Presidential Election Quotes

Quotes tagged as "presidential-election" Showing 1-20 of 20
The job facing American voters… in the days and years to come is to determine
“The job facing American voters… in the days and years to come is to determine which hearts, minds and souls command those qualities best suited to unify a country rather than further divide it, to heal the wounds of a nation as opposed to aggravate its injuries, and to secure for the next generation a legacy of choices based on informed awareness rather than one of reactions based on unknowing fear.”
Aberjhani, Illuminated Corners: Collected Essays and Articles Volume I.

Quentin R. Bufogle
“After listening to Rick Santorum, I'm now for late-term abortions (say up to age 53).”
Quentin R. Bufogle

Steven Magee
“When a presidential candidate is publicly requesting help from the Russians, you know that there is something seriously going wrong in the USA.”
Steven Magee

Noam Chomsky
“Small differences in a system of great power can have enormous consequences. [Source: Al Jazeera 'Upfront' interview]”
Noam Chomsky


Choose a leader who will invest in
Building bridges, not walls.
Books, not weapons.
Morality, not corruption.
Intellectualism and wisdom, not ignorance.
Stability, not fear and terror.
Peace, not chaos.
Love, not hate.
Convergence, not segregation.
Tolerance, not discrimination.
Fairness, not hypocrisy.
Substance, not superficiality.
Character, not immaturity.
Transparency, not secrecy.
Justice, not lawlessness.
Environmental improvement and preservation, not destruction.
Truth, not lies.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Steven Magee
“The 2016 USA presidential election race clarified how an evil Nazi dictator like Adolf Hitler was able to come to power in global politics.”
Steven Magee

“During the campaign, I supported and encouraged the Clinton campaign strategy, but in hindsight, I lost track of one of the core lessons of Obama's success--campaigns are about telling the American people a story--a story about where we are, where we are going, and why you are the right person, and your opponent is the wrong person, to take the country there. It's a story that needs to be compelling, but also easily understood, and then driven home by the candidate and the campaign with relentless discipline.”
Dan Pfeiffer, Yes We (Still) Can: Politics in the Age of Obama, Twitter, and Trump

John Heilemann
“You have two choices, [Plouffe] told Obama. You can stay in the Senate, enjoy your weekends at home, take regular vacations, and have a lovely time with your family. Or you can run for president, have your whole life poked at and pried into, almost never see your family, travel incessantly, bang your tin cup for donations like some street-corner beggar, lead a lonely, miserable life.”
John Heilemann, Mark Halperin, Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime

“You don't fight America…You get America’s Democratic and Republican parties to fight each other... and destroy each other. Worst case scenario…the enemy can slip thru the back door while they are fight like third graders.
~~High Commander Mustafa”
James Morris Robinson, Accelerant...The Sixth Extinction

“Everybody has seen what happens when an ordinary person takes on a title or an office. When a new president is inaugurated, he takes on the awe and respect of his office and begins to act like a president. Ordinary men (and I would certainly hope, one day, ordinary women)...lose their old roles and become the president.”
Kaleel Jamison, The Nibble Theory and the Kernel of Power: A Book about Leadership, Self-Empowerment, and Personal Growth

Erin Passons
“Just after midnight, I text my parents who live in Florida: Please tell me you didn’t help elect him.

No reply.

The next morning, New York City wakes up with a wet, gray yawn. The air is thick with mist. The city moves at a slower, muffled pace. New Yorkers rarely make eye contact; today isn’t much different, except when eyes meet, they lock for a moment in shared grief. Everyone’s shoulders bend forward, the world weighing heavier on them than it did yesterday.

The sidewalks and the coffee shops are quiet. Even the subway paces through its underground veins in somber silence. My husband tells me: “The city hasn’t been this quiet since 9/11.”

—Melissa Lirtsman”
Erin Passons, The Nasty Women Project: Voices from the Resistance

“I like Sanders a lot...but I think his time may have passed.”
Robert Kuttner

“Trump continued, "I asked Paula {White} to invite some of her friends here that she believes are in contact with God, so that you guys can pray for me that God gives me the wisdom to make the right decision as to whether I run [for President} or not.”
Pastor Darrell Scott, Nothing to Lose: Unlikely Allies in the Struggle for a Better Black America

Donald J. Trump
“Peacefully, and patriotically make your voices heard.”
President Donald J. Trump

Raymond Khoury
“We'll elect any bumbling fool, any champion of mediocrity to the highest office in the land as long as they have God as their running mate.”
Raymond Khoury, The Sign

Theodore Roosevelt
“We stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord!”
Theodore Roosevelt

“He (George Washington) saw those dangers to good government without even exposure to today’s runaway election expenses. For the presidency alone, what is more wasteful than the multimillions of dollars raised and spent for presidential primaries? All evidence is that today, the true best and brightest of our potential national leaders have no appetite for entering into the long, long months of primaries, raising and spending those multimillions, exhausting all that money and themselves, getting their careers dissected and maligned. Then, the “lucky” winner emerging in the fall is usually so smeared by his primary rivals that the other party simply has to raise a few reminders of what a candidate’s own party “friends” had said about him or her. Hell of a system, after more than 230 years of the evolution of our democracy.”
Bob Knight, The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach to Achieving Positive Results

Niedria D. Kenny
“Exactly when was America great? I am only asking to understand the exact time frame we are going back to for a heard-up and better perspective and preparedness.”
Niedria D. Kenny