Prayed Quotes

Quotes tagged as "prayed" Showing 1-10 of 10
“Was there no one to help? He instinctively bowed his head and prayed. A warm feeling engulfed his battered body. “I’m not alone, I will never be alone. God is with me”
Mark A. Cooper, The Edelweiss Express

Sherman Alexie
“I hoped and prayed that they would someday forgive me for leaving them. I hoped and prayed that I would someday forgive myself for leaving them.”
Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Israelmore Ayivor
“Stop and say something good about yourself! Believe what you have just said! Pray for what you have just believed! Have faith for what you just prayed for! Work out that faith! ...and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Kamand Kojouri
“Last night, I spoke to God.
I told Him my plans. He started to cry.
I thought I was great to move The Greatest to tears.
He said that He was crying only because
my plans were very different
than His plans for me.”
Kamand Kojouri

Michael  Grant
“I’m killing Zil. Clear enough? I’m putting him down.”
“Whoa, man,” Edilio said. “That’s not what we do. We’re the good guys, right?”
“There has to be an end to it, Edilio.” He wiped soot from his face with the back of his hand, but smoke had filled his eyes with tears. “I can’t keep doing it and never reaching the end.”
“It’s not your call anymore,” Edilio said.
Sam turned a steely glare on him. “You too? Now you’re siding with Astrid?”
“Man, there have to be limits,” Edilio said.
Sam stood staring down the street. The fire was out of control. All of Sherman was burning, from one end to the other. If they were lucky it wouldn’t jump to another street. But one way or the other, Sherman was lost.
“We should be looking to save any kids that are trapped,” Edilio said.
Sam didn’t answer.
“Sam,” Edilio pleaded.
“I begged Him to let me die, Edilio. I prayed to the God who Astrid likes so much and I said, God, if You’re there, kill me. Don’t let me feel this pain anymore.”
Edilio said nothing.
“You don’t understand, Edilio,” Sam said so softly, he doubted Edilio could hear him over the roar and crackle of the fire raging all around them. “You can’t do anything else with people like this. You have to kill them all. Zil. Caine. Drake. You just have to kill them. So right now, I’m starting with Zil and his crew,” Sam said. “You can come with me or not.”
Michael Grant, Lies

Gift Gugu Mona
“No matter how much you have lost in life. No matter how long you have prayed and waited for an answer. The God of possibilities can still do it for you. Have faith and acknowledge His ways. He will show you His Grace.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes

Gift Gugu Mona
“The Sacred Place of A Loving Mother

It felt so unreal
The atmosphere surreal
Yet, you had serenity
As you said your final goodbyes
With conviction, you waved at us
Until you gave your last breath
That was the end of you on Earth

Years go by and I realise
I hope to see you one more time
So, I keep looking around
Your departure left in me a gaping wound
That wound sometimes bleeds
No matter how much I try to hide it
I cannot help but long for you Mommy

Your beautiful smile calmed my nerves
Your warm presence gave me calmness
Your gentle kindness changed who I am
Your wealth of wisdom helped me grow
Your staunch support kept me strong
Your sincere sacrifices brought me hope
Your powerful prayers made me a conqueror

If you could hear my voice
I would whisper the words “I love you.”
If you could see my face
You would realise that I miss you
If you could look at me now
You would understand how much I need you
If you could notice my tears
I know you would wipe them there and there
If you could get closer to me
You would give me a hug and say, “It is okay.”
Because right now, I feel it is not Mama!
Deep in my heart, there is a vacuum
A vacuum that no one can ever fill
Every time I am at crossroads
I wonder what you would say or do
Living next to you was a great blessing
You were an amazing parent to me
And you will always be my inspiration

In sadness, I recall how you prayed
In happiness, I recount how you praised the Lord
In the wilderness, I remember how you trusted God
It is still hard to believe you are gone
I will cherish you forever
My loving Mother
No one can ever take your sacred place”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

“That God was cognizant, independent from me, and powerful. Maybe it didn’t matter so much that we prayed, as it mattered to whom we prayed. The God I’d met in that jail cell was a being who could listen and respond, not just through my subjective feelings or emotions, but objectively. He really changed things, which meant He existed outside of myself. He wasn’t just the product of wishful thinking. He was real.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“When I realized that I had experienced a miracle, I couldn’t help but think that the God to whom I had prayed must have orchestrated this whole thing. I demanded that He give me my phone back, and He did so in a way that made it obvious it wasn’t just a coincidence. It led me directly into the clutches of the law. What I wanted led me to what I didn’t want. What I wanted led me to what I hated. Getting my phone led to me getting arrested. I could choose whatever path I wanted, I could demand my own way, but there would be consequences. God wanted me to understand that every decision has consequences.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose