Power Of Thought Quotes

Quotes tagged as "power-of-thought" Showing 1-21 of 21
Sonia Choquette
“Your own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize. Your words are the greatest power you have. The words you choose and their use establish the life you experience.”
Sonia Choquette

Steve Toltz
“I believe that a person's thoughts often manifest into actual events - that we think things into existence. Right? Well, think about this: one of the illnesses that has become an epidemic in the Western world is an addiction to news. Newspapers, Internet news, 24-hour news channels. And what is news? News is history in the making. So the addiction to news is the addiction to the outcome of history. Are you with me so far?'
'I get it. Go on.'
'In the past couple of decades, news has been produced as entertainment. So people's addiction to news is the addiction to its function as entertainment. If you combine the power of thought with this addiction to entertaining news, then the part of the hundreds of millions of people, the viewing public, that wishes peace on earth is overshadowed by the part of them that wants the next chapter in the story. Every person who turns on the news and finds there's no developments is disappointed. They're checking the news two or three times a day - they want drama, and drama means not only death but death by the thousands, so in the secrets parts of themselves, every news-addicted person is hoping for greater calamity, more bodies, more spectacular wars, more hideous enemy attacks, and these wishes are going out every day into the world. Don't you see? Right now, more than at any other time in history, the universal wish is a black one.”
Steve Toltz, A Fraction of the Whole

Kate McGahan
“Everything we do in life is creating everything that’s coming. Our thoughts and our words become things manifest in our lives. Each time my Master sent me to the right place at the right time.”
Kate McGahan, Jack McAfghan: Return from Rainbow Bridge: A Dog's Afterlife Story of Loss, Love and Renewal

“You can sit and focus out of the Vortex and your life won't change at all.
You can sit and focus in the Vortex and your life will change magnificently.”
Abraham Hicks

“Everything That Is, is the result of vibration. And if you don't like the result, change the vibration, that's all!

'How do I change a vibration?'
Think differently.

'Well, how do I think differently? That's the way I've always thought.'
Well, start paying attention to how the thoughts feel instead of the content of the thought.”
Abraham Hicks

Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane, The Black Riders and Other Lines

Seth Adam Smith
“Everything that is given to us in life is either a blessing or a curse.”
Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern

Debasish Mridha
“It is not very important where you are, but where your thoughts are taking you is important.”
Debasish Mridha

Neale Donald Walsch
“Your Life is always a result of your thoughts.
Events, occurrences, happenings, conditions, circumstances - all are created out of consciousness.
"Fate" can be an acronym for "From All Thoughts Everywhere." In other words, the consciousness of the planet. The "collective consciousness".”
Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1

Donna Goddard
“Our thoughts and prayers have so much power. If people realised this, they would be much more careful where they let their thoughts drift.”
Donna Goddard, Together

“What people do not understand is that you do not choose something by looking at it and shouting "Yes, I would like some of that!"

You make your choices by your attention to things.

In this Universe that is based on attraction, when you look at an unwanted thing, your attention to it causes an activation of the Vibration within you, and then the Law of Attraction brings more like it into your experience.”
Abraham Hicks

Melanie A. Smith
“The mind is powerful … If you let it tell you you can’t do something, you won’t.”
Melanie A. Smith, Last Kiss Under the Mistletoe

Elizabeth M. Lykins
“We do not have any power over external events. Conversely, events have no power to cause us to think or feel any particular way, even though they may adversely affect our physical surroundings. What we do have is an amazing power; the power to choose the way we look at events, which, in turn, effects our feelings about them. Choose wisely, the thoughts you entertain.”
Elizabeth M. Lykins, Reflections on Transcendence

Michael ONeill
“Our thoughts are the only things that we, as human beings, have absolute control over. They are powerful. Nurture them. Respect them. Guard them as if your life depends upon them, because it does. They are what control all of the circumstances and experiences in our lives.”
Michael ONeill, Road Work: Images And Insights Of A Modern Day Explorer

“The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of God. I could show you that whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely would instantly come to pass.”
Yogananda Paramhansa, Autobiography of a Yogi

Lahiri Mahasaya
“A woman chela [disciple] once asked the guru [Lahiri Mahasaya] for his photograph. He handed her a print, remarking, "If you deem it a protection, then it is so; otherwise it is only a picture.”
Lahiri Mahasaya

Kenneth S. Cohen
“There is a qigong saying, "When the intent (yi) arrives, the qi [life force] arrives." This means that the more your mind is focused on what you are doing, the more qi you can develop and control.”
Kenneth S. Cohen, The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing

“I can choose my focus!
I can choose whether to look at what feels awful, what terrifies me, or robs me of hope. or to what builds me up, delights, makes me happy and giggle.
This is all I need to know to have a wonderful day, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.”
Elke Heinrich