallo irlandese dalla grossa ossatura. Io, dentro di me, avevo sostenuto un perpetuo conflitto contro l'ingiustizia fin dalla prima infanzia.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Richard Rider
“It ain't embarrassing just thinking something's hot. You can be as sensible and respectable as you like through all the day and night but all that goes out the window when it's about sex. Just go with it. If it makes you hard and it ain't hurting no one who don't wanna get hurt, then it's a good thing. No drama. You need to just let go sometimes.”
Richard Rider, No Beginning, No End
tags: kinks, pip

Lara Morgan
“Don't be a hero for me."
Only for you, Rosie thought but didn't say it.”
Lara Morgan, Dark Star

Lara Morgan
“Rosie, it's okay, it's me."
She knew that voice. She pulled the hand off her mouth.
He let her go and she spun around.
He smiled, blue eyes glinting. "Surprise."
For a second she was too stunned to move, then she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight, almost knocking him off balance.”
Lara Morgan, Dark Star

Charles Dickens
“The mists had all solemnly risen now, and the world lay spread before me.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
tags: pip

Charles Dickens
“Está feliz por se despedir de novo, Estella? Pois, para mim, as despedidas são uma coisa dolorosa. Para mim, a lembrança de nossa última despedida será sempre dolorosa.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Charles Dickens
“...sapevo, con mio grande dolore, molto spesso, se non sempre, che l'amavo a dispetto della ragione, a dispetto di ogni promessa, a dispetto della mia pace, a dispetto della speranza, a dispetto della felicità, a dispetto di ogni possibile scoraggiamento. Una volta per tutte: non l'amavo di meno perché lo sapevo, e il fatto che lo sapessi non valeva a frenarmi...”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Charles Dickens
“Engana-se, Estella! Faz parte de minha vida desde que a conheci, faz parde de mim mesmo! Eu a vi em cada linha que li depois da primeira vez que aqui vim, sendo ainda um pobre menino grosseiro e vulgar, um menino cujo coração feriu. Desde então esteve em todos os meus sonhos de futuro. No rio, nas velas dos navios, nos pântanos, nas nuvens, na luz, nas sombras no vento, no mar, nos matos e nas ruas foi a personificação de todas as fantasias graciosas que meu espírito concebeu. As pedras com que se construíram os mais sólidos edifícios de Londres não são mais reais do que a sua influência sobre mim. E lhe seria mais fácil deslocá-las com suas mãos de mulher do que afastar da minha vida a sua presença constante e sua influência. Aqui em toda parte. Hoje e sempre, Estella. Até a última hora da minha vida, Estella, viverá no íntimo do meu ser, será uma parte do pouco do bem e do pouco do mal que há em mim. Mas quando estivermos longe um do outro, nas minhas recordações eu a associarei sempre ao bem, só ao bem, porque deve me ter feito muito mais bem do que mal. Apesar do sofrimento atroz que agora sinto... Oh! que Deus a guarde! que Deus a Perdoe.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Elizabeth Hoyt
“She climbed into the carriage and sat down across from the other lady. Pip hopped inside.
Miss Royle smiled down at the terrier. "Oh, what a sweet little dog!"
Pip wagged his tail and placed his front paws on Miss Royle's skirts for a pat and Bridget began to suspect he was a flirt.”
Elizabeth Hoyt, Duke of Sin

“Smallpox,' ' Zach read aloud when the page was passed to him.
'It was eradicated by the nineteen eighties,' Pip said.
'Oi, no time travel.' Jamie whacked her on the head with his master booklet.”
Holly Jackson, Kill Joy : A Good Girl's Guide to Murder 4

“You're lucky I didn't put you in the ground too.”
Holly Jackson

Holly  Jackson
“If that was the cause - all these ambiguities, these contradictions, these grey areas that spread and engulfed all sense - how could Pip rectify that? How could she cure herself from the after effects?”
Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

Charles Dickens
“Once more, the mists were rising as I walked away. If they disclosed to me, as I suspect they did, that I should not come back, and that Biddy was quite right, all I can say is—they were quite right too.”
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

“Real men wear floral while trespassing”
Holly Jackson

“Pip wasn't there to save Andie, but maybe Andie was there to save her.”
Holly Jackson, A Good Girl'S Guide To Murder

“I love you. I can't..I can't. You're my Pip and I'm your Ravi. We're a team.”
Holly Jackson, A Good Girl'S Guide To Murder

“I can't. I'm just some kid, remember.'
'An idiot said that to you ' he said. 'You are not just some anything. You're Pippa fricking Fitz-Amobi'. He smiled and it was the saddest thing she'd ever seen.”
Holly Jackson, A Good Girl'S Guide To Murder

“Don't try to make me feel bad for you,' Pip told him quietly, turning away to study the buttons and dials on the control panel. 'You evil piece of shit.”

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